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Declaration of War

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This insidious attack by the VE is quite frankly disgusting and VE's dubious behavior in this matter should not be tolerated. This kind of petty, fallacious slander of the good name of RyanGDI is an aberration on anything resembling good taste and should immediately cease.

I wonder if this is a sign that the Moldavi Doctrine 2.0 is coming into effect... cause wow if RyanGDI caused another Great War I would !@#$ myself laughing.

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This insidious attack by the VE is quite frankly disgusting and VE's dubious behavior in this matter should not be tolerated. This kind of petty, fallacious slander of the good name of RyanGDI is an aberration on anything resembling good taste and should immediately cease.

I guess that means that NSO will be evoking the Moldavi Doctrine and coming to GDI's defense, right?

EDIT: of course it doesn't, but someone had to say it....

Edited by ChairmanHal
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They tried to jump in the war at the beginning but backed off when it became clear MHA would hit them. Now they are trying to get in a few shots on a weakened NPO. Weak leadership is weak, nothing more to it then that.

Good to see you abide by your word VE even though some of you would probably love the entertainment of seeing GDI nations bombing NPO nations. Who would of ever predicting that happening a year ago....

Anyways, really bad move GDI and those IRC words are to die for.....literally.

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Yeah, I woulda just ZI'ed Ryan. Sanctioned him for good measure

GDI was down to like 10 members during the last fiasco with bandwagoning on NPO? They have around 30 now? It's like a jarheads situation here. The noobies didn't know what they were getting into.

Edited by FreddieMercury
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I guess that means that NSO will be evoking the Moldavi Doctrine and coming to GDI's defense, right?

EDIT: of course it doesn't, but someone had to say it....


You should be intelligent enough to recognize sarcasm when its laid out in front of you.

You are, right?

Please tell me you are.

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3 of their members have been involved in this... and obviously others supported it enough not to leave

Oh, I see now. I may have been mistaken before. I thought it was only RyanGDI. I apologize for my previously misinformed posts.

But still, it would have been better to have informed the whole alliance about the incident before declaring war. You may not know who may have heard about the situation; you can't claim that everyone in GDI knew about the issue in the first place.

Edited by kulomascovia
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lets keep this conflict non-nuclear ^_^ we don't want our GRL up again

Yes please, I would hope that VE only nukes GDI nations that use nukes first. Please dont use a single GDI nation using a nuke to blanket all of GDI in nukes.

It think it will remain non nuclear.

OOC: They're Avg. NS is 4,000

Hmm, didn't bother to look up GDI but I figured some nuclear capable VE nations might have been brought low enough due to the war to strike at some GDI nations with nukes.

Edited by HeinousOne
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Yeah, I woulda just ZI'ed Ryan. Sanctioned him for good measure

GDI was down to like 10 members during the last fiasco with bandwagoning on NPO? They have around 30 now? It's like a jarheads situation here. The noobies didn't know what they were getting into.

Individual Surrender Terms:

-Change your AA to VE POW until the official surrender of GDI.

-Offer peace in all wars.

-Change to defcon 5, low threat level.

Thats what those are for.

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But still, it would have been better to have informed the whole alliance about the incident before declaring war. You may not know who may have heard about the situation; you can't claim that everyone in GDI knew about the issue in the first place.

That's not realistic. That is specifically why you have a leader, so that everything doesn't need to be drilled down to an individual level.

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