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Athens rides to WAR

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Also, I fail to notice the obligatory praise of RV in this post.

From memory he does not have to do it in this particular section of the forums

EDIT: ow ok, just read other thread >_<

Edited by nutkase
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stop picking on little alliances londo your a big boy now go pick on somebody your own size. :P , really dude there really wasnt any need for an annoucement about how wonderful and merciful you are if everyone knows it there is no need to publicly announce it.

Get back on your side of the playground )):

If you had been up to date on things after yesterday's thread, you'd know that this was basically public knowledge, hence the reason we worded the announcement the way we did. (it's funny watching people not read anything but the first and last sentances.)

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We all know you'd roll them if not for the fact that YOU would get rolled in turn. Nevertheless, congratulations to all parties on achieving peace.


First you and yours complain that they are "just as bad as those before" for planning an attack and then you antagonize them when they don't attack. I know your whole join-TPF-and-fight-to-gain-credibility scheme is probably doing pretty well for you right about now. Don't go make a fool of yourself with contradictory crap like this and mess it all up.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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First you and yours complain that they are "just as bad as those before" for planning an attack and then you antagonize them when they don't attack. I know your whole join-TPF-and-fight-to-gain-credibility scheme is probably doing pretty well for you right about now. Don't go make a fool of yourself with contradictory crap like this and mess it all up.

I'm pretty sure we're worse than the old hegemony. It's quite clear in my mind. We all know Tyga is the new Moo, but I think somebody should go through the list of Karma gov and assign what their respective IO titles will be under this new world order.'

I just want us all to be on the same page.

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Get back on your side of the playground )):

If you had been up to date on things after yesterday's thread, you'd know that this was basically public knowledge, hence the reason we worded the announcement the way we did. (it's funny watching people not read anything but the first and last sentances.)

well you can call it what you want and true mostlikely you and your allies will tell me how ignorant and stupid I am and how i should just go live under a rock and stop expressing my opinions but fortunately I was never one to listen :D

the fact is I see this as nothing more than a public stunt and yes that is my opinion you dont have to like it but at the very least learn to respect it after all you did say you were all for freedom of speech.

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I find all the baseless speculation in here pretty funny. hur hur hur. :v:

The discussions were held in my office, so I think I saw the whole story. Out of that story, all I see is two alliances acting very respectably, something that doesn't happen very often on this planet.

Athens had been planning an attack on Menotah for some days prior to this incident. Wednesday night, the date of the planned attack, Athens caught wind of a rumour that TOOL was protecting Menotah, despite it not being announced yet. Londo and I thought it best to talk with TOOL about it prior to anything happening, so that's what we did. I went with because I had gotten to know a couple of TOOL gov seeing as how we were at war with them 2 months ago, and they're under our terms still. We went, and we found out the rumour was true. Athens informed TOOL of their problem and TOOL was upset, seeing as how the one condition they gave to Menotah in order to agree to protect them was that everything with Athens had been cleared up. Menotah told TOOL that everything was, kinda-sorta/legally, that voids the treaty. TOOL said they needed 24 hours to clear up the issue. 23 hours, or so, later, conversation sparks up again. The clock was running out and Athens was preparing to engage at update (the 24 hours ended at about 11:15). TOOL still needed more time and Athens was frustrated, seeing as how they all ready postponed the attack another day and got everyone ready for a second time. This is where things got a little heated, but it was still made perfectly clear that Athens did not want TOOL to force TOOL into a very sticky situation. While TOOL still considered their protectorate valid, so were their surrender terms. Those terms state that TOOL is not allowed to engage any Karmic alliance while the war was still in progress. A document announced on the OWF that they also swore to abide by. The deadline past and update drew near and Athens decided to wait another day and give TOOL some more time. We had tea and crumpets in my office for a while afterward. Today came along and everyone was back in a fairly good mood, given the opportunity to step back and reflect a bit. TOOL was deciding what they should do, and they decided to offer a one week protectorate suspension (Again, seeing as how the condition for the protection was never met and the treaty technically void, TOOL still wanted to keep it. It was very clear throughout the entire negotiations that TOOL actually cared about Menotah. They tried their best to keep them out of harms way, despite the fact Menotah blatantly lied to them and they didn't even have to. Pretty nice thing to do, imo. Kudos to TOOL for that). That coincided with Athens' original intent to war Menotah, non-nuclearly, for one week, and then offer white peace (thanks for inventing that, btw, Moldavi). Athens gratefully accepted and went back to their planning. Crunch time came and they reflected on the situation. As a sign of respect for TOOL, based on their careful and sensible consideration during this entire affair, Athens decided they'd just let Menotah off with a warning. How very evil of the both alliances. )):

Sure, people gave Londo their opinions. That's what friends are for. That doesn't mean Athens is a puppet of anyone else. Londo is a great leader and he knows what he's doing. I'm proud to be an ally of Athens. Hopefully Menotah learns from this debacle and has a prosperous future. If they don't want to run the risk of a few tech raids (a lot of them are pretty small), then maybe they shouldn't lie to their protectors, especially on an issue that determines them being protected or not. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, etc. Maybe if they told TOOL in the first place, TOOL would have helped them to resolve the issue and it wouldn't have had to be resolved this way. Sounds to me like they just wanted some quick protection, hoping that the issue would just disappear. :\

Cooler heads did prevail in this case, and I'm glad I was a part of it and that war was averted. It was a pleasure dealing with both alliances, again. :war:

/wall of text


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well you can call it what you want and true mostlikely you and your allies will tell me how ignorant and stupid I am and how i should just go live under a rock and stop expressing my opinions but fortunately I was never one to listen :D

the fact is I see this as nothing more than a public stunt and yes that is my opinion you dont have to like it but at the very least learn to respect it after all you did say you were all for freedom of speech.

