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RD grants peace to GDA

Michael the Squirrel

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As GDA pulled out of wolf, and since wolf has surrendered, RD here by grants peace to GDA, all RD nations are to offer peace asap.


Michael the Squirrel


Edited by Michael the Squirrel
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and wapa rolls in with kiwis??


Well, part of the surrender agreement with GDA was that we would protect them if they were attacked within the next 7 days. RD came in just as we were leaving, and we were not aware of either when RD made their DoW, nor why they were doing it... and so, as per the agreement, we were ordered to attack.

I'm sure we'll all be peaceing out soon enough with this, though. Sorry about the misunderstanding RD. :lol1:

Edited by Richard VII
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This has been addressed and should be remedied...

white peace is ordered for all RD nations...

(Nice to know you never make mistakes jamesdaleo :) )

onward to the next importand thing... more cheesybacon parties :P

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Sorry for the late hit, RD. Your guy was still at war with one of ours, and I pounded on him at DEFCON 1, without realizing peace had been declared. He claims our guy continued to fight on after he offered him peace, which is only understandable, since it looked like he had him on the ropes. I have peace offers out to everyone except Mr. Squirrel, who is welcome to try and attack me if he thinks it is his right, and he's big enough to take me on Mano-Mano.


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