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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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Unlike everyone else on the planet, I actually read what you write, so I'd read it already. I also wasn't trying to critique your essay. I was just pointing out how completely insane you sound whenever this subject comes up.

This is true. For the uninitiated (and Vladimir, evidently), whenever the NPO talks about GW1, which was a clear military defeat culminating in a surrender and apology by the NPO, they say they "won" because they had so much success in later wars. What Delta did was show that the leaders of two prominent powers in GW3 that lost and disbanded are now leaders of two alliances on the winning side of this war, thus if you apply Vladimir's logic to this situation, Aegis "won" GW3.

Neither is true, but it served it's purpose to show the overall inanity and stupidity of the claim that the NPO won GW1.

Regardless, that's not really the topic of this thread, the topic is that the NPO has finally surrendered to the forces of Karma and GW(insert whatever number you want to here) is over. All I can say is I'm glad they didn't pull a FAN and just stick it out for a year, because the world would be rather boring without them.

Edited by deth2munkies
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NPO congratulations in Peace and taking a stand on the pre-terms and 14 day curb stomp demands and to get them removed despite the talls claims etc. Even despite these, you are facing the harshest terms in history of the game. Love or hate NPO, they make this game very entertaining and I hope NPO survives this and I am sure all 17 alliances wish the same from the bottom of their hearts.

I hope with these, the fires of revenge are extinguished and everyone can move on for a better future and this be the new point in time line to judge the actions of all the alliances.

Congratulations to Karma alliances in general on their victory and the classy white-rep ones in particular. Congratulations to all alliances in Hegemony who went through so much pain and still survive as weaker alliances in terms of NS but much more stronger as communities.

Also, what is the breakdown of these Reps? Any reason why that has not been posted yet?

Edited by shahenshah
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NPO congratulations in Peace and taking a stand on the pre-terms and 14 day curb stomp demands to remove them. Even despite these, you are facing the harshest terms in history of the game.

OOC: *points to GIF in signature*

I hope with these, the fires of revenge are extinguished and everyone can move on for a better future and this be the new point in time line to judge the actions of all the alliances.

This is the New Pacific Order we are talking about here, they're going to come after Karma alliances sooner or later and take their revenge for an ouright defeat. If nothing else their previous actions show that they are incapable of letting go of the past.

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Glad to be a part of such an epic war. It was fun for me.

Hope TPF, 64digits and Avalon get peace soon. I got lots of respect for them.

I salute the nations who I have fought from Viridian Entente, Ragnarok, FOK and VoX. It was a good honorable fight.

Hope we recover soon...I do not want to miss the next war.

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This is the New Pacific Order we are talking about here, they're going to come after Karma alliances sooner or later and take their revenge for an ouright defeat.

Given that the NPO has to pay the largest reps in history, including over 100% of their tech, it might be just a tad bit early to start the fear-mongering "The NPO will get you!!!!" just yet. You can stop looking under your bed for the NPO boogeyman.

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HeinousOne, couple of things. First if GOD (i.e. Xiphosis) wasn't completely satisfied with the terms, they would still be at war with or without everyone on the front. If GOD was still at war, its allies would be as well. If anyone thinks we'd have abandoned GOD to fight by themselves, they're an idiot. Secondly, Xiphosis was not the only "problem" on the NPO front. There were about as many "problems" as people and who was the worst depends entirely on who you ask, mostly because people don't tend to think of themselves as a problem. Xiphosis also happens to be a polarizing figure which means most people either love him or hate him. As we all know, people love blaming people they don't like for all their problems, especially as an alternative to considering their own actions critically.

All due respect, weren't you away for most of the talks? OOC: Vacation?

That would be part of what we were fighting to ensure, yes. I, personally, am looking forward to many more public (verbal) fights between alliances. Moving stuff into the public eye without Vox and TWIP forcing it would do us all a ton of good.

Seems some of your boys aren't so much into that thought. Someone tries talking about what was going on behind closed doors gets them all riled up. Perhaps you can start with them if you are looking to increase awareness of what goes on.

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There is also a restriction on building specific military wonders and FAC. That's new I believe.

No, it's not. It was used extensively during the noCB war.

Edit: Nor is it new if you are referring to its inclusion in these new terms for NPO.

Edited by Uhtred
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All due respect, weren't you away for most of the talks? OOC: Vacation?

I would be willing to bet my nation that he had access to all the logs and that he was also in contact with the rest of SF gov regardless if him being away.

On a side note Xiphosis isn't unreasonable and he isn't the bloodthirsty monster that many like to paint him as. I know it is the picture those who don't like him like to paint and I know his dedication to his principles makes it a believable one but anyone who has really worked with him or talked with him knows it is not the case.

Edited by KingSrqt
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thats alottttttttttt of cash, 6 months too damn

In light of the fact that the NPO has previously trumpeted their ability to "move billions" in a month, the cash portion of the reparations is far too low.

They'll be back much more quickly than you realize.

Karma blew it, basically.

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I would be willing to bet my nation that he had access to all the logs and that he was also in contact with the rest of SF gov regardless if him being away.

Which is all second hand knowledge, the same as I was being insulted for using. Very interesting.

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Given that the NPO has to pay the largest reps in history, including over 100% of their tech, it might be just a tad bit early to start the fear-mongering "The NPO will get you!!!!" just yet. You can stop looking under your bed for the NPO boogeyman.

Don't underestimate them, simply because they are not a threat now does not mean that they shall not become one in the future and does not mean that they will not attempt to take control once more.

With all their strongest nations being allowed to quite happily bide their time until this war ended they are more than capable of rebuilding at great speed.

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Which is all second hand knowledge, the same as I was being insulted for using. Very interesting.

being able to view complete and unedited logs is not really second hand knowledge, it is the equivalent of being in the room and not saying anything. Did you have access to complete and unedited logs?

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Don't underestimate them, simply because they are not a threat now does not mean that they shall not become one in the future and does not mean that they will not attempt to take control once more.

With all their strongest nations being allowed to quite happily bide their time until this war ended they are more than capable of rebuilding at great speed.

Although all of those nations must send out their tech, as they are the only nations allowed to do so. I think that one term is rather critical in getting Karma alliances a head start, if it is necessary.

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In light of the fact that the NPO has previously trumpeted their ability to "move billions" in a month, the cash portion of the reparations is far too low.

They'll be back much more quickly than you realize.

Karma blew it, basically.

Don't underestimate them, simply because they are not a threat now does not mean that they shall not become one in the future and does not mean that they will not attempt to take control once more.

With all their strongest nations being allowed to quite happily bide their time until this war ended they are more than capable of rebuilding at great speed.

Do you guys think NPO will comeback and wage war after having lost so many members, faith and confidence?

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Nice job to everyone in Karma. This victory was a long time coming.

I'd also like to give a shout out to my NPO opponents in this war. Most of you fought very well and I always felt it stayed respectable considering the bad blood that was out there. There were many highs and lows over the last 91 days. I took 18 nukes and learned the meaning of friends before infra firsthand. When that "ol' wheel" comes around again as some are suggesting, I promise you I will have nukes and an SDI the next time. :P

To all of our allies and to that awesome quirky green alliance known as the Viridian Entente -


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