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Too Fresh for Words

Groucho Marx

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RAD and RoK were awesome allies, and even though RAD has merged we realized how important it is to maintain our radical ties with one another because homie love is the most important thing a gangsta can have besides a gat and some paper. So after a few beers and jamming to some off-the-wall karaoke I am pleased to present something everyone can jump on...

War and Hate Bandwagon


Because being peaceful and caring just isn't fun for us. War, hate and free burritos are our style. Sometimes. I think. Maybe? Also, killer emus.


Article I– Sovereignty: Both parties shall remain sovereign and independent alliances.

Article II- Non-aggression: Both parties agree that they will not engage in hostilities towards each other. If acts of aggression between the parties occur, both will work to resolve them quickly.

Article III- Optional defense: Both parties may request assistance in time of war. While defense is optional, it is encouraged. Assistance may be military, financial, and/or diplomatic.

Article IV- Cancellation: If either party wishes to cancel this treaty, notice must be given at least 72 hours in advance.

Article V– Amendments/Upgrades: The treaty will be reviewed after a period of 30 days for continuation or upgrade.

Signed for Bel Air,

King Xander the Only, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Back Alley Abortionist, and the True and Righteous Hero of Pink

Emperor Marx, Carlton the Glorious

890765, Bel Air Country Club manager, and the King of Facerolled Ruler Names

This Charming Man, Bel Air Country Club Courtesy Desk, England Is Mine, Hang the blessed DJ, Scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen, this means you really love me

Druss the Legend, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sweet Talking, and Romancing

Newhotness, Minister of Economics and Receiver of Poontang

Extraduty, Minister of $%&@ and Lover of Women and Children

Signed for Ragnarok,

Alfred von Tirpitz - Triumvir

rishnokof - Triumvir

Tautology - Triumvir

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Yeah, next they'll be signing treaties with MA.

Oh wait.

I wish you and the other lulz alliances would get another tool, the whole "I'm going to be sarcastic to show everyone how much I don't care, even though if I truly didn't, I'd just ignore them" thing is getting played out.

The fact is, RoK is a good alliance, bel air is a pathetic excuse for an alliance. RoK never should have signed this, and it's sad that they did.

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James, your tears make us happy.

I never said I was crying, I said I was saddend. There is a difference, although seeing as you are lolpink, I'm not surprised that I had to explain it to you.

I hope you weren't too shocked.

I actually am very shocked. I hoped RoK would realize what scum they were treatied too and not resign with FailAir.

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I wish you and the other lulz alliances would get another tool, the whole "I'm going to be sarcastic to show everyone how much I don't care, even though if I truly didn't, I'd just ignore them" thing is getting played out.

The fact is, RoK is a good alliance, bel air is a pathetic excuse for an alliance. RoK never should have signed this, and it's sad that they did.

I am not a lulz alliance. Neither is my alliance.

Again, MA shouldn't be talking about pathetic excuses for alliances. Unless you're being ironic. If you are, I totally dig it man.

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I never said I was crying, I said I was saddend. There is a difference, although seeing as you are lolpink, I'm not surprised that I had to explain it to you.

I actually am very shocked. I hoped RoK would realize what scum they were treatied too and not resign with FailAir.

Your concerns are duly noted. Too bad RoK doesn't abandon something that's over 50% former protectorate.

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