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New change to tech multiplying.

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Might I suggest reading the gameplay, suggestion, and bug forums as well.

Anyone who had been reading those forums knew this change was a long time coming.

Well I try my best to keep abreast of as many forums as one can. I still am not sure how much foresight it would take to change one's long-term planning X amount of days into the "plan". I do suppose it would benefit anyone who has a long term strategy to keep up on whether the winds of change may take that strategy away, whether they will be able to change the plan in the middle or not, thats up for debate.

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YES! You brought back global radiation!! Admin, have my babies. I'm cheap and easy. :wub:

I've wanted this for a long time.

Mine too :wub:

This simple feature ties the whole world together, it makes it feel like more of a joined up game world rather than a massive collection of individual nations. At least in mu humble opinion.

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What just happened?? I hit refresh and global radiation levels just went way down. Was it like this before when GRL's were in effect?


Edit: and now they went back up again. Is this how its going to be? A fluctuating level?

Edited by Vlad Dracula
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If you were actually "game players" you wouldn't be threatening to leave because you've suffered a bloody setback.

This is why I love my alliance so. Adapt and survive. People piss and moan when admin doesn't make a change, then when he does they say it's the end of the game and we're all screwed and admin ruins everything. Then none of the doomsday prophecies come true and 2 months later you're all stomping your feet begging for this change and that.

It's stupid, it's annoying. Your strategy is ruined? Tough. Think of a new one and move on, the game hasn't changed at all, there's simply another challenge for you to overcome. A challenge that everyone else has to overcome, too.

So I'm supposed to just continue on not doing anything, not growing, not getting any better, cause I got screwed by a perfectly legal game function? I can't grow by infra, or I can extremely slowly, to the point where I may as well just shove a gun down my imaginary ruler's throat and pull the trigger. Games are about winning and having fun, neither of which are possible for me now.

I put $100+ dollars into this game just to be screwed. If I wanted to pay to get screwed I'd visit a damn hooker, it would have been cheaper and more fun.

Edited by Masta
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As far as people complaining about long term planning being undone. You benefited from your strategy for 100, 200, 300, etc., days. A strategy doesn't always work for all time. Things change, the game updates and revalues things. New improvements, techniques and formulas are added in. You benefited for a time from what you were doing by hording tech and the corresponding strength benefit. However, that strategy is less effective and now you must come up with a new method to achieve whatever goal you have. Instead of complaining, think of it as a challenge as we have always had to overcome when items were added or modified in the game.

If there was a magic formula that you could always do forever, wouldn't the game get rather boring? Where is the challenge in doing the same thing every day?

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definitely been a while since a gameplay thread got this much action... now if we could just funnel some of this traffic over to the suggestion box as well...

It is because I posted this thread..... LULZ jk. But yea its a true story, most attention in this short 2 hours...... in one thread.

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As far as people complaining about long term planning being undone. You benefited from your strategy for 100, 200, 300, etc., days. A strategy doesn't always work for all time. Things change, the game updates and revalues things. New improvements, techniques and formulas are added in. You benefited for a time from what you were doing by hording tech and the corresponding strength benefit. However, that strategy is less effective and now you must come up with a new method to achieve whatever goal you have. Instead of complaining, think of it as a challenge as we have always had to overcome when items were added or modified in the game.

If there was a magic formula that you could always do forever, wouldn't the game get rather boring? Where is the challenge in doing the same thing every day?

Great post. 100x less offensive than I would have stated it, but sums up my feelings spot on. Either you view this as a new twist to overcome, or you are someone who just wanted to "Beat the game" by pushing a button and never having to think. I for one embrace the new challenges/strategies that are sure to come about.

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As far as people complaining about long term planning being undone. You benefited from your strategy for 100, 200, 300, etc., days. A strategy doesn't always work for all time. Things change, the game updates and revalues things. New improvements, techniques and formulas are added in. You benefited for a time from what you were doing by hording tech and the corresponding strength benefit. However, that strategy is less effective and now you must come up with a new method to achieve whatever goal you have. Instead of complaining, think of it as a challenge as we have always had to overcome when items were added or modified in the game.

