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Years ago nuke first strikes were the most immoral thing an alliance could do, even worse than "bandwagoning", until a certain superpower decided that was the best strategy to take out FAN. Hardly a mumur of complaint...

As said before the "OMG your bandwagoning!" was/is just a silly house rule to benifit those in power at the time. It will fall as well when convienent.

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GWI and GWIII probably saw the highest prevalence of outright bandwagoning of any off the major wars. Most of it was against the Orders. It's not difficult to figure out why it was stamped out by social convention.

this is true. At the same time, the Unjust War saw a good amount of bandwagoning against the Unjust Path iirc. Those on the UjP side also complained about the bandwagoning. Thus, to imply that it was solely the Orders who strived to stamp out bandwagoners is quite untrue.

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Years ago nuke first strikes were the most immoral thing an alliance could do, even worse than "bandwagoning", until a certain superpower decided that was the best strategy to take out FAN. Hardly a mumur of complaint...

As said before the "OMG your bandwagoning!" was/is just a silly house rule to benifit those in power at the time. It will fall as well when convienent.

Actually, Tyga used a first strike nuke to start GW1. It was not Pacifica who started the "first strike nukes are immoral bit", iirc it was League alliance due to the fact that the Orders and WUT had far more nukes than the League.

read my post above about the state of bandwagoning. It is used by both sides in almost every war, not just by the Orders.

@CSM/Leviathon- Bandwagoning is about a mutual enemy yes, but only if the mutual enemy was in a position to loose will bandwagoners come out of the woodworks. I do not recall GATO/IAA/CSN/(know i am missing an alliance) gaining any bandwagoners against Pacifica/Polaris/1V during that war, despite 1V being mutual enemies for other alliances. So yes, it is usually both. Bandwagoners will not join the war against a mutual enemy unless they are assured they will win.

This is also why if the war lasts longer or the bandwagoners get hit harder than they thought would happen, they also tend to be amongst the first to leave the war.

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Actually, Tyga used a first strike nuke to start GW1. It was not Pacifica who started the "first strike nukes are immoral bit", iirc it was League alliance due to the fact that the Orders and WUT had far more nukes than the League.

I thought it was the other way around, which combined with higher WUt activity and co-ordination despite the numbers gap gave the desire for conventional warfare?

*goes to UE stats thread after posting to check

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Actually, Tyga used a first strike nuke to start GW1. It was not Pacifica who started the "first strike nukes are immoral bit", iirc it was League alliance due to the fact that the Orders and WUT had far more nukes than the League.

UE has a famous post on that topic here.

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Regarding the OP... if allies request aid, we shouldn't call that bandwaggoning. It's an alliance system, and that's what it's for.

If an alliance uses a treaty to invite itself to a juicy war and a seat at the negotiating table, that's bandwaggoning... armed robbery may be a better term.

If an alliance cancels a treaty to get the hell outta Dodge before the curbstomp hits the fan, that could either be cowardice or at the insistence of the alliance about to get curbstomped, so that its allies don't get sucked down with it. Tricky call there, and we don't always get the full story in the OWF behind such moves.

NV recently aided MK in the war against TPF. TPF nations were out of range of MK nations, so we stepped in to plug the gap. We went in with an optional aggression clause and took no tech or cash in our peace terms because of that. We went in to help friends, not grab up tech. I don't think anyone but casualty junkies could call that bandwaggoning. :D

In the case of treaty-less actions... defense should not necessarily require a treaty... that being said, things should be proportional. If a sanctioned alliance suddenly intervened in a microalliance war to pick up a tech farm, I think we'd all call that bandwaggoning. Or armed robbery. If another alliance joined in a fight just to even things up, that would be sticking up for a buddy. Why not?

Aggressors have no rights to set the terms of their wars beyond what their own arms can enforce.

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