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Before the war, did not know you.

During the war, I took notice.

After the war, I have nothing but utmost respect.

/salute 64Digits.

Props for the Federation of Buccanneers, Christian Coalition of Countires, The Immortals and Amranth for giving 64Digits a well deserve white peace.

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I may not like you, 64Digits, but you sure did your thing. And well. Congrats on a well deserved peace. You held out longer than bigger and supposedly tougher and better organised alliances. Good job.

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Good to see this and pleasing to see 64Digits shown leniency they could not muster themselves in the past.

They've paid far more in blood and sacrifice. what remains is a 5 man alliance totaling ~70kNS. These men have more than paid back what they've taken in the past and they fought without mud-slinging, cheap tricks or whining. I look forward to seeing their reconstruction.

Well deserved peace for you all in 64 Digits.

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They've paid far more in blood and sacrifice. what remains is a 5 man alliance totaling ~70kNS. These men have more than paid back what they've taken in the past and they fought without mud-slinging, cheap tricks or whining. I look forward to seeing their reconstruction.

Well deserved peace for you all in 64 Digits.

What remains of the victims of those who have been "punished" by the Karma War? No payment in blood or reps can resurrect those people or alliances. 5 and 70k is more than what's left of them.

64digits "deserves" no reps because there are only 5 of them left, not because they ever did anything right or good.

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What remains of the victims of those who have been "punished" by the Karma War? No payment in blood or reps can resurrect those people or alliances. 5 and 70k is more than what's left of them.

64digits "deserves" no reps because there are only 5 of them left, not because they ever did anything right or good.

No, they deserve no reps because of how they fought. As Magicman said, he still has 200 million in the bank, 5 nations doesnt mean one is poor. In the end The Immortals were honored to give white peace.

"Your quality will be known among your enemies, before ever you meet them." A quote well deserved 64D...even if I did try to make you change your name :awesome:

I will go see what kind of tech deals we can strike up to help get you on your feet.

Hail 64

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These terms are atrocious. Karma, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. So much for honor.

'grats 64digits :P

Why Karma?

They didn't hand out this white peace. The individual alliances fighting 64 Digits acted with utmost honor in handing them out.

We've been told many times when Karma affiliated alliances do something wrong/set harsh terms (Echelon and some others) that Karma isn't responsible for what happens with those alliances on their fronts. Therefore Karma as a whole certainly deserves no credit for the honor the alliances who chose white peace as a way of exit operated with in this war.

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Magicman, I learned a lot from you back in the day. I am proud to say that I still learn from you even though we have parted ways.

Have fun helping your alliance to rebuild.....you have had experience in alliances that have had to rebuild. :)

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Why Karma?

They didn't hand out this white peace. The individual alliances fighting 64 Digits acted with utmost honor in handing them out.

We've been told many times when Karma affiliated alliances do something wrong/set harsh terms (Echelon and some others) that Karma isn't responsible for what happens with those alliances on their fronts. Therefore Karma as a whole certainly deserves no credit for the honor the alliances who chose white peace as a way of exit operated with in this war.

This point would be almost reasonable if it wasn't prompted by a complete misreading of the quote it responds to. He was simply joking and making the obligatory 'Karma is evil' statement before anyone else did. Are you familiar with tongue and cheek? He is.

And yes, the individual alliances do deserve the scrutiny/praise and so we should be congratulating those who fought 64digits for this. And we are.

Well-done to the Immortals, FoB, Amaranth, and CCC... Good luck to 64digits in rebuilding.

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This point would be almost reasonable if it wasn't prompted by a complete misreading of the quote it responds to. He was simply joking and making the obligatory 'Karma is evil' statement before anyone else did. Are you familiar with tongue and cheek? He is.

He was implying that Karma gave this white peace in his post and you know it. "Lulz...Karma is so evil for this white peace lol!"

It's been extremely common for Karma as a whole to exist and be a defacto bloc when something good happens but for Karma to not be anything at all when something bad happens.

Just another brilliant bit of PR that worked for a while but has worn very very thin over the past month or so as Karma, or whatever you are, members try and have their cake and eat it too according to what thread they are posting in at the time.


White peace..."We're Karma, we are merciful, we aren't evil, we are awesome!!!111111111"

Echelon terms...."We had nothing to do with that, Karma is only the name of a very loose semi-coalition of individual alliances who barely know each other and have nothing to do with terms on any fronts other than our own."

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