If there was a magic formula that you could always do forever, wouldn't the game get rather boring? Where is the challenge in doing the same thing every day?

No, our strategies didn't 'change', changes can be made to a startegy without too much trouble, but they were just completely obliterated and now we're completely screwed.

Essentially our nations are now worth 75% less than they were yesterday. Is it so hard to understand why we whine about this?

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The fast replies are because it was a huge fluctuation across the force i.e. CN.

It took a lot of us by surprise and are at aloss right now as to how to cope...

But we will...and I think the game will be much smaller due to the fact the admin will lose players and money because of this drastic change

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But what is the goal in reaching a NS... it's an arbitrary number and if you goal is just to reach a NS it shows the failure of how you are playing the game, and I would just suggest quitting now.

Your goal should be thought of in terms of RANK not NS... and this didn't change anyone's rank much at all.

DUH... And just how do you achieve rank? With your Nation Strength! :gag:

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Just drop the border and give everyone with 3999 the opportunity to get nukes.

The game will be more attractive for new nations if it's possible to get nukes.

I really don't see that happening. And with global background radiation a factor again, I took a hit on happiness, which took some taxes outta my daily 'take'. Bottom line seems to be, the big guys stay big, the newer guys are screwed, they'll never get to nuke-capable unless older players drop out.

I'm wondering how much tech really affects combat these days. I was in a war a couple weeks ago and lost my entire Level 9 airforce to some guy who had Level 5. He only lost like 3 planes. I had a 2-1 tech advantage over him, too. WTF???

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There are certain people who followed different routes on how to play this game. The ones who spent most their money on tech are now screwed, as simple as that. Please don't try to tell me this is a fair because if changes were made to infra and top heavy nations lost out then the same outcry would be happening now.

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No, our strategies didn't 'change', changes can be made to a startegy without too much trouble, but they were just completely obliterated and now we're completely screwed.

Essentially our nations are now worth 75% less than they were yesterday. Is it so hard to understand why we whine about this?

How are they worth 75% less?

Give me one way your nation has changed other than some arbitrary number called NS.

Has your rank changed, has your income changed, has you military ability changed?

All you people just keep obsessing about BUT MAH NUMBRES R SMALLAR! without thinking... Come on people, I know most of you have at least passed the third grade...

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As far as people complaining about long term planning being undone. You benefited from your strategy for 100, 200, 300, etc., days. A strategy doesn't always work for all time. Things change, the game updates and revalues things. New improvements, techniques and formulas are added in. You benefited for a time from what you were doing by hording tech and the corresponding strength benefit. However, that strategy is less effective and now you must come up with a new method to achieve whatever goal you have. Instead of complaining, think of it as a challenge as we have always had to overcome when items were added or modified in the game.

If there was a magic formula that you could always do forever, wouldn't the game get rather boring? Where is the challenge in doing the same thing every day?

well put. new challenges = new fun

It is because I posted this thread..... LULZ jk. But yea its a true story, most attention in this short 2 hours...... in one thread.

could have something to do with the link left in the OWF ;)

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As far as people complaining about long term planning being undone. You benefited from your strategy for 100, 200, 300, etc., days. A strategy doesn't always work for all time. Things change, the game updates and revalues things. New improvements, techniques and formulas are added in. You benefited for a time from what you were doing by hording tech and the corresponding strength benefit. However, that strategy is less effective and now you must come up with a new method to achieve whatever goal you have. Instead of complaining, think of it as a challenge as we have always had to overcome when items were added or modified in the game.

If there was a magic formula that you could always do forever, wouldn't the game get rather boring? Where is the challenge in doing the same thing every day?

Fantastic post, the folks I know that have been hit the hardest by this change also carry this attitude. While still expressing concern about what else could up and change, It's important that this attitude not be buried to far in this thread.

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DUH... And just how do you achieve rank? With your Nation Strength! :gag:

yes... but if EVERYONE'S nation strength drops... how does this affect anyone.

Seriously, think about it.

If admin arbitrarily reduced everyone's NS by 90%... the game wouldn't change AT ALL. You people who are obsessing over NS are completely missing the point to this entire game... it also explains why so many people fail at CN... I just assumed the average player was smarter.... boy was I wrong.

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