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Paladins of Freedom PIAT with the Untouchables


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Secret meetings, documents passed in the night... Information exchanged..

Union of thoughts, and a desires for Greater Unity...

Official Negotiations were pursued, gifts were exchanged, and bonds formed...


Knowing each other as though from birth, as if we have found our own,

in the spirit of Purple brotherhood we create this PIAT,

knowing full well it is just the beginning of greater accomplishments to follow....

We Proudly Announce our PIAT Together!!!

Preamble: In the spirit of common friendship, and for the sake of continued prosperity, and growth between Untouchables and the Paladins of Freedom, both alliances have agreed to come together to form and strengthen bonds via a treaty of Peace, Intelligence and Aid.

Section I. Peace

Both the Paladins of Freedom and Untouchables hereby recognize the sovereignty of both alliance and promise not to infringe upon that. If military action is taken by one party against the other, both parties shall agree to solve the matter via diplomatic channels. Otherwise, for the sake of friendship and prosperity, both parties agree not to take aggressive action against one another.

Section II. Intelligence

In accordance to this treaty, both alliances agree to contribute and share any information that is deemed of direct relevance and concerning the security of one alliance to the other. This shall not be considered espionage and any information that is altered in any way to benefit any party whether they be signed or not. Such action shall be considered grounds upon which the treaty can be terminated.

Section III.

Article 1 - Aid

If either Untouchables or Paladins of Freedom find themselves in need of aid, whether it be political, or financial, they may request the aid needed from the other alliance. However, the aid requested must be within reason and reality, and it must also be requested through the proper channels. Otherwise the aid request may be rejected by the other party.

Article 2 - Technology

Whereas, the two alliances shall benefit greatly from the sale and purchase of technology from one another; great efforts shall be made between the two alliances to organize transactions between each other to facilitate the accumulation of technology between the alliances.

Section IV. Termination

To cancel this treaty, either party may do so but must inform the other party of the treaty’ termination in a timely and respectable manner. By informing the other alliance in an official public statement posted on the other alliance’s forums and receiving acknowledgment, the treaty can be declared void 72 hours after the action has been taken.

Signed for Untouchables:

King William IV, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs

ShadowPhoenix, Triumvir of Internal Affairs

Wootmeister, Triumvir of War

Signed for the Paladins of Freedom:

Megametal26, Speaker of the Gods

Darth Elecian, Enforcer of the Will, Prophet of Vecna, 3rd Xammux

Mercs2foru, Prophet of the Raven Queen,

Reddawn, Prophet of the Raven Queen

BIGz, Prophet of Erathis, and Prophet of Ioun,

Bearcrawl, Prophet of Bahamut,

Hiddenshadows , Prophet of Fharlaghn

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I remember when this was first proposed and now I am glad to finally see this treaty come to fruitition.


o/The Untouchables

PS: Psst. MeBIGz, The Untouchables reside on the Blue sphere, not on the purple sphere.

Edited by Darth Elecian
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