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Dispatch from ODN and GR

Style #386

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While it's a bit off topic, I recommend you to read the history again if you think that Polaris is who turned it's back on NPO.

But I can't expect better from someone who thinks that tech is nearly useless in battle.

I remember Sponge supporting Ivan while he was trying to coup Moo. Then I remember Sponge trying to coup NPO himself.

You read history, Sponge betrayed NPO, NpO followed Sponge.

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I remember you plotting against GOONS while still in WUT. How are you better, how can you preach us about that?

Polaris turned it's back on NPO, your closest ally, did you expect others to not turn their backs on you?

You just dont know when to quit do you. While I do not hold ODN in the highest regard as an alliance I have seen things that would indicate a solid path for them. You sir do nothing but stain the name of any AA tag you wear. STFU before you ruin what good things those around you are doing.(just a small piece of advice) In your last statement you opened up a flame fest for many older nations to absolutely turn this thread from mild contempt to outright mud slinging debate which has nothing to do with the OP.

Cat after chatting with you on our forums and seeing your resolve I wish you and ODN the best possible luck and congratulations on this treaty. If we could all move forward instead of constintly living in the past imagine what new horizons may appear for us all.

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Cat after chatting with you on our forums and seeing your resolve I wish you and ODN the best possible luck and congratulations on this treaty. If we could all move forward instead of constintly living in the past imagine what new horizons may appear for us all.

Sincere thanks Bud, your well wishes is very much appreciated :blush:

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I would like to issue an apology to the government and members of the Greenland Republic for entering their thread uninvited and making a rather nasty statement.

No offense was intended toward the Greenland Republic.

I would like to offer you all a beer. Given that you are the Greenland Republic, here's a lovely Danish Beer Geek Breakfast for you:


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The quote Stumpy responded to mainly dealt with Polaris and GR, saying Polaris is getting wiser and GR is reverting...I don't know what they're reverting back to, NAAC I assume.

Firstly, you can't get wiser for not continuing to not sign a treaty. It might have been wise at first, but just because time has elapsed, your decision doesn't become "wiser" than before.

Secondly, I hardly see how reverting back to NAAC is somehow an insult. NAAC was one of the most efficient, military competent alliances of its time in CN.

ODN ditching you guys when you got rolled has nothing at all to do with the post, other than Grub's initial decision to not treaty ODN again, to which Aut then concludes that Polaris is continually getting wiser.

I never said reverting back to NAAC was an insult rather GR's trusting of allies that have let them down in the past. Whereas, Polaris, aren't going to take any risks making the same mistakes.

I'm sorry to speak for Polaris, that's not my intention that's just what I'm picking up on. When Polaris needed ODN, they were no where to be found. Why should they now treaty with the ODN now that they're living the high life? If GR trusts ODN, great. But as I said, I think it's a wise decision from Polaris not to and a bad one for GR.

I don't think ODN will cower in fear of the next war, barring another ridiculous incident, but NpO just knows better then to take such risks.

Edited by The AUT
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I never said reverting back to NAAC was an insult rather GR's trusting of allies that have let them down in the past. Whereas, Polaris, aren't going to take any risks making the same mistakes.

I'm sorry to speak for Polaris, that's not my intention that's just what I'm picking up on. When Polaris needed ODN, they were no where to be found. Why should they now treaty with the ODN now that they're living the high life? If GR trusts ODN, great. But as I said, I think it's a wise decision from Polaris not to and a bad one for GR.

I don't think ODN will cower in fear of the next war, barring another ridiculous incident, but NpO just knows better then to take such risks.

...what? Since when has trusting allies let us down in the past?

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I remember you plotting against GOONS while still in WUT. How are you better, how can you preach us about that?

Polaris turned it's back on NPO, your closest ally, did you expect others to not turn their backs on you?

You REALLY can't be this idiotic can you? Plotting against an alliance and leavin your balls on the battlefield are different. You have also said the same statement 4 times, and i guess no one responded so you think you should say it a 5th time?

I was in Polar during the beatdown, i'm not mad at ODN, to each his own. I love GR, and this is a sound treaty in my book.

o/ GR

o/ ODN

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Yeah NpO already was rolled and when that happened ODN was one of the alliances who turn their back to Polaris. Your point?

NpO was once known as an over aggressive bully and lost almost all their treaties and a good chuck of NS in the war last yearish.

but things changed in Polaris so much so that public opinion has done a 180 and your now a loved alliance by many rather then only feared like in the past.

i hope you can afford us the same chance that has been given to your alliance.

why dont you visit our embassy and get to know us?

im not sure what ODN was in the past but i know i was attracted to them presently hence why i joined.

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NpO was once known as an over aggressive bully and lost almost all their treaties and a good chuck of NS in the war last yearish.

but things changed in Polaris so much so that public opinion has done a 180 and your now a loved alliance by many rather then only feared like in the past.

i hope you can afford us the same chance that has been given to your alliance.

why dont you visit our embassy and get to know us?

im not sure what ODN was in the past but i know i was attracted to them presently hence why i joined.

Everyone deserves another chance, people are just slow to forget around here.

