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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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Very lenient terms, very generous settlement by Karma. It's difficult to believe that the attacks on the peace mode nations were removed, and I for one think that condition should have been removed only in favour of more tech - but oh well.

NPO should be very happy and thankful to the alliances fighting them, as I doubt I would be this generous.

The decom thing was added in it's place.

Whats more, you really have nothing to do with this subject. You're even more uninvolved than Sileath.

I mean, theres speaking from a position of total ignorance, and then there's your post. Just damn.

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Whats more, you really have nothing to do with this subject. You're even more uninvolved than Sileath.

Oh and you are? And what the hell does that have to do with anything anyway?

NSO - "Nobody says anything except us! All your opinions are irrelevant! HURR DURR".

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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Apologies. Dogpile of little people. I forgot my manners there.

In all seriousness, in scale, the assembled opposition was individually tiny, hence the dogpile of little people (emphasis mine) comment. I fail to see the disrespect.

We're all idiots friend, just in different areas. At least I can admit it. :)

If that's actually what you meant by midgets, then I take it back. It looked to me like you were just flailing around for an insult to use for Karma, but I guess I was wrong.

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Temporary military defeat for eventual complete tactical victory. I'd call that a win.

By your logic, LSF beat the living !@#$e out of the precious Norden Verein last summer. :v:

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Very lenient terms, very generous settlement by Karma. It's difficult to believe that the attacks on the peace mode nations were removed, and I for one think that condition should have been removed only in favour of more tech - but oh well.

NPO should be very happy and thankful to the alliances fighting them, as I doubt I would be this generous.

Actually I would like to echo your statement Starcraftmazter. NPO has shown beyond a doubt their ability to move large sums of money and while these terms may seem harsh under careful scrutiny it would reveal Karma is quite possibly just setting themselves up for future disaster. Either way at least a war has ended and that is always good for business.

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If that's actually what you meant by midgets, then I take it back. It looked to me like you were just flailing around for an insult to use for Karma, but I guess I was wrong.

No, that is exactly what he was doing.

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Once again, the effort you are putting forth to belittle me and contradict everything I am posting kind of goes to show you dont quite believe everything that your initial insult post directed at me stated.

:unsure: I believe he is trying to defend and not offend. It seems to me that there is some bad blood or dis-pleasure here between you and GOD. It is a matter for calm and rational discussion, which i daresay this medium wont cater to. Both Xiph and Big_Z are known to me to be sensible and as far as you are concerned, i have not had the pleasure of conversing with you one on one, but i have been watching what you post, and most times you come across as being straightforward and sensible too.

The topic at hand being the surrender by Pacifica, i can appreciate that some would wish to delve into what went into the mix to cook up this surrender, you have been a bit more knowledgeable as compared to quiet a lot of folks that have posted here. I urge you to take this up with Xiphosis/Big_Z, one on one. Often, it is our perceptions of the issues/personalities involved that do us all a dis-service in getting to the truth and resolving disputes, which more often than not, are a result of our perceptions.

I would like to re-iterate, there was no attempt to hold up the negotiations and/or draw them out. I myself have been of the opinion that NPO had to accept the terms as were offered to them in the first instance, as were so many of us. the fact that we were able to all agree to these terms and what we ended up refering to as the "No War" terms is a credit and a tribute to those that actively talked to NPO and gave their time and energy for this, Londo being prime among them. When Londo was telling the NPO and the world that it was difficult to manage to convince the coalition on a change in the terms, he was not joking, he was in earnest.

I once again urge you to take it up with either Xiph and/or Big_Z on a more conducive mode of communication where personalities/perceptions can be set aside and meaningful dialogue can be achieved.

Also, thanks for the good wishes on the ending of this war.

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Oh and you are? And what the hell does that have to do with anything anyway?

NSO - "Nobody says anything except us! All your opinions are irrelevant! HURR DURR".

I used to be NPO military High Command. War Council, back when they had it. Had a pretty decent impact in my time there.

Big shot and stuff. Sileath used to be in the NPO.

What right do you have to talk about these terms, again?

Temporary military defeat for eventual complete tactical victory. I'd call that a win.

So what do you call GWI, then? Im dying to know.

Edited by Chron
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If that's actually what you meant by midgets, then I take it back. It looked to me like you were just flailing around for an insult to use for Karma, but I guess I was wrong.

I flail around quite a bit while trying to employ this English language thing. :P

And yeah, that's what I meant. Clarity is not my strong suit.

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To be fair, you'd need to perform feats of mental agility far surpassing anything Vladimir could even imagine to consider VietFAN anything but a crushing military defeat for FAN.

But as the saying goes "Logic isnt for everyone".

NPO's explicit stated objective in VietFAN was our annihilation.

That war is over. We still exist.

We win.

...I'm out of consolation prizes unless you like empty whiskey bottles, so sorry in those regards.

My point stands that this is another example in a long chain of events of NPO refusing to own up and admit that they are not invincible, and that once again people are hailing their "honorable fight and surrender" - when they should instead be holding Pacifica's feet to the fire for their attempt to again create what will inevitably be again exploited further down the road as "proof that NPO never actually lost the war".

That behavior of weaponized revisionism is an infamous hallmark in the history of Pacifican existence / belligerence, and the fact that it is blindly being allowed to slowly start building again is stupefying.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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I used to be NPO military High Command. War Council, back when they had it. Had a pretty decent impact in my time there.

What right do you have to talk about these terms, again?

If I didn't have the right to do so, then I would be incapable of doing so, silly person.

PS. I don't see how you being in the NPO military command at some stage gives you any unique insight into surrender terms which were agreed upon by other individuals.

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No, that is exactly what he was doing.

No it wasn't, I think he was making a reference to the relatively small individual alliance strengths of those fighting the NPO.

Of course 18 midgets can take down a man, or, if you like, 18 men can drop a giant.

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NPO's explicit stated objective in VietFAN was our annihilation.

That war is over. We still exist.

We win.

...I'm out of consolation prizes unless you like empty whiskey bottles, so sorry in those regards.

My point stands that this is another example in a long chain of events of NPO refusing to own up and admit that they are not invincible, and that once again people are hailing their "honorable fight and surrender" - when they should instead be holding Pacifica's feet to the fire for their attempt to again create what will inevitably be again exploited further down the road as "proof that NPO never actually lost the war".

That behavior of weaponized revisionism is an infamous hallmark in the history of Pacifican existence / belligerence, and the fact that it is blindly being allowed to slowly start building again is stupefying.

While it is true that we failed to destroy you, I'm not sure that quite matches up with the postion we are in now.

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It was a stupid thing for Big-Z to do. Why did he do it? Because GOD as a whole is pissed off about the terms but realized in the end just how many of the coalition wanted this war to end.

As a long standing member of GOD I would like to request that you don't speak for our alliance as a whole again. Our members are a quirky bunch, and cannot be replicated. As a whole we're pleased with the terms, and with the cessation of open hostilities. Obviously a few members will have a differing opinion, but in time, they'll learn to toe our party line.

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:unsure: I believe he is trying to defend and not offend. It seems to me that there is some bad blood or dis-pleasure here between you and GOD. It is a matter for calm and rational discussion, which i daresay this medium wont cater to. Both Xiph and Big_Z are known to me to be sensible and as far as you are concerned, i have not had the pleasure of conversing with you one on one, but i have been watching what you post, and most times you come across as being straightforward and sensible too.

The topic at hand being the surrender by Pacifica, i can appreciate that some would wish to delve into what went into the mix to cook up this surrender, you have been a bit more knowledgeable as compared to quiet a lot of folks that have posted here. I urge you to take this up with Xiphosis/Big_Z, one on one. Often, it is our perceptions of the issues/personalities involved that do us all a dis-service in getting to the truth and resolving disputes, which more often than not, are a result of our perceptions.

I would like to re-iterate, there was no attempt to hold up the negotiations and/or draw them out. I myself have been of the opinion that NPO had to accept the terms as were offered to them in the first instance, as were so many of us. the fact that we were able to all agree to these terms and what we ended up refering to as the "No War" terms is a credit and a tribute to those that actively talked to NPO and gave their time and energy for this, Londo being prime among them. When Londo was telling the NPO and the world that it was difficult to manage to convince the coalition on a change in the terms, he was not joking, he was in earnest.

I once again urge you to take it up with either Xiph and/or Big_Z on a more conducive mode of communication where personalities/perceptions can be set aside and meaningful dialogue can be achieved.

Also, thanks for the good wishes on the ending of this war.

I am more then willing to take any respectful responses that might differ from what I came across earlier on. I by no means claim to have full knowledge but that which I came across all seemed to pointing in the same direction. If that changed at some point then so be it but when someone comes full bore trying to insult and demean me rather then respectfully disagree with what I have said then yes I am actually going to assume that what I have come across up until then actually has merit to it. Then I am going to fire back for insulting me. That can continue or it can stop, I would rather it stop because this is already old news and doesn't matter.

OOC: Plus its getting extremely late.

As a long standing member of GOD I would like to request that you don't speak for our alliance as a whole again. Our members are a quirky bunch, and cannot be replicated. As a whole we're pleased with the terms, and with the cessation of open hostilities. Obviously a few members will have a differing opinion, but in time, they'll learn to toe our party line.

Fair enough. I am really quite ready to move on past the entire war and all that goes with it.

Edited by HeinousOne
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As a long standing member of GOD I would like to request that you don't speak for our alliance as a whole again. Our members are a quirky bunch, and cannot be replicated. As a whole we're pleased with the terms, and with the cessation of open hostilities. Obviously a few members will have a differing opinion, but in time, they'll learn to toe our party line.

You oppressive !@#$%^&, you.

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It was entertaining for the members and a cleansing experience for Pacifica. It was a good fight.

A shout-out for RoK for dancing with us the whole time.

Also my eternal gratitude to TPF, 64Digits and Avalon for standing beside us during this difficult time, it was an honour brothers.

Added some Avalon :wub:

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