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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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Were talking long-term here. His defined time frame.

If memory serves, and you follow your apparent definition of causes for disbanding alliances, the NPO did succeed in destroying LUE, so they still lost in the end.

Moreover, his definition of victory wasnt about the stated goals of the defeated, but moreso about foiling the objectives of the victors. So, once again, from that perspective the NPO won.

See, you're not debating my definitions here, you're trying to go after He who has no name's. So you would do better to discount my posts by trying to point out how *his* definitions are "a little backwards".

It doesn't work like that. Just because they won another war months later, by allying anything that moved, even alliances without even an embassy, they did not win the previous war. That doesn't even make any sense.

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Congratulations on your victory, NPO! Now that you have strategically retreated, it is time to think ahead and work towards putting these rabid dogs (or midgets?) down!

Sound tactical advice from our PITA buddies MK :awesome:

Oh wait, that was canceled :(

Don't worry MK, you'll always be our PITA...buddies :P

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Were talking long-term here. His defined time frame.

If memory serves, and you follow your apparent definition of causes for disbanding alliances, the NPO did succeed in destroying LUE, so they still lost in the end.

Moreover, his definition of victory wasnt about the stated goals of the defeated, but moreso about foiling the objectives of the victors. So, once again, from that perspective the NPO won.

See, you're not debating my definitions here, you're trying to go after He who has no name's. So you would do better to discount my posts by trying to point out how *his* definitions are "a little backwards".

Where exactly did I say I agreed with his definitions? The fact of the matter is Pacifica lost the First Great War, as it failed to accomplish its objectives, and was forced to both surrender and admit defeat. And this whole line of thought that because LUE eventually disbanded, almost a year after the First Great War concluded, somehow equates to a Pacifican victory in that war, is absolutely ludicrous. If you follow that logic, you get some rather amusing and downright silly results, such as the aforementioned LSF victory over Norden Verein.

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Where exactly did I say I agreed with his definitions? The fact of the matter is Pacifica lost the First Great War, as it failed to accomplish its objectives, and was forced to both surrender and admit defeat. And this whole line of thought that because LUE eventually disbanded, almost a year after the First Great War concluded, somehow equates to a Pacifican victory in that war, is absolutely ludicrous. If you follow that logic, you get some rather amusing and downright silly results, such as the aforementioned LSF victory over Norden Verein.

You know, I think Chron agrees with you. His point is that the guy he's arguing with, He Who, is basing his argument on a claim that leads to these kinds of silly results.

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How on earth can the peace terms waive NPO's cancellation periods?

I'm no contract law expert, but it would seem that NPO only has the right to promise what is within its rights to give. The parties to those treaties that are supposedly canceled are not parties to these surrender terms. So, NPO could agree to give notice on its treaties. Or it could agree to offer to waive cancellation terms by mutual agreement. But it would seem to me that it has no right to unilaterally waive those notice provisions. Just as Karma has no right to force these peace terms on alliances not party to the agreement. Who is Karma to tell someone their contract with NPO is void?

Let them tell NPO to cancel pursuant to their rights under the treaty, fine, but anything else would seem to be a surrender term imposed on non-parties, and possibly non-combatants. I'm not saying that people will complain about this, but as a point of law/precedent, this just seems wrong.

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Your not serious surely??? so the likes of Raga and say Shinra can never return?? personally i would call for that PIAT to be ripped up...a PIAT partner should not be stipulating restrictions on any level.
V. The New Pacific Order will immediately and permanently cease all claims over alliance affiliations other than 'New Pacific Order', 'NPO Cadet' and 'NPO Applicant', and will end all hostilities with alliances affiliations from previous conflicts.

Seems to me anyone who wants to return to GATO should be able to.

Edited by Azhrarn
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How on earth can the peace terms waive NPO's cancellation periods?

I'm no contract law expert, but it would seem that NPO only has the right to promise what is within its rights to give. The parties to those treaties that are supposedly canceled are not parties to these surrender terms. So, NPO could agree to give notice on its treaties. Or it could agree to offer to waive cancellation terms by mutual agreement. But it would seem to me that it has no right to unilaterally waive those notice provisions. Just as Karma has no right to force these peace terms on alliances not party to the agreement. Who is Karma to tell someone their contract with NPO is void?

Let them tell NPO to cancel pursuant to their rights under the treaty, fine, but anything else would seem to be a surrender term imposed on non-parties, and possibly non-combatants. I'm not saying that people will complain about this, but as a point of law/precedent, this just seems wrong.

It's not contract law, but otherwise you're right. The terms of surrender force NPO to offer to waive the cancellation periods; NPO treaty partners are under no obligation to accept the offer.

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Thank you, NPO, for putting up a fight at the low NS levels and making this war a bit interesting over the last few weeks.

Thank you, Karma allies, for joining us in the good fight. :wub:

A huge cheer for the members of Ragnarok. :awesome:

It's going to feel weird for a couple of days, not being at war.

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The following sums up my feelings at this moment...

We are gathered here, representatives of the major warring powers, to conclude a solemn agreement whereby peace may be restored. The issues, involving divergent ideals and ideologies, have been determined on the battlefields of the world and hence are not for our discussion or debate. Nor is it for us here to meet, representing as we do a majority of the people of the earth, in a spirit of distrust, malice or hatred. But rather it is for us, both victors and vanquished, to rise to that higher dignity which alone befits the sacred purposes we are about to serve, committing all our people unreservedly to faithful compliance with the understanding they are here formally to assume.

It is my earnest hope, and indeed the hope of all mankind, that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past -- a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance and justice.

General Douglas MacArthur

Surrender Ceremony of Japan aboard U.S.S. Missouri. (Sep. 2, 1945)

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the time has come for peace ,for the men to go home for families to reunite,

for the infra to again grow ,and for tech to be passed to the victors,

some of NPO fought well ,to you I salute you ,to the NPO nations that hid in peace mode the entire war ,,

now you pay for your cowardice with money and tech.for it may have been you who could have turned the tide of war but in your fear of losing mear pixels ,you chose to cowar in the shadows.for this I have no respect.

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A member of Mushroom Kingdom calling us surrender monkeys?

Just how many times has your alliance or past incarnations surrendered? Or disbanded?


Everyone in this game surrenders sooner or later. To expect to not be rused over it, would be silly.

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