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I never said reverting back to NAAC was an insult rather GR's trusting of allies that have let them down in the past. Whereas, Polaris, aren't going to take any risks making the same mistakes.

I'm sorry to speak for Polaris, that's not my intention that's just what I'm picking up on. When Polaris needed ODN, they were no where to be found. Why should they now treaty with the ODN now that they're living the high life? If GR trusts ODN, great. But as I said, I think it's a wise decision from Polaris not to and a bad one for GR.

I don't think ODN will cower in fear of the next war, barring another ridiculous incident, but NpO just knows better then to take such risks.

Which allies of GR have let them down in the past?

Nobody has argued that Polaris should treaty ODN, so I'm not sure why that's even a topic.

And if people believe ODN will actually follow through on their treaty obligations in the next war, then is signing with them a risk? Obviously, if you still don't trust them to follow through, then it is, but if you're not going to trust them, you wouldn't, or shouldn't, sign with them.

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NpO was once known as an over aggressive bully and lost almost all their treaties and a good chuck of NS in the war last yearish.

but things changed in Polaris so much so that public opinion has done a 180 and your now a loved alliance by many rather then only feared like in the past.

i hope you can afford us the same chance that has been given to your alliance.

why dont you visit our embassy and get to know us?

im not sure what ODN was in the past but i know i was attracted to them presently hence why i joined.

At least NpO never turned their back to an ally(if I'm wrong please correct me) and since noCB war we already show that we changed. While ODN have a history of joining the winning side and not honor the treaties with the losing side. And while I see many of you guys saying that you changed I saw what happened in the last war with ODN choosing who treaties you were going to honor, don't believe me? Ask IRON about what happened in the Karma War and ask if they want a treaty with guys again. I'll wait till next war to see if ODN really changed, until there do not expect to see my opinions change because your past proves that I'm not lying, people do not calling you Optional Defense Network just for fun.

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AlmightyGrub got it right about what he said a treaty with the ODN means. Let GR learn for themselves, things seem to be getting a lot more normal around Planet Bob. Polar gets wiser, GR reverts...

EDIT: Just for you, HellScream

As someone that used to loath ODN for the very same reason Grub said that, I'm fully comfortable being allies with the Network. People and therfore alliances do change. ODN has shown nothing but great friendship toward Vanguard, I can't speak for the rest of thier allies, but I'm sure they can agree. What AlmightyGrub shows with his comment is just how he can't even let go of a childish grudge. The past is always behind us and one should focus on what lies before us. And what lies before us is a great new ally for my friends at Greenland Republic.

I can understand the skepticism of some of the old timers here, but use the doubt you have to alienate yourself more so from a great alliance please. And not to try to show your wits on a public forum. You're the ones missing out.

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As someone that used to loath ODN for the very same reason Grub said that, I'm fully comfortable being allies with the Network. People and therfore alliances do change. ODN has shown nothing but great friendship toward Vanguard, I can't speak for the rest of thier allies, but I'm sure they can agree. What AlmightyGrub shows with his comment is just how he can't even let go of a childish grudge. The past is always behind us and one should focus on what lies before us. And what lies before us is a great new ally for my friends at Greenland Republic.

I can understand the skepticism of some of the old timers here, but use the doubt you have to alienate yourself more so from a great alliance please. And not to try to show your wits on a public forum. You're the ones missing out.

We currently only have an ODP with them, but they're good people that I'm very happy to be treatied with. This guy here echoes my thoughts completely. I used to loathe ODN more than any alliance around, too.

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At least NpO never turned their back to an ally(if I'm wrong please correct me) and since noCB war we already show that we changed. While ODN have a history of joining the winning side and not honor the treaties with the losing side. And while I see many of you guys saying that you changed I saw what happened in the last war with ODN choosing who treaties you were going to honor, don't believe me? Ask IRON about what happened in the Karma War and ask if they want a treaty with guys again. I'll wait till next war to see if ODN really changed, until there do not expect to see my opinions change because your past proves that I'm not lying, people do not calling you Optional Defense Network just for fun.

Look at the leader of ODN now. Look at the Senate. I could have told you where they wanted to end up long before the Karma War flared up. You can continue to think ODN chose "the winning side" or you could look at the theme of where their FA was, was headed, and is still headed.

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The Karma war happened while I was still in my huge $@! hiatus in regards to foreign affairs. Basically I wasn't privy to any secret information. Even then I could have told you what side ODN would have fought on. And this was when the odds of the war were unknown and people still thought NPO had the full support of all their allies.

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Everyone deserves another chance, people are just slow to forget around here.

does this mean the legion gets one? :awesome:

and my meaning was that after Karma War you have continued to sever bonds with alliances and tie yourself closer to karma nothing i wouldnt expect seeing as you did fight with them :mellow:

as ODN was a close ally of the legion, its sad to see we have drifted apart :(

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does this mean the legion gets one? :awesome:

and my meaning was that after Karma War you have continued to sever bonds with alliances and tie yourself closer to karma nothing i wouldnt expect seeing as you did fight with them :mellow:

as ODN was a close ally of the legion, its sad to see we have drifted apart :(

In my eyes, Legion already did. We all know how that ended though.

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