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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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I still am for another week. Really disconnected from events, ain't I?

No, probably not. Which just goes to show someone does not have to be back in the backroom to know what is going on, which contradicts those insulting tirades thrown at me.

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No, probably not. Which just goes to show someone does not have to be back in the backroom to know what is going on, which contradicts those insulting tirades thrown at me.

I'm not in back channels? :unsure:

Edit: Regardless of necessity, you really have been pretty wrong in this thread about most things.

Edited by Delta1212
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Even in our surrender thread, we've got people preaching that we will bring about doom.

People have been asking me this entire war why I, a guy who is so loved by people on the other side, stuck around in the NPO despite being able to find rich opportunity elsewhere (particularly, certain mushrooms, positively charged atoms, and samurai), and now you know why I stick here. It's because over the past few years, the NPO has put the fear of God into the rest of the Cyberverse. You can debate who, what, where, when, why, and how this happened; I don't care. I'll be damned if I'm going anywhere else, though.

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I would be willing to bet my nation that he had access to all the logs and that he was also in contact with the rest of SF gov regardless if him being away.

On a side note Xiphosis isn't unreasonable and he isn't the bloodthirsty monster that many like to paint him as. I know it is the picture those who don't like him like to paint and I know his dedication to his principles makes it a believable one but anyone who has really worked with him or talked with him knows it is not the case.

This made milk come out of my nose. Hardheaded and mostly unreasonable does not equal dedicated to his principles. For anyone who is not trying to get into his pants, he is difficult to work with, stubborn and carries on grudges for extraneous amounts of time which cloud his judgement. I worked for 3 weeks to get peace for Auroras Borealis and it took all of his allies threatening to pull out of the Echelon front for him to finally capitulate.

For the most part I respect you King, and Delta, but he is not a kitten. Or a saint. And is possibly one of the harshest leaders in terms of dealing with his opponents that this game has ever seen.

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They got their nation turned to rubble, split in half and their capital divided up among the world powers?

Wrong war. Berlin was divided at the end of WWII.

The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI, in which the reparations were so harsh Germany would still be paying them today.

As such, it fostered so much discontent amongst the German population it allowed Hitler an easy rise to power.

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I'm not in back channels? :unsure:

Edit: Regardless of necessity, you really have been pretty wrong in this thread about most things.

Yet others who were there and privy to it all say otherwise. Why would I have this opinion if I wasn't there Delta if I was not actually being told this by those who were there?

Thats where this whole argument of shouting down what I am saying just doesn't cut it.

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All due respect, weren't you away for most of the talks? OOC: Vacation?

Maybe this'll help clarify that:

[ooc]The dude has an iPhone. He tends to use it to do srs CN bidness in all kinds of inopportune places: vacation, class, and at least one unconfirmed instance of the john. It's been like this for a while, as I've sent loads of good natured mocking his way over it. About half the time, I get a picture of him sitting in front of a turned off computer with his feet up and iPhone in his hand on irc.

And that's the story of dElta and his iPhone.[/ooc]

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Yet others who were there and privy to it all say otherwise. Why would I have this opinion if I wasn't there Delta if I was not actually being told this by those who were there?

Thats where this whole argument of shouting down what I am saying just doesn't cut it.

I addressed why someone who was there would blame Xiphosis regardless of accuracy in the post that you ironically responded to with "you weren't there."

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Congrats to all on the peace. This war has been boring for a long while. Personally, I think these terms are more harsh then 2 weeks of war (especially if they would have been accepted when offered), but hey peace has been obtained. I only got 3 NPO nations before war nations left my range, but they were all well fought. I hope NPO has learned a lesson in all of this. Good luck to all in the rebuilding.

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Congrats on finally achieving peace.

To be fair, yes, you're right. Moo wasn't tossed from government, etc. And that is better than some things NPO did in terms.

However, the term preventing the movement of INTERNAL tech, IMO, does more to damage them over the longterm than anything else. Technology isn't cheap at the levels of infra that the nations who will be required to pay the reparations.

To economically cripple NPO in this way for this long, well, it just doesn't sit right with me. But that's my opinion, and I suppose I'm entitled to it. lol

Polaris was prevented from moving ANY aid internally to/from its top 40 nations (i.e. any of the nations that weren't ZIed at the end of the friends > infra war). Not only could these nations not receive any tech to replace that they had to pay, they could not aid the rest of our alliance which was completely destroyed. This term is not new to CN, though it seems Karma are going to continue setting this precedence.

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I addressed why someone who was there would blame Xiphosis regardless of accuracy in the post that you ironically responded to with "you weren't there."

Great, one more vote for Xiphosis is a good guy. Honestly I do not care either way. My intent is to bring more information to the masses, something that Xiphosis himself has shown support for with his own posting in this thread. So why don't you truly honor your good friend and share some more?

Do we have to say bad things about those that were there in order to achieve this?

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Wrong war. Berlin was divided at the end of WWII.

The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI, in which the reparations were so harsh Germany would still be paying them today.

As such, it fostered so much discontent amongst the German population it allowed Hitler an easy rise to power.

So, if some psychotic dictator comes to power in NPO, starts exterminating their own nations and people en masse, and starts a war of annihilation against the world, these terms can be blamed?


OOC: Is it really necessary to Godwin everything?

Edited by Aurion
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This made milk come out of my nose. Hardheaded and mostly unreasonable does not equal dedicated to his principles. For anyone who is not trying to get into his pants, he is difficult to work with, stubborn and carries on grudges for extraneous amounts of time which cloud his judgement. I worked for 3 weeks to get peace for Auroras Borealis and it took all of his allies threatening to pull out of the Echelon front for him to finally capitulate.

Actually, I did it out of respect for MK and Vanguard. None of my allies were threatening to pull off of the Echelon front. Some on the AB front wanted to, but it was out of boredom more than anything (And only LoSS did, if memory serves). In any case, I certainly didn't do it for you, and you've just demonstrated why rather eloquently.

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Ridiculous! These terms are unexceptable in my eyes. Even though I am not in NPO and in ACF, I can't stand to look at this.

You watch, NPO will come back around and we will have Karma War Two. I never liked NPO but I find these surrender term utterly ridiculous.

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Ridiculous! These terms are unexceptable in my eyes. Even though I am not in NPO and in ACF, I can't stand to look at this.

You watch, NPO will come back around and we will have Karma War Two. I never liked NPO but I find these surrender term utterly ridiculous.

So if some people are saying they're light, and some people are saying they're harsh, does that mean that they're about right?

Yes, grey fallacy I know.

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Bravo. Funnest war I've fought to date. I can say that it was a hell of a lot of fun fighting some of you guys (the ones who actually fought back that is.)

Shout outs to my foes; LuliktheValangian, nme28 (my wife also battled them after nme28 slipped out of my strength range,) camskee, mr breeze (also fought with my wife), FoolBettaRecaniz (Deleted), neotris9, bladawt (Deleted), kriegsdrachen, Captain Dank, Lord Strider & Emperor Ice.

I look forward to the era we're walking into.

o/ Karma.

o/ GR & her Allies.

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Ridiculous! These terms are unexceptable in my eyes. Even though I am not in NPO and in ACF, I can't stand to look at this.

You watch, NPO will come back around and we will have Karma War Two. I never liked NPO but I find these surrender term utterly ridiculous.

Would you care to elaborate? do you find all the terms ridiculous or just certain parts?. Furthermore would you have said some of the terms the Order has given to others were also patently ridiculous? or entirely justified? (Sorry to bombard you with questions :D ).

Edited by Cataduanes
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