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The Flying Kiwis - Delcaration of... Raid? War?

Kyriakos Raanb Dorou

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Is it a Hummingbird?!

Is it a Pterodactyl?!?!

No... it's

A FLYING Kiwi! :blink:

(tl;dr - we are attacking all those nations with "NONE" in their bios, and that fancy red and black flag with the butter knife cutting through a piece of pie. Yes, this thread is a DoW)


Just a public notice. As of 11:30 PM game-time, on the night of Sept. 9th, The Flying Kiwis acknowledges that a state of war now exists between itself and the alliance of... of...


NONE. :rolleyes:

You see, while raiding some "unaligned" nations, our member Les Paul Supreme happened upon a nation under the AA of "NoNe." Thinking that this was just a witty play on the typical "None", he proceeded to do as most raiders typically do. Launch two ground attacks, then offer peace. Well, as it turns out, the nation in question wasn't interested in the peace he offered. And wouldn't you know, two more nations - each under the AA's of "NONE" and "NoNe" respectively - launched their own attacks against our member early the next day.

As it happens (and as some of you may know), this "NONE" is not really "None" at all. Rather, it is an 'unofficial' alliance - and anti-raiding cell - designed to fend off tech raiders. It's members, instead of using the default "None" which is given to every nation on creation, capitalize it to read "NONE" or "NoNe". This allows them to distinguish themselves; yet makes it more difficult to attack them as a group. They have their own forums; and, though for two days now I have yet to be validated at said forum (:P), I also assume they have their own leadership of some sort.

Anywho. In acknowledgment of the challenge they have presented to us in attacking our member - the alliance of The Flying Kiwis is now at war with this "NONE." Suffice it to say - we now consider all nations under the "NONE" and "NoNe" AA's to be open targets.

Was this announcement necessary? Maybe, maybe not. We figured we'd go ahead and do it, for propriety's sake if nothing else.

Thank you for time, all. And have a happy Tournament season. :P


Richard VII. Odd Job Man of the Flying Kiwis (I think this classifies as an odd job, don't you?)

EDIT: took out the membership list to avoid outside interference. :v:

Edited by Richard VII
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Troublesome children is right. :P

However, with all due respect to AndyMac and our esteemed friends at WAPA. I'm afraid I must request that WAPA maintain neutrality in this conflict. After getting to know these NONE... well, they are pretty good people. I myself would like to consider them friends. And we would prefer to have a fair and friendly one on one fight, here.

For the record of all those reading this: we did, indeed, specifically request that WAPA consider assisting us as this war began. This was because, as far as we knew (as I had noted, I was not in contact with their members or leadership until after the war started), they were just another typical TE AA, fighting for the sake of fighting - and, in a typical TE war, you fight to win. Since then, however, we have come to know NONE a bit better; both in character, and in purpose. And, in light of all this, we have determined that this matter would be best kept strictly between ourselves, and NONE.

We thank WAPA for coming to our assistance; and for the damage they have taken as a consequence. However, we nevertheless must make this request.

WAPA is, indeed, among the most noble of protectors. o/

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Just a note to everyone that after some good fighting, and a fair exchange of dirt and blood, the alliance of the Flying Kiwis and the coalition of NONE have decided to peace out here, and move on with the round. For a small training alliance such as our own, the veteran players over at NONE provided a more than worthwhile experience on the field. And each was more than happy to accept our challenge of arms, with enthusiasm.

We came looking for a good fight; and it must be said, they certainly did not disappoint. And we believe our members are all the better for this confrontation. :)

For a campaign well executed, and for a job well done - Congratulations to the folks over at NONE. :D

We now each go our separate ways. And hope to continue our relations in a more... amicable, manner. laugh.gif

Edited by Richard VII
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It's about time somebody did this. I've been hit by these guys like four times.
If we have hit you 4 times as you say, it was only because you hit us first. Don't start NONE, won't be NONE.

We are organized non-aligned nations and expect to be attacked more than others. We have chosen to make our nations easier to spot as NONE so those not inclined to engage us can avoid it.

Our standard policy is for the originally attacked nation to hit back and offer peace before bringing in others to defend. But if there is a formal declaration of war against us, obviously we're not going to stick to standard protocols.

How much anything escalates is entirely up to the ones who started the fight in the first place.

We are ready to fight or accept unconditional peace at any time.

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QUOTE (Chimaera @ Sep 1 2009, 11:59 PM)

This coming from the guy who sends 50 dollars instead of 50 technology for a tech deal. :awesome:

QUOTE (Darth Andrew @ Sep 2 2009, 12:30 AM)

Ok, you got me there, but IG756 accepting it is even worse. :v:

first time ive noticed that lmao it is so funny and has gotta be the funniest thing in CN history

and congratz guys on getting peace

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