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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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Everyone likes to feel important.

Even the irrelevant. Sileath is living proof of this fact.

Perhaps Xiphosis was simply trying to rally support in some ill-conceived bid for dominance? Clearly he failed if this surrender agreement was reached.

My friend, please let him walk through that open door. ;)

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Oh my, did I get to you or what? Your wheels are spinning full force to roll out the insults on me. Funny how many people who were in the thick of it had alot to say about your illustrious leader Xiphosis and how much of a hardliner he was at keeping peace terms from being reached. Even saw some logs about how he wanted to destroy the NPO.

If he didnt have any power, why did he have to open up a new forum thread in the Karma forum asking everyone for their current opinion on the new peace terms put forward? Why all the focus on him if he didn't have that big of an affect on holding back negotiations?

HO, there were discussions, yes, about whether indeed revised terms were to be offered to the NPO. What transpired as part of those discussions, can hardly be construed to mean that Xiphosis, or in fact anyone that was a part of those discussions had the intention to with-hold peace from Pacifica.

The fact of the matter is that each and every alliance on this front has put forth their points and counterpoints in getting to this stage, where peace has been won, and the war is over. Having had the discussions and seen it all go down, on this front, i can tell you, Xiphosis, did not hold up the negotiations, he was well within his rights as a participant alliance leader on this front to voice his questions and have them addressed. The fact that his views had more than a few people in agreement with them, is neither here nor there.

To pick one person to demean and demonise is pointless, If it was a quick peace that was an over-riding concern, it was easily achieved, all that had to be done was for NPO to accept the terms as they were first presented and we would have been all having lattes for the past one month.

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My friend, please let him walk through that open door. ;)

Any attention whore worth his...Well, not salt, but you know what I mean...Would know better than to try and become the center of attention in a subject of this magnitude.

Even if he tried to prevent it from ever occurring to begin with.

By the way, what does Xiphosis even have anything to do with failing at being important enough to influence these negotiations?

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HO, there were discussions, yes, about whether indeed revised terms were to be offered to the NPO. What transpired as part of those discussions, can hardly be construed to mean that Xiphosis, or in fact anyone that was a part of those discussions had the intention to with-hold peace from Pacifica.

The fact of the matter is that each and every alliance on this front has put forth their points and counterpoints in getting to this stage, where peace has been won, and the war is over. Having had the discussions and seen it all go down, on this front, i can tell you, Xiphosis, did not hold up the negotiations, he was well within his rights as a participant alliance leader on this front to voice his questions and have them addressed. The fact that his views had more than a few people in agreement with them, is neither here nor there.

To pick one person to demean and demonise is pointless, If it was a quick peace that was an over-riding concern, it was easily achieved, all that had to be done was for NPO to accept the terms as they were first presented and we would have been all having lattes for the past one month.

All due respect, as I do respect how you guys have handled yourselves both in the public eye and behind closed doors, it was made quite evident publically that the initial reaction of those fighting NPO when they denied the first terms was to completely demonize them for daring to deny such. Part of that was to state how they would not get any further terms. Some of the loudest voices in that shouting was indeed those of GOD. It was not just them though, in fact it was many who were not privy at all to the talks you guys were having. I tried to drop hints so people wouldnt look silly by continuing to say that NPO would not get any other terms offered as such was already happening but of course many of them were being riled up from somewhere. Yes, I was not there to see all but I heard enough, saw enough and was told enough to know that Xiphosis and GOD were major pushers in not giving NPO any new terms because they felt it would give the NPO opportunity to claim it won. Seriously, how silly is that to believe such?

I didn't even care to talk about these issues as all I cared about was to see the war ended and I did my part in helping that, a very small part, but my part nonetheless. So to see a GOD representative trying so desperately to smear a very simple and nondescriptive statement by me was unfortunately enough for me to decide to not keep silent on this.

This is not personal for me so it can end right here, or he can feel the need to take it to another level and continue to try and insult me in ways to make these words of mine to appear unfounded.

Now, you are being very respectful and I appreciate that. I realize that you have close ties to GOD and wish to see no ill will befall them but it was extremely irresponsible for Big-Z to come at me like that. What did he have to gain? It is that type of irrational and irresponsible behavior that kept the talks going as long as they did.

Any attention whore worth his...Well, not salt, but you know what I mean...Would know better than to try and become the center of attention in a subject of this magnitude.

Even if he tried to prevent it from ever occurring to begin with.

By the way, what does Xiphosis even have anything to do with failing at being important enough to influence these negotiations?

Well if you mean me, I certainly do not wish to be the center of attention in an afterthought argument that really doesnt matter. The war is over and much better times will commence. But if Big-Z wants to take a shot at me then I certainly am not going to keep what I got holstered. He can pull back anytime he wants and I will not continue forth. I am sure their friends in other alliances such as Alfred would rather they not take up silly arguments that can only harm them. What have I got to lose? After all I am just an ex-NPO nobody right?

It was a stupid thing for Big-Z to do. Why did he do it? Because GOD as a whole is pissed off about the terms but realized in the end just how many of the coalition wanted this war to end.

Edited by HeinousOne
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Oh my, did I get to you or what? Your wheels are spinning full force to roll out the insults on me. Funny how many people who were in the thick of it had alot to say about your illustrious leader Xiphosis and how much of a hardliner he was at keeping peace terms from being reached. Even saw some logs about how he wanted to destroy the NPO.

If he didnt have any power, why did he have to open up a new forum thread in the Karma forum asking everyone for their current opinion on the new peace terms put forward? Why all the focus on him if he didn't have that big of an affect on holding back negotiations?

He's stated that he wanted to destroy an alliance that's been gunning for our allies, started an aggressive war against said allies, and has controlled the world for the past few years? Well color me surprised :o . That's so evil of him. Why, forget security and defending one's alliance and allies. Who needs it? I mean, surely the world is all sunshine and rainbows right?

Yes, I'm sure Xiph was the only person expressing dissatisfaction throughout the entire process. In fact, let's just ignore some questionable actions by some people and the fact that the original terms were always on the table. Or we can also ignore the other posts in the Karma threads which you claim to have saw and only focus on the ebil Xiphosis.

Perhaps Xiphosis was simply trying to rally support in some ill-conceived bid for dominance? Clearly he failed if this surrender agreement was reached.

Oh absolutely. Or you know, we couldn't agree on terms that were equitable to the dropping of the no war clause for a while until a compromise was made.

Yes, I was not there to see all but I heard enough, saw enough and was told enough to know that Xiphosis and GOD were major pushers in not giving NPO any new terms because they felt it would give the NPO opportunity to claim it won.

Really? Are you sure about that? You should try again.

Because GOD as a whole is pissed off about the terms but realized in the end just how many of the coalition wanted this war to end.

Yes, we were so pissed off about the terms, that we cheerfully agreed to the ones you see here and the ones that were previously offered to NPO. Why, you know us better than we know ourselves.

Edited by Big Z
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And so, this act ends.

An interesting war, one can only hope we have an interesting peace.

It was a stupid thing for Big-Z to do. Why did he do it? Because GOD as a whole is pissed off about the terms but realized in the end just how many of the coalition wanted this war to end.

For whatever reason, I've noticed a distinct lack of anger in the thread on our boards (I'm reading it atm) and on our IRC.

The closest thing I've seen to that so far was Mid saying this:


And that would presumably be more in that a few people have recently decided to leave since they've climbed the highest mountain and how nothing will ever top this or some crap.

But what do I know?

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He's stated that he wanted to destroy an alliance that's been gunning for our allies, started an aggressive war against said allies, and has controlled the world for the past few years? Well color me surprised :o . That's so evil of him. Why, forget security and defending one's alliance and allies. Who needs it? I mean, surely the world is all sunshine and rainbows right?

When those you are there to protect do not wish for such then one might question your real motives. It surely at that point wasnt about defending anyone else. That was already done. Do you actually believe all of that?

Yes, I'm sure Xiph was the only person expressing dissatisfaction throughout the entire process. In fact, let's just ignore some questionable actions by some people and the fact that the original terms were always on the table. Or we can also ignore the other posts in the Karma threads which you claim to have saw and only focus on the ebil Xiphosis.

No, he most certainly wasn't. Its just that the others understand the idea of compromising with your friends. Why would I care about the other threads? You are the one that called me out in a most insulting manner. Par for the course really.

Oh absolutely. Or you know, we couldn't agree on terms that were equitable to the dropping of the no war clause for a while until a compromise was made.

You couldn't agree on terms? The only terms you guys were willing to agree on were the initial terms. Not until there was an obvious majority of opinion against what you wanted did Xiphosis even bother to finally ask everyone what they thought. Up until that point he didn't even care.

Really? Are you sure about that? You should try again.

Oh my, I bet you could give responses like this all night. You wouldn't even need to read my responses, you probably aren't even doing such now.

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Well if you mean me, I certainly do not wish to be the center of attention in an afterthought argument that really doesnt matter. The war is over and much better times will commence. But if Big-Z wants to take a shot at me then I certainly am not going to keep what I got holstered. He can pull back anytime he wants and I will not continue forth. I am sure their friends in other alliances such as Alfred would rather they not take up silly arguments that can only harm them. What have I got to lose? After all I am just an ex-NPO nobody right?

It was a stupid thing for Big-Z to do. Why did he do it? Because GOD as a whole is pissed off about the terms but realized in the end just how many of the coalition wanted this war to end.

*Waves his hand dismissively*

No, no, no. I didnt mean you. Meant Xiphosis.

See, I dont really have that high of an opinion of GOD right now. Pretty big perpetrators of that fake debating thing I mentioned in that declaration I made a month or so ago.

Anyway, I too, am looking forward to folks trying to paint Frostbite as the new NPO in blatant ignorance of reality...I mean the New World Order.

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I am unaligned, I am not an ally of TPF, my posts are not aimed to help TPF, my posts just express my opinion.

He was obviously confused by your [ooc]TE[/ooc] Alliance Affiliation. That is understandable. Relax. Perhaps I could interest you in one of my Empire's fine pharmaceutical products?* (Please see my sig for more information.)

For this MADP, TORN had one with NPO, which is why they attacked together. TORN got a get out of jail free card because they bailed out of the war after one day and are allied with you. In case you forgot, TORN actually started this war, TPF was just being a good ally and helping NPO interrogate a spy.

These terms against NPO are indefensible when TORN has been a party to all of these supposed accusations, but their cowardice in the face of war has earned them white peace and allegedly a whitewash of the traitor tag they have earned.

You seem to forget the part where the NPO, on Day One of this conflict, started negotiations behind TORN's back, so infuriating TORN that they asked for, and were granted, leave to quit the battlefield.

*Among its many uses, PixelProzactm (Doitzelamine Adminochloride) is indicated for treatment of acute cases of over-reaction and cerebral flatulence. A list of adverse reactions is available upon request, but the list is quite long so there is a significant shipping/handling fee. Warning: This product is extremely dangerous and should not be used by anything with a pulse. Not available in nations containing vowels.

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Because fighting 18 Alliances at once was the way to go???

He's probably talking about some of the more cavalier statements about "never surrendering".

It wasn't many people and it wasn't said all that often to my knowledge, but people still said it.

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He's probably talking about some of the more cavalier statements about "never surrendering".

It wasn't many people and it wasn't said all that often to my knowledge, but people still said it.

I thought we were calling this a "Strategic Withdrawl" ? :P

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That adds up to 3 where I'm from, Moo. I know NPO math changes from time to time, though, so no hard feelings.

To be fair, you'd need to perform feats of mental agility far surpassing anything Vladimir could even imagine to consider VietFAN anything but a crushing military defeat for FAN.

But as the saying goes "Logic isnt for everyone".

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For whatever reason, I've noticed a distinct lack of anger in the thread on our boards (I'm reading it atm) and on our IRC.

The closest thing I've seen to that so far was Mid saying this:

And that would presumably be more in that a few people have recently decided to leave since they've climbed the highest mountain and how nothing will ever top this or some crap.

But what do I know?

For what its worth I am glad to see another voice coming from GOD directed towards me that seems to come from a direction of reason. I am actually glad to hear that there is not a resounding sound of anger coming from GOD about not being able to press forward the initial demands. When hearing such and seeing a reaction to me such as that from Big-Z it certainly makes it easy for the angry case to be made.

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For what its worth I am glad to see another voice coming from GOD directed towards me that seems to come from a direction of reason. I am actually glad to hear that there is not a resounding sound of anger coming from GOD about not being able to press forward the initial demands. When hearing such and seeing a reaction to me such as that from Big-Z it certainly makes it easy for the angry case to be made.

* Aurion shrugs

I can't blame Z for getting a bit peeved, on some days I probably would.

OOC: But at 4 AM I'm a bit more intent on figuring out a way to force myself to go the hell to bed.

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