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Regarding peace terms with TPF

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I agree that you can be accountable for what you say Branmir. My issue with what you are saying is that you are broadstroking all Karma alliances.

Well, I am constantly mentioning two alliances specifically very often. But if you want to, no, not all "karma" alliances acted the same.

I will try to be specific as much as I can (although that would require more typing :P).

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Well, I am constantly mentioning two alliances specifically very often. But if you want to, no, not all "karma" alliances acted the same.

I will try to be specific as much as I can (although that would require more typing :P).

Much appreciated. Practice those typing skills, high WPM FTW

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... so because we don't like you, you feel like we should move to a different color? How about YOU move to a different color sphere and go about improving relations over there. If you'd like to have the white sphere discussion, by all means start a new thread about it because I could talk for HOURS about the numerous things TPF has done to attempt to make it as uncomfortable as possible for STA on the white sphere. You don't like the way we handle ourselves on our sphere? Move out. Don't you DARE come here and insinuate for even one second that STA has anything to do with the white sphere being less than awesome when TPF has flat out threatened other white team alliances for so much as thinking of signing a treaty with us in the past.

No. I didn't say you should move. Just that STA joining Blunity or whatever would help white relations. Something that provides value to us. Which in my opinion, is of enough value to offset some of these reps.

Ideally, I'd prefer STA to get over it and move on so white can improve, but there's a psychological barrier to that which we can't influence. That's something that has to be accomplished by some STA members on an individual level.

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No. I didn't say you should move. Just that STA joining Blunity or whatever would help white relations. Something that provides value to us. Which in my opinion, is of enough value to offset some of these reps.

Ideally, I'd prefer STA to get over it and move on so white can improve, but there's a psychological barrier to that which we can't influence. That's something that has to be accomplished by some STA members on an individual level.

Right, because the problem is STA not being able to get over it while TPF is perfectly alright with STA? Your posts are perfect evidence that TPF is the one that is not willing to work with STA to try to improve relations. Sweeping nations off your color sphere is not the way to show them you want to work with them.

But if you really feel that way, relocate to another color sphere. STA does not have a problem with anyone on white, but since you say you do, maybe it is you that is not at home on white.

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Right, because the problem is STA not being able to get over it while TPF is perfectly alright with STA? Your posts are perfect evidence that TPF is the one that is not willing to work with STA to try to improve relations. Sweeping nations off your color sphere is not the way to show them you want to work with them.

But if you really feel that way, relocate to another color sphere. STA does not have a problem with anyone on white, but since you say you do, maybe it is you that is not at home on white.

That's not QUITE true. We don't like TPF at all. But we don't have a problem with them BEING on white.

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No. I didn't say you should move. Just that STA joining Blunity or whatever would help white relations. Something that provides value to us. Which in my opinion, is of enough value to offset some of these reps.

Ideally, I'd prefer STA to get over it and move on so white can improve, but there's a psychological barrier to that which we can't influence. That's something that has to be accomplished by some STA members on an individual level.

white stagnated for a very long time because, when TPF was the head honcho on white, Slayer steadfastly REFUSED to sign any sort of white sphere pact. REFUSED.

How do I know? Because I pushed for it while in TPF for a LONG time, and he always said no, never. It wasn't until tool was larger and almost sanctioned that they took up the cause and got it done.

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No. I didn't say you should move. Just that STA joining Blunity or whatever would help white relations. Something that provides value to us. Which in my opinion, is of enough value to offset some of these reps.

Ideally, I'd prefer STA to get over it and move on so white can improve, but there's a psychological barrier to that which we can't influence. That's something that has to be accomplished by some STA members on an individual level.

No, it wouldn't help. Alliances leaving spheres never helps the sphere.

If you really wanted to help, you would try and setlle your differences instead of wishing them gone. Of course, it would require both sides to be willing to work it out.

@Lakerzzz: Can we just kill the 'gtfo' out of white statements for a moment now?

