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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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If only I'd known this last September when the Coalition "hid" how STA's reps would be distributed in the surrender terms announcement. I had no idea I had the chance to choose where they went and an opportunity to screech all over the [ooc]forum[/ooc] about the evil hidden terms. :P

Live and learn, I guess.

Maybe I am just opposed to the idea of secret terms. I don't really care to hear you whine for the umpteenth time how mean to you TOP Valhalla & Co. were and I also don't care much for my legitimate objection being swamped with "it's not as bad as what happened to Polar STA, so who cares." The fact that something worse happened in the past shouldn't mean that we accept this now.
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If only I'd known this last September when the Coalition "hid" how STA's reps would be distributed in the surrender terms announcement. I had no idea I had the chance to choose where they went and an opportunity to screech all over the [ooc]forum[/ooc] about the evil hidden terms. :P

Live and learn, I guess.

Perhaps my past experiences are just a bit more evil than yours? :P

That does not mean I am not a Tygaist now ;).

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If I had been whining you'd have a point.

Perhaps my past experiences are just a bit more evil than yours? :P

That does not mean I am not a Tygaist now ;) .

Your membership fee is due according to my records, which are secret...

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Your membership fee is due according to my records, which are secret...

I'll happily get up-to-date on that when the reps recipients are published here. :D

Edited by Geopet
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We were more concerned with the actual peace document rather than the distribution of who gets what.

Where the reps go doesn't really matter, we will be paying them anyway, its just another nation to us.

You folks are really scrounging for something to complain about if your making an issue out of this.

When the reps start flowing, you can watch to your heart's content.

If those receiving the reps wish to announce who they have decided to receive them wish to tell the world, you can be sure to find another ridiculously long discussion here.

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We were more concerned with the actual peace document rather than the distribution of who gets what.

Where the reps go doesn't really matter, we will be paying them anyway, its just another nation to us.

You folks are really scrounging for something to complain about if your making an issue out of this.

When the reps start flowing, you can watch to your heart's content.

If those receiving the reps wish to announce who they have decided to receive them wish to tell the world, you can be sure to find another ridiculously long discussion here.

Cool and all, but you know, the neat thing about this little tangent debate that flared up here is that it is among parties who opposed you.

Perhaps it looks like discord or division to those unfamiliar with free association and speech.

I suspect not for much longer. ;)

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It pleases me to see that people only whine about something as irrelevant as the break up of the reps.

It'll be public the moment the payment starts, so I see no reason for anyone to complain about it.

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Hey, poyps!

Give em hell!


I had no intention of giving anyone hell. The only reason I enquired was just a slight curiosity on my behalf. Given other surrender terms in this war have had a published breakdown I was wondering why this one didn't.

The point blank refusal to tell people what is going on makes me even more curious than before, especially since it was confirmed by SethB in this thread that the reason behind it isn't because a split hasn't been decided yet, and isn't because one or more alliances wish to hide proportionately large amounts that they are receiving. I'm quite lost as to what other reason there is for it.

Also Hey Geo, nice to see you playing again :)

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All the Reps go to RoK since we clearly did all the work :P

also we need the reps to build a giant statue of Rishnokof i have no idea why Karma leadership wanted it built but rish told us thats what they said, and we all know that "Twinkle" never lies.

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All the Reps go to RoK since we clearly did all the work :P

also we need the reps to build a giant statue of Rishnokof i have no idea why Karma leadership wanted it built but rish told us thats what they said, and we all know that "Twinkle" never lies.

"Twinkle"? <_<

Presumably someone(s) at NPO and someone(s) representing the Karma alliances will keep careful track of all the reparations paid out, meet periodically to compare figures, and if all goes well the figures will match. If they don't, then they'll audit their books and figure out why.

It matters not one wit where the money/tech goes, that is for the Karma alliances to figure out amongst themselves, but presumably alliances like Ragnarok will be entitled to a significant amount of them because of all the "heavy lifting" they did.

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Distribution should be which KARMA alliance has taken the most damage from the NPO.

Quite obvious to me that Ragnarok should get the bulk of the reps. They were the ones who had to face NPO nations with low NS with nukes.

My opinion

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It seems to me that a lot of people are disappointed to see that Karma alliances are not eager to stab each other in the back for PR crumbs. The meat and potatoes of this announcement were the surrender and terms. You'll have to wait for dessert as apparently it is not yet finished. This is standard dinner table protocol.

Now look what you've gone and done... I'm hungry.

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It's good to see that the war finally ended. The NPO will have some recovering to do but overall it is the best thing to do.

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If it dictates a course of action for NPO, I see it as a term.

Do we have to publish which nations we want it to go to as well? We are going to giving them nations and not just alliances to give it to. It will dictate NPO's course of action to the same extent. This debate is ridiculous. Under no definition, legalese or otherwise, does something that will inevitably come to light constitute a secret term. It may be disappointing that you have to wait, but it's not a secret term.

Edited by Trinite
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