It's an AP topic, of course it's a stunt of sorts. See that part where it says it's a DoW and then isn't?

Regardless of how the announcement was phrased, it needed to be said publicly. We just figured that if we were going to post something, we might as well make it so we could tell who actually read the thing. Some of the replies so far have been quite funny.

And please don't think I'm trying to silence your opinion... Just don't think I agree with it. I actually don't want you to live under a rock. That way you wouldn't have to ask such silly questions as, "why was this post necessary."

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It's an AP topic, of course it's a stunt of sorts. See that part where it says it's a DoW and then isn't?

Regardless of how the announcement was phrased, it needed to be said publicly. We just figured that if we were going to post something, we might as well make it so we could tell who actually read the thing. Some of the replies so far have been quite funny.

And please don't think I'm trying to silence your opinion... Just don't think I agree with it. I actually don't want you to live under a rock. That way you wouldn't have to ask such silly questions as, "why was this post necessary."

fair enough.

I do have some questions I wanted to address here to you seeing as I read the previous post made by your ally. and please they are serious questions so for once in our history together lets try to keep it civil between us.

I understood from the post made by the spartan guy that you were picking targets and getting ready to roll a 320k alliance just based on the fact that they tried to poach you. did you atleast try to talk to them about it or did I miss that part? I in no way condone poaching of other alliances I think they did wrong but what I understood was no diplomatic discussions were made until TOOL came to be involved in the issue if im wrong bronco please go ahead and correct me.


when you talked to them did you offer them terms of surrender immediately after chatting with them or did you guys wait to talk to tool before doing so?

feel free to ignore the second question I dont think mercy classifieds as a surrender term unless they were discussed in back channels lol

Edited by germanicus
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George the Great, if the situation was reversed would you suspend/cancel the treaty with Athens based on them mass recruiting and allow them to be attacked by another power?

(this is all hypertheatical people)

If we had recently signed a protectorate with Athens based on the condition that everything was cleared up with the alliance Athens was mass-recruiting from, and it turns out they lied about that condition, I wouldn't have to cancel it. If the condition was never met, the protection is/was never valid. False premises can't logically lead to true conclusions.

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I just find it humorous that some members of DE didn't want to merge into Athens, and that's considered poaching. Glad to see peace, though.

ahahahah No.

Those that where originally going to go to Menotah during the merge where given the green light to do so, but where warned that any open recruitment of the Athens/DE AA's would lead to war. And that's what happened, they admitted to recruiting from the Athens/DE AA. So following through on our promise, we began plans to roll them but diplomacy prevailed in the end.

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ahahahah No.

Those that where originally going to go to Menotah during the merge where given the green light to do so, but where warned that any open recruitment of the Athens/DE AA's would lead to war. And that's what happened, they admitted to recruiting from the Athens/DE AA. So following through on our promise, we began plans to roll them but diplomacy prevailed in the end.

It's been explained over and over, very clearly, yet some will still find a reason to blame Athens for all this. Athens, the big bad bully! <_<

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fair enough.

I do have some questions I wanted to address here to you seeing as I read the previous post made by your ally. and please they are serious questions so for once in our history together lets try to keep it civil between us.

I understood from the post made by the spartan guy that you were picking targets and getting ready to roll a 320k alliance just based on the fact that they tried to poach you. did you atleast try to talk to them about it or did I miss that part? I in no way condone poaching of other alliances I think they did wrong but what I understood was no diplomatic discussions were made until TOOL came to be involved in the issue if im wrong bronco please go ahead and correct me.


when you talked to them did you offer them terms of surrender immediately after chatting with them or did you guys wait to talk to tool before doing so?

feel free to ignore the second question I dont think mercy classifieds as a surrender term unless they were discussed in back channels lol

1. There where disucsisoon with Joey before the DoW was to be annoucne.d But sad;y, he wasnt there to see our change in plans. I hope it is a good thing for him to see tommorow morning. No terms where offerd because we simply didnt believe himn

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It's been explained over and over, very clearly, yet some will still find a reason to blame Athens for all this. Athens, the big bad bully! <_<

TOOL Gov appreciates the manner in which Athens gov conducted themselves during our negotiations :)

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While TOOL still considered their protectorate valid, so were their surrender terms. Those terms state that TOOL is not allowed to engage any Karmic alliance while the war was still in progress. A document announced on the OWF that they also swore to abide by.

Just curious, so by fact of the terms by Karma, TOOL wouldn't have been able to defend Menotah if a Karmic alliance wanted to attack them? Seems kind of conflicting, if I'm reading that right. What if TOOL had a legitimate reason to protect an alliance and a Karma alliance wanted to attack their protectorate? Would TOOL have the right to defend their protectorate?

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1. There where disucsisoon with Joey before the DoW was to be annoucne.d But sad;y, he wasnt there to see our change in plans. I hope it is a good thing for him to see tommorow morning. No terms where offerd because we simply didnt believe himn


The Menotah guy I'm raiding (thanks, TOOL!) gave me enough cash to finance my war with BTA for a few more days. I guess that's something good that came out of this.

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