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@Lakerzzz: Can we just kill the 'gtfo' out of white statements for a moment now?

I am not telling anyone to gtfo of the sphere. I am merely telling him that a more realistic solution of him not wanting to share a color with STA is that he leaves. The STA is not leaving white.

We have no problem with TPF being on white or any other alliance. It brings more trades for us and makes the sphere look more attractive to new nations. You pegged my posts all wrong.

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No. I didn't say you should move. Just that STA joining Blunity or whatever would help white relations. Something that provides value to us. Which in my opinion, is of enough value to offset some of these reps.

Ideally, I'd prefer STA to get over it and move on so white can improve, but there's a psychological barrier to that which we can't influence. That's something that has to be accomplished by some STA members on an individual level.

Hey Roadie, STA was on white first.

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I am not telling anyone to gtfo of the sphere. I am merely telling him that a more realistic solution of him not wanting to share a color with STA is that he leaves. The STA is not leaving white.

We have no problem with TPF being on white or any other alliance. It brings more trades for us and makes the sphere look more attractive to new nations. You pegged my posts all wrong.

Upon second reading it, I guess I misunderstood it the first read around. My apologies.

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No, it wouldn't help. Alliances leaving spheres never helps the sphere.

If you really wanted to help, you would try and setlle your differences instead of wishing them gone. Of course, it would require both sides to be willing to work it out.

@Lakerzzz: Can we just kill the 'gtfo' out of white statements for a moment now?

I don't have any differences with STA at all. I rather like all the members I've spoken with. I don't have a grudge, I just want white to be better. With STA woulbe far better than without for sure, but a solidly unified color would attract alliances. Who knows, mebbe TPF should move. I'm just kicking out thoughts.

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I don't have any differences with STA at all. I rather like all the members I've spoken with. I don't have a grudge, I just want white to be better. With STA woulbe far better than without for sure, but a solidly unified color would attract alliances. Who knows, mebbe TPF should move. I'm just kicking out thoughts.

Why do you think that white would be "Far better" without STA?

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No. I didn't say you should move. Just that STA joining Blunity or whatever would help white relations. Something that provides value to us. Which in my opinion, is of enough value to offset some of these reps.

Ideally, I'd prefer STA to get over it and move on so white can improve, but there's a psychological barrier to that which we can't influence. That's something that has to be accomplished by some STA members on an individual level.

Yes STA was founded and then four months later TPF formed

Edit already been said

Edited by Terminator
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Why do you think that white would be "Far better" without STA?

Let me try to say this more clearly. My previous posts read as inflammatory.

Not that white would be better 'without STA', but that a color is far better off unified. A unified color will attract members. So if a color has to lose a member to unify - hypothetically white losing STA or TPF in this discussion - the color would be better later. Again, assuming the color couldn't unify with it's existing members.

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Let me try to say this more clearly. My previous posts read as inflammatory.

Not that white would be better 'without STA', but that a color is far better off unified. A unified color will attract members. So if a color has to lose a member to unify - hypothetically white losing STA or TPF in this discussion - the color would be better later. Again, assuming the color couldn't unify with it's existing members.

No it wouldn't. Losing an alliance only hurts a colour, I don't know how many remember that far back, but green was once the largest colour. Then there was a mass exodus of alliances. Now its what? 6th?

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Didn't karma QQ when the NPO posted terms that would not be accepted and things were going no where as some kind of PR stunt? And now you do it? Lovely double standards I have come to expect.

I'm sure I will get a million reasons why this is different.

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Of course they have, because TPF did that with PC right? Or I lost the thread annoucing that PC become the righteous. -_-

If you knew PC at all, you'd know it never had any intentions of being the righteous. I'm pretty certain the entire war was a reaction to the year of constant threats against PC, by TPF.

PC got out of it's cage, and you know what happens when a taunted and abused animal gets out of it's cage? Goes for the damn jugular against the people that taunted and abused it.

To claim TPF is honourable, in any sense of the word, is disgustingly laughable.

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