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Imperial Announcement from The Federation of Rhine

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As I told KP as well, it should be The Federation of the Rhine. :P Good luck - oh, and by the way... What's a 'T' 'FoR'? For drinking, silly!

Thanks mada. I love how you make me feel useless. <_<

News: Mark Thomas is no longer the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Edit: Mispelled word

Edited by Bismarck21
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This isn't the place to argue, but Mark helped finish the forums. He said at an early time he may come and he was orignally coming. Then he said things are changing so I'm going to stay. Once again this isn't place to argue. If you have a grudge go to my IRC and talk there, but not here.

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Why is it that only Germans make alliances? Why do we never see any French alliances and the inevitable tensions (and French retreats) resulting from their creation?

Didn't a French alliance make a brief appearance earlier this year? Anyone remember that?

Back on topic, congrats and good luck, FoR!

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Note to self: Alliances that feature leaders who do not understand the importance of "private channels" and not carrying on an argument in a public DoE are doomed to fail.

Just add on to the pile.


Note to self: King Najibbles used to seem like a pretty nice guy but now hespends his time with the rest of his cronies mocking new arrivals to Planet Bob.

Since Mark Thomas appears to have changed his mind and is staying in TGE and TGE is okay with him remaining, it appears that this issue has resolved itself. I would encourage the government of TGE to contact Zenith if there are any further issues. As much as some people enjoy seeing dirty laundry aired, it really isn't productive.

Edited by Duncan King
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Wonder if any Internet Superheroes' members will come into the thread ranting about how new alliances are destroying the game, blah blah blah.

Congratulations FoR, looking forward to your future endeavors, may your journey be a prosperous one. ;)

Note to self: Alliances that feature leaders who do not understand the importance of "private channels" and not carrying on an argument in a public DoE are doomed to fail.

Just add on to the pile.


Note those always attacking DoE's are likely to draw unnecessary attention towards their alliance, also doomed merely for ignorance. Your redundancy has been noted and acknowledge by several factions, please do continue.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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