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Athens rides to WAR

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Yes you'd rather everyone blowing up instead of having a civilized conversation.

Pardon me, but since when is a large alliance and its allies teaming up in private channels to threaten a smaller party into doing its bidding considered civilized? Or even conversation for that matter. Just thought I might ask.

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Pardon me, but since when is a large alliance and its allies teaming up in private channels to threaten a smaller party into doing its bidding considered civilized? Or even conversation for that matter. Just thought I might ask.

Wouldn't be the first time, you could ask Itova about the first time ;)

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You sound like NPO.

Among the many attributes that make Jgoods lame, is that since Athens is apparently part of Hegemony 2.0, he thinks it's funny to go along with it.

Also until Borimir named the recruiter, I had forgotten he showed up on our forums making a topic titled "Can't wait to ZI me guys???????????????" which included a few "f's" directed at Yuri. Yeah, I think he was a problem ruler.

Edited by EricLabRat
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Wouldn't be the first time, you could ask Itova about the first time ;)

Oh, you mean how when a member of DE joined Itova during the Karma War, requiring a debt of 500 tech be paid, which was later dropped after DE and Itova signed a treaty. Yet once DE merges into Athens, Athens comes knocking on Itova's door demanding that the debt of tech be paid. The very same debt that had already been forgiven. Athens, why? What gave you the urge to try and extort from a small alliance?

And yes, I am well aware that this situation was resolved, but seeing as how Athens character is now being questions, and seeing as how both of this incidents relate to Athens mistreatment of DE splinter alliances, I feel this may be pertinent to the topic on hand.

Among the many attributes that make Jgoods lame, is that since Athens is apparently part of Hegemony 2.0, he thinks it's funny to go along with it.

Um, no. Just saying that it is all a joke and therefore okay doesn't work. We all know that this is genuine arrogance being displayed here. NPO tried to laugh theirs off true, and no, it didn't work for them either. Sorry. Maybe next time if I'm not around you might be able to pull a fast one on the unsuspecting masses, but not today mister.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Honorable, Athens. You had every right to crush Menotah for violating your sovereignty. Even their protector gave you the free pass. But you chose not to take advantage of the situation. Mucho respect guys! :)

P.S. And please, next time, please make the OP more clear. I had to read it twice to make sure what the hell's going on :(

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Um, no. Just saying that it is all a joke and therefore okay doesn't work. We all know that this is genuine arrogance being displayed here. NPO tried to laugh theirs off true, and no, it didn't work for them either. Sorry. Maybe next time if I'm not around you might be able to pull a fast one on the unsuspecting masses, but not today mister.

Drat! Foiled by the Planet Bob Protector of Small Alliances and Puppies. I shall go plot our next round of sneaky moves away from your prying eyes to be unleashed on the poor souls of Planet Bob when your vigilance wanes.

/me twirls his moustache

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Also until Borimir named the recruiter, I had forgotten he showed up on our forums making a topic titled "Can't wait to ZI me guys???????????????" which included a few "f's" directed at Yuri. Yeah, I think he was a problem ruler.

Could've informed us about that earlier. Regardless, you could've just demanded reps.

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Honorable, Athens. You had every right to crush Menotah for violating your sovereignty. Even their protector gave you the free pass. But you chose not to take advantage of the situation. Mucho respect guys! :)

P.S. And please, next time, please make the OP more clear. I had to read it twice to make sure what the hell's going on :(

congrats youre part of the bunch they wanted to see who wouldnt read everything. i dont think they really expected this kind of full response to this whole matter and how utterly silly it is though. if you need some cliff notes let us know.

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Drat! Foiled by the Planet Bob Protector of Small Alliances and Puppies. I shall go plot our next round of sneaky moves away from your prying eyes to be unleashed on the poor souls of Planet Bob when your vigilance wanes.

/me twirls his moustache

ah yes deflection, that always shows how righteous you are.

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We think he deserved it. No ones judgment, but our own is needed when discussing using military force against someone who we believe has breached our sovereignty.

Interesting how someone joins DE, then has to join Athens during the merge or leave to join another alliance but they can't tell any of their DE friends about it or else that's poaching.

And yeah, you have to clear your actions with TheNeverender first.


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QUOTE (Jgoods45 @ Jul 19 2009, 10:32 AM) *

We think he deserved it. No ones judgment, but our own is needed when discussing using military force against someone who we believe has breached our sovereignty.

You sound like NPO.

Of all the alliances on the Karma side of this war, Athens is one of my favorite. They do things with style and class. It seems a gross misrepresentation to say that because they value their sovereignty over groupthink that they are 'like the NPO'.

In this case, had they declared, they would have been 'monsters'. Had they not declared, it would be said that they 'backed down', were 'cowards'. Instead they solved things without bloodshed, but did not back down. Since the protectorate is still relatively safe, it allows all involved parties to depart with the most honor possible.

I've also been impressed by the showing of Menotah here. Never heard of you guys til the past day or so, but you definitely have some eloquent speakers that seem to have a good understanding of foreign affairs. I am quite impressed.

Mindless hails all around; it was well done by all. ;)

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Of all the alliances on the Karma side of this war, Athens is one of my favorite. They do things with style and class. It seems a gross misrepresentation to say that because they value their sovereignty over groupthink that they are 'like the NPO'.

They didn't say they were like NPO merely that they sounded like NPO. Saying that they are not accountable to anyone and can do whatever they think is right regardless of what anyone else thinks most certainly sounds like NPO.

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They didn't say they were like NPO merely that they sounded like NPO. Saying that they are not accountable to anyone and can do whatever they think is right regardless of what anyone else thinks most certainly sounds like NPO.

I would agree, though I didn't read that much into it. It sounds more to me like they are saying that it is up to them how to defend their sovereignty. And well, it is. Just as it is up to any alliance to decide how to defend their sovereignty. That isn't exclusive to NPO.

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ah yes deflection, that always shows how righteous you are.

Who said anything about righteousness? I'm claiming lack of evil. We both agree on the tone of Jgoods' (the lame) post, but I've known him from our days in tR, and have serious doubts that he's now an arrogant oppressor rather than this being a continuation of his cruddy jokes. I'm glad there are people who are looking out for the emergence of the next superpower bloc who will try to oppress Bob. But I think you're barking up the wrong tree here. From my experience with them, I do think such charges against Jgoods, Londo etc. are kinda funny.

It's good to be sceptical, but I'll wait until I see Athens doing something I find morally objectionable before I get worried though. I also don't think it'll happen.

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I would agree, though I didn't read that much into it. It sounds more to me like they are saying that it is up to them how to defend their sovereignty. And well, it is. Just as it is up to any alliance to decide how to defend their sovereignty. That isn't exclusive to NPO.

It is up to them how to defend their sovereignty yes, but to dismiss the opinion of others based simply on the fact that "they are not involved" shows arrogance and ignorance.

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Pardon me, but since when is a large alