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Union of Communist Republics- Recognition of War


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The level of fail arising from this thread is just classic.

fwiw if GDA comes to the fight, you can atleast rest assured the war will quickly swing back the other way

... I have already said this. We are trying to peacefully resolve this.

/me facepalms

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Well lets put it this way. The UCR is the vitim. Your member raided one of theres so they responded in a natural way in which everyone else would respond. Of course you knew that your member broke the rules but you still wanted them to pay for the damages even though the alliance was just protecting itself. So your alliance is just war mongers, who think they dont have to go by the rules because the other guy is smaller.

You are misreading the OP and the whole thread the nation in question is not a GDA nation but rather an ICB nation. We were not involved in talks for peace, reparations or anything of the like.

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The level of fail arising from this thread is just classic.

fwiw if GDA comes to the fight, you can atleast rest assured the war will quickly swing back the other way

You do realize that UCR is already pitifully outnumbered. Its not gonna swing around. Its gonna go to one side so much there's too few victims for the alliances to even attack

Edited by Itsuki Koizumi
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Wait, what? I'm not sure if you're trying to put words in my mouth, or if you have some personal vendetta against us, or if you've simply misunderstood the events leading up to this declaration.

The offending nation, the one who has been in an alliance for only 18 days, the one who's 37 days old, is still new to this game. He made a mistake. UCR then decides to declare war on him, ICB asks them to stop while they discuss the matter. UCR refuses. ICB gets tired of UCR wasting their time, and then asks for reps (which I have said in my "Official stance" that I do not condone). And here we are.

Now, I don't know if you do it differently, but if someone raids a GDA nation, I head on over to the offending party's IRC channel, let someone know about it, we discuss reparations, and we both go on our merry way. I do not send 3 nations to counterattack, because that just escalates the situation. And I think it's safe to say, about 90% of raids out there are simply nations who do not know the general rules of CN and have no other malicious intent.

I have said I am working on a solution, and I am hopeful that this can resolve peacefully, as I have said before. For the last time (because someone will probably miss this part) the reparations asked by ICB are something I don't agree with.

This could have probably been solved very quietly in 5 minutes by GDA stuffing a bit of cash ($6-9 mill) in some pockets and then aiding the raider up after the matter was closed. Instead...you've got a nice PR mess on your hands. Good luck? :shrug:

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He made a mistake attacking an alliance that isn't full of pushovers. Thus he needs to accept the consequences. I do not see UCR demanding his total destruction. They merely wish for peace for their member, however, your protectorate is extorting them instead they should have simply ordered peace. Then the matter would have been done with. Do not fault UCR for your protectorate's own gross incompetence.

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Please work this out diplomatically and peacefully. This shouldn't have gone this far, and I'm counting on GDA to straighten it out, which I'm sure they will. GDA is surely not going to curbstomp anyone, it's not like them.

Edited by Thrash
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Please work this out diplomatically and peacefully. This shouldn't have gone this far, and I'm counting on GDA to straighten it out, which I'm sure they will. GDA is surely not going to curbstomp anyone, it's not like them.

I too hope this can be settled by diplomatic means.

Don't worry, I'll be hanging on your approval the entire time.

I find it very odd that you suddenly have a negative view of me when we've never had any problems in the past.

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I find it very odd that you suddenly have a negative view of me when we've never had any problems in the past.

Something about seeing "you have our moral support" for the umpteenth time made something in me snap. It's not your fault really, it's just an upsetting trend in the way people distance themselves from issues they care about.

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Now, I don't know if you do it differently, but if someone raids a GDA nation, I head on over to the offending party's IRC channel, let someone know about it, we discuss reparations, and we both go on our merry way. I do not send 3 nations to counterattack, because that just escalates the situation. And I think it's safe to say, about 90% of raids out there are simply nations who do not know the general rules of CN and have no other malicious intent.

That is your way of doing things and that is fine, but that doesn't mean that an alliance that wishes to waiver reparations in favour of counter-attacking a raider and smashing him to pieces is automatically in the wrong. There is always more than one way of dealing with a situation and a tech raider's alliance should never be able to complain about a robust but fair response (which three guys on the counter is) to their own member's aggression.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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That is your way of doing things and that is fine, but that doesn't mean that an alliance that wishes to waiver reparations in favour of counter-attacking a raider and smashing him to pieces is automatically in the wrong. There is always more than one way of dealing with a situation and a tech raider's alliance should never be able to complain about a robust but fair response (which three guys on the counter is) to their own member's aggression.

They can do that if they want, but that does nothing to diffuse the situation.

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Well, coming from a staunch supporter of all things piracy, Brengstklau are making fools of themselves. If a member who can't be bothered to follow the raiding rules screws up and gets counterattacked then it's just too damn bad. If anything Brengstklau should expel him, not attempt to shake down the offended alliance.

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Something about seeing "you have our moral support" for the umpteenth time made something in me snap. It's not your fault really, it's just an upsetting trend in the way people distance themselves from issues they care about.

Just so you better understand they have more than just our moral support. We are working on finding a peaceful solution to this by diplomatic means. For me or any other member of the USSR to come on here with some long winded rant won't help solve anything.

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Just so you better understand they have more than just our moral support. We are working on finding a peaceful solution to this by diplomatic means. For me or any other member of the USSR to come on here with some long winded rant won't help solve anything.

We should probably take this to query, but suffice it to say that I disagree with you here.

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They can do that if they want, but that does nothing to diffuse the situation.

It is a situation that was forced upon them by a member from another alliance's aggression, I hardly see how the onus is on them to try and diffuse things. They are fully entitled to take the action necessary to defend their members against unprovoked aggression, which it looks like they were doing.

If anyone in that situation should be trying to diffuse things, it should be the alliance of the initial aggressor. Instead they appear to have cried like babies because their precious tech-raider picked up some well-deserved bruises (what was the response anyway, a couple of days attacks? Not like their guy was put on a ZI list, should just suck it up and move on).

Edited by Aimee Mann
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I think that I shall raid a Brengstklau nation and then when I'm counter attacked have Valhalla demand reparations from them...or not.

Fair is fair after all. :ph34r:

Quoted for great justice

The fact that that nation is new only makes it that much easier for Brengstklau to rebuild it with minimal if any effort. In this case, it's just as easy for you to "get over it" as it is for UCR to. It is usually quite difficult for such an isolated, small alliance to negotiate anything if they don't get some popular backing. I imagine UCR's leaders were smart enough to know what a declaration on these boards brought to the table.

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Unfortunate that I couldn't do this to you myself, communist.

You're really lacking the ability to restrain from even making an alliance war an ideological conflict between one of the parties and you? Probably should work on that.

Continue on in solidarity UCR, I hope that GDA can act as mediators and that this issue can be brought to an end peacefully.

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Quoted for great justice

The fact that that nation is new only makes it that much easier for Brengstklau to rebuild it with minimal if any effort. In this case, it's just as easy for you to "get over it" as it is for UCR to. It is usually quite difficult for such an isolated, small alliance to negotiate anything if they don't get some popular backing. I imagine UCR's leaders were smart enough to know what a declaration on these boards brought to the table.

Depends what you consider smart is. They definitely have support, but I don't think it makes achieving peace easier by pissing off the other party. It makes a peaceful solution difficult, and an escalation even more likely.

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I find myself being in support of the UCR in this situation, even after taking into accounts both sides of the conflict. You can rest assured I'm not the only one in Bel Air who believes this, but this is just my personal opinion and those of some others that Brengstklau is in the wrong. I'm hoping someone decides to support UCR in this matter in order to make sure the are justly compensated for this unsavory action taken during a tech raid.

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