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Pro-Piracy Act of 2009


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I had such a good reply to this and I totally lost it* and now it's past freshness.

At any rate, lamuella and maybe a couple others have from the formation of your alliance been touting the "we're not the old GOONS" line and from the same time salithus and a few others have been defecating all over that. I know it was promised during numerous diplomatic overtures made by your alliance that this wasn't "the same crowd". Now you guys are saying the exact opposite and claiming those things were never said.

Tech-raiding is a reality that I abhor and will always campaign against. Aiding those aggressors who bite off more than they can chew just so you can poke fun at another alliance is deplorable; I don't know whether you intend to actually turn these words to action, but I sincerely hope not. If this is indeed the path (in b4 stale unjust path joke) you intend to follow then, as I said, so be it.

*OOC: )): unreliable wireless networks

No, we said we are not the guys who are going to make fun of someone playing this game for [ooc]HAVING AIDS IN REAL LIFE*[/ooc]. We said nothing about being boring pixel farmers.

*Sorry that I have to spell this crap out. People here are incredibly dense.

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don't be so hard on yourself.

Oh hi there new GOONS. If you're interested in a history lesson, there are plenty of reliable sources that I'll be able to point you to. Maybe then you'll understand why you got destroyed the first time around.

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Oh hi there new GOONS. If you're interested in a history lesson, there are plenty of reliable sources that I'll be able to point you to. Maybe then you'll understand why you got destroyed the first time around.

If you're offering lessons in condescending tones and how to act all sarcastic like that, oh boy....sign me up. You must feel big.

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If you're offering lessons in condescending tones and how to act all sarcastic like that, oh boy....sign me up. You must feel big.

I'd offer lessons, but you're too busy repeating the stupid mistakes of history. I must admit, I am feeling a little small, definitely not big enough to run around on the forums showing how tough I am by sanctioning the destruction of tiny nations. Really, we're all impressed. It's a tried and true act, a real crowd pleaser. See you in a year.

Edited by Vilien
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I'd offer lessons, but you're too busy repeating the stupid mistakes of history. I must admit, I am feeling a little small, definitely not big enough to run around on the forums showing how tough I am by sanctioning the destruction of tiny nations. Really, we're all impressed. It's a tried and true act, a real crowd pleaser. See you in a year.

So it's a date! ^_^ Lovin' you 'moralists'...often the most vocal of all 'good guys'. Please, teach us how to live our lives. I'm sure you have some sort of guide for us.

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So it's a date! ^_^ Lovin' you 'moralists'...often the most vocal of all 'good guys'. Please, teach us how to live our lives. I'm sure you have some sort of guide for us.

You seemed to be doing fine by yourselves. You know, until you decided to ruin other peoples' days for no reason. The guide's pretty simple, actually. Leave other people alone. Don't be a jerk. Too hard for you?

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I'd offer lessons, but you're too busy repeating the stupid mistakes of history.

I fail to see how GOONS being the most successful alliance in CN prior to its fall teaches us anything against pro-raider policies.

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You seemed to be doing fine by yourselves. You know, until you decided to ruin other peoples' days for no reason. The guide's pretty simple, actually. Leave other people alone. Don't be a jerk. Too hard for you?

Yeah, pretty much.

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I fail to see how GOONS being the most successful alliance in CN prior to its fall teaches us anything against pro-raider policies.

Riding on the backs of other alliances doesn't equate to success. Also, relevant parts have been bolded for emphasis.

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Riding on the backs of other alliances doesn't equate to success. Also, relevant parts have been bolded for emphasis.

Haha, you were offering history lessons earlier, and then you post this. You, sir, are a comedian.

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Riding on the backs of other alliances doesn't equate to success. Also, relevant parts have been bolded for emphasis.

Your logical flaw is assuming the fall was caused by raid-friendly policies.

It wasn't.

As far as riding on the backs of other alliances went, we were more than capable of holding our own, until the end of course.

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Haha, you were offering history lessons earlier, and then you post this. You, sir, are a comedian.

I'll assume you haven't done any reading, and you don't know what I'm talking about, because that's far more flattering that willfully ignoring the truth.

Your logical flaw is assuming the fall was caused by raid-friendly policies.

It wasn't.

As far as riding on the backs of other alliances went, we were more than capable of holding our own, until the end of course.

Part of the reason for your downfall, or at least popular support for it, was that you conducted yourselves terribly on the OWF. You're following that up pretty nicely. A few more announcements like these and it'll be just like the good 'ol days.

Edited by Vilien
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I'll assume you haven't done any reading, and you don't know what I'm talking about, because that's far more flattering that willfully ignoring the truth.

Yes, because reading the history would be far more effective than actually experiencing it, right?

You're quite yadda-yadda up in here. Same old retorts, same old 'nothing good about GOONS' thing. Keep it up, you'll tire out eventually.

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GOON leadership stopped caring long before the war started and were more concered with petty games (OOC Mini Putt) then with the welfare of their alliance. GOONS had no chance.

it seems like you're saying is that the demise of the old GOONS was down to the inaction and apathy of its leadership, not down to its policy decisions.

If so, that's great, as our government is motivated, active, and (as we've said since our first appearance) out to play the game rather than breaking it.

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Riding on the backs of other alliances doesn't equate to success. Also, relevant parts have been bolded for emphasis.

Once again with the re-written history. GOONS was highly successful on their own merits, not to mention that no single alliance has ever stood for long on it's own strength alone (I swear to god if you say NPO did I will slap you).

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Yes, because reading the history would be far more effective than actually experiencing it, right?

You're quite yadda-yadda up in here. Same old retorts, same old 'nothing good about GOONS' thing. Keep it up, you'll tire out eventually.

I love it when you say "same old, same old". It's just so... appropriate.

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