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Alaskan Deployments


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In response to continued threats to islands along the Alaskan coast by Procinctian Government officials at the White Cross Conference, who attempted to surrender Hagemeister Island, only a few miles off the coast of Southwest Alaska, the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, ordered the Alaskan State Guard to deploy to islands and vulnerable coastal areas along the Alaskan Coast. One brigade of the Guard totalling 5,200 men and officers is being deployed by aircraft and helicopter with one more brigade being placed on active reserve meaning it can be called up within 12 hours of a credible threat emerging. After a conference call with the Cabinent in Cruachan, Governor Palin asked President O'Deaghaidh to order increased Naval and Air patrols in the Bering Sea. The Tahoan Air Force confirmed with reporters that it had ordered air superiority patrols to be conducted by the 19th and 302d Fighter Squadrons (both currently flying the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle) and Air Patrol missions by the 92d Air Control Squadron.

The Tahoan Navy dispatched two patrol vessels to supplement the North Pacific Squadron which is re-routing from its normal cruising area to the Bering Sea to protect Tahoe's extensive economic interests (primarily fishing and crabbing vessels) in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the Tahoan and Procinctian Governments were in dispute over the islands and reassured citizens that no military action was planned and the military deployments are relatively minor and are purely intended to safeguard in the event of a total breakdown in relations.


Two Tahoan Soldiers guarding an electrial plant on Hagemeister Island

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*Private Communique to the Tahoe Republic*

A large shipment of ammunition has been sent from the Commonwealth to your nation, with the intention of giving you enough supplies to show our genuine support for any conflict that may arise. Should a conflict be averted, do not feel obligated to return the ammunition.

Additional logistical support has been sent as well. Free of charge are the parts to assemble 200 of our largest supply vessel, the SV-93. If anything else is needed, do not hesitate to ask.

We do this, again, to show our genuine support for your cause in Alaska. Good luck to you.

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Procinctia’s not doing anything until we bring the matter before the World Congress – international mediation, that’s how we do things these days.

In the meantime Procinctia unilaterally demilitarizes completely and absolutely.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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Dranagg was unaware that anyone even lived on Hagemeister Island, and therefore its sudden importance is a great mystery. Were not last public censuses listing the island as having no permanent habitation?

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Dranagg was unaware that anyone even lived on Hagemeister Island, and therefore its sudden importance is a great mystery. Were not last public censuses listing the island as having no permanent habitation?

The problem lies not in the resources, but in the claim on the island, in the principle of sovereignty. Both nations are asserting their claim to the island and will not drop the issue because of pride. We can't simply give up an island just because no one lives on it, it is a matter of principle.

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The problem lies not in the resources, but in the claim on the island, in the principle of sovereignty. Both nations are asserting their claim to the island and will not drop the issue because of pride. We can't simply give up an island just because no one lives on it, it is a matter of principle.

What principle is that?

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Dranagg was unaware that anyone even lived on Hagemeister Island, and therefore its sudden importance is a great mystery. Were not last public censuses listing the island as having no permanent habitation?
That's what we thought, but we're not willing to fight Tahoe over it.

We’re already live on small collection of Bering rocks, we’re despite enough to try inhabit one more

– it’s not like the Alaskan mainlanders have a shortage of land.

Edited by Generalissimo
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The problem lies not in the resources, but in the claim on the island, in the principle of sovereignty. Both nations are asserting their claim to the island and will not drop the issue because of pride. We can't simply give up an island just because no one lives on it, it is a matter of principle.

I gave up on an island. It wasn't too bad.

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Ziggy was still reading his computer at the conference when this showed up on PlanetBob News.


Ziggy: The Aether Empire is appauled on these acts of aggression against Procintia along with (we are sure) the world congress and finds the origin of this escalation to be... just plain wrong... I mean a world peace conference! No Nobel Peace Prize for you! We have no means of interfering in this region of the world, however, Generalisimo and his people are all welcome in the Aether Empire should your forces become a problem, dolphins and all! I hope your men freeze their buns off out there!

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*Private Communique to the Tahoe Republic*

A large shipment of ammunition has been sent from the Commonwealth to your nation, with the intention of giving you enough supplies to show our genuine support for any conflict that may arise. Should a conflict be averted, do not feel obligated to return the ammunition.

Additional logistical support has been sent as well. Free of charge are the parts to assemble 200 of our largest supply vessel, the SV-93. If anything else is needed, do not hesitate to ask.

We do this, again, to show our genuine support for your cause in Alaska. Good luck to you.

We thank our good Polish-Czech Friends and eagerly await the day when we can repay this favor.

Procinctia’s not doing anything until we bring the matter before the World Congress – international mediation, that’s how we do things these days.

In the meantime Procinctia unilaterally demilitarizes completely and absolutely.

Quite simply, there is nothing to negotiate. The World Congress is an impotent body of beaurocrats and internationalists and we do not recognize their authority in any manner. The islands in question are territory belonging to the Tahoan People and there is nothing more to discuss.

Dranagg was unaware that anyone even lived on Hagemeister Island, and therefore its sudden importance is a great mystery. Were not last public censuses listing the island as having no permanent habitation?

The issue is not one island or another, it is the principle that one nation can unilaterally give away another nations territory, as Procinctia tried to do with Hagemeister Island. It could be anywhere in Tahoe, the exact location is not important, but the idea that a foreign government can claim our territory and then hand it over to an international body is beyond unacceptable.

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The issue is not one island or another, it is the principle that one nation can unilaterally give away another nations territory, as Procinctia tried to do with Hagemeister Island. It could be anywhere in Tahoe, the exact location is not important, but the idea that a foreign government can claim our territory and then hand it over to an international body is beyond unacceptable.
Where do you presume rights to anything in the Bering? We were there long before you made any claim to Alaska, there was even a battle fought on Hagemeister at the conclusion of the First Republic-Procinctia War.

This matter should have been resolved when RUSSIAN relinquished control of their Bering Island protectorates back to Procinctia following Procinctia’s reemergence, Slavorussia can confirm this.

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If nothing can change that then I’m going to have to curtail Tahoe’s sea rights in the Procinctian Bering.

Have fun sending your shipping around Procinctia’s maritime territory.

We reckon that this is a pointless move. The islands are Tahoan now and forever. Learn to accept that.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The Tahoan Navy will maintain freedom of movement for Tahoan fishing vessels in the Bering Sea and will prevent any actions from being taken against them. It is unfortunate that Procinctia sees fit to escalate tensions rather than accept its role in illigitimately claiming sovereign Tahoan territory.

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The Tahoan Navy will maintain freedom of movement for Tahoan fishing vessels in the Bering Sea and will prevent any actions from being taken against them. It is unfortunate that Procinctia sees fit to escalate tensions rather than accept its role in illigitimately claiming sovereign Tahoan territory.
Japan (now a territory of Hansea) maintains exclusive fishing rights to this territory, said fishing vessels would be in violation of international commerce agreements.
The Tahoe Republic does not care about the historical relevance of the area.
If you don’t care about the historical relevance we have nothing more to discuss.
We reckon that this is a pointless move. The islands are Tahoan now and forever. Learn to accept that.
Oh Really?

I don’t have to accept anything, I’m free to complain about this until the end of time.

I’ll bring it up as loudly as possible at every conference, event, gathering, meeting, organization, and summit I attend for the rest of my existence

– which is needless to say every conference, event, gathering, meeting, organization, and summit.

Edited by Generalissimo
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We do not like Procinta. It is a given. But the bullying actions of Tahoe are, frankly, retarded. You are threatening a nation with no military, barely any people and little land over a voxing chunk of rock off your coast?

Are you really that bored? Does Tahoe have nothing else to do? For Vox's sake, let the tiny little islanders have one more rock to bang.

Its not like you dont have, oh I dont know, the whole freaking West coast of America and Alaska. Tahoe is, now and forever just like its land, a petty nation with guns the size of Martens Ego.

-Statement from the Tsarina of Molakia.

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