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Rorschach's Diary

Sir Keshav IV

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May 6th 2009,

My only companion is this book I'm writing in right now. It is such a weird feeling, to be the most powerful man in the country and next be running away from it since my double was killed earlier today by General Secretary Bruce Willis. Why? I do not know, but why should I run? I am KESHAV!, The most powerful man in East Asia, I can handle myself, Megan has left for some new venture with her bloody husband who betrayed my trust and my friendship. Now this, I have to handle all this? Just last morning I woke up thanks to Kristine, and made her send Zerk in my place for the press conference. I couldn't do it, now I thank god I didn't do it. Yet, when I think back I lost a great friend, and now I'm running away when his body lies in the capital and the perpetrators run havoc in the Utopia I built? This is not possible, I shouldn't catch the train to Jilin at all, If I stay here I can catch the perpetrators I am sure. But a sense of loneliness is creeping into me already. Its so weird, I striven hard to build this Utopian Civilization, best military, largest nation and I was a global power, has the world was trembling at my feet. I ran the Comintern, yet today here I am hiding my true identity and running away from the death of the only person I trusted in this whole world, trusted him so much that I allowed him to become my double through surgery. It is sad that today Diary, I am nothing more then a low class citizen while my Civilization is in Anarchy. It is not correct, I am KESHAV, no but I cannot be Keshav anymore, I would be captured and killed, no I must hide and kill Bruce and whoever else plotted with him, but first let me get myself a new identity.

May 7th 2009,

I reached Qingdao and got out, The Ride was boring as usual. I slept the night on the streets, but I found myself a new Identity. Running around with my old one was dangerous, this will be my last entry as Keshav but from tomorrow, I shall be Rorschach. I shall avenge the death of my friend, and of my people. I should do this quick while I'm still in power, But I need help, I can't do this alone. I have one .357 Magnum with probably 3 magazines and a Silencer but I would need more. If I am to kill I must kill them all for leading me to this stage. I have lost the power and control over my subjects, but I will not be subjugated, not while my soul still wants revenge for the death of my nation and power. I will have to take care of Megan once I'm done with all this, she has betrayed me like that snake of an husband shes married to. Ha, I felt scared for my life yesterday, but today I feel strong, its like this new feeling of revenge has given me a new meaning to live, It has given energy to my body that I haven't had before, but then if I am to kill, I will have to do it without the other members knowing. Bruce cannot be the only one, I am sure of it but then how am I to find the rest? Bruce might be just an ant in a large organization or a king in it. Nonetheless, I guess I should track him down shouldn't I diary? Oh what the hell would you know you lousy peace of paper made from the crappiest of parts in my country. Ha, when I'm back in power, where I belong, I'll be sure to make better quality diaries then this crap, the producers of this diary should be ashamed for creating such crap.

Why am I pondering over a diary? I'm losing it, I will lose it all if I don't kill, it is the only thing keeping me sane. Now to track Bruce, hmm, The cellular databases in Beijing must still be intact in my office, but to get in thee only a government official will know and its to dangerous, unless yes, Why DIDN'T I THINK OF IT BEFORE! Waterhall, Our backup files are there, brilliant that Armageddon machine just saved me. No one except me, Lizzie, Megan and the contractor know of that place and the scientists. I think its time to give that place a visit. Its not far, I just have to go to Jinan, the trains are still working I can catch one till Jinan unless of course these mother$%&@ers cause more damage to my utopian civilization by damaging the trains, but I can give it a try, as long as this mask is on me, I am in no need to worry. I am thankful I was trained in sword fighting, as well as twelve other types of fighting, it finally comes in handy. Yes, Once I enter Waterhall, I can track Bruce and hunt him down, like a wolf hunting his pray, I am the wolf in this case, no no better yet a Tiger hunting its prey. I am the white tiger after all. But wait, how should I kill him, no I shall ponder over such thoughts when he's on his knees begging me for mercy, then I shall she what punishment he shall receive.

With this last entry, Rorschach/Keshav puts the diary under his pillow, and with the thought of killing the men that did this to him, he smiled and went to sleep.

OOC: A backstory on how Keshav became Rorschach, and what I did from Beijing Corp to PRC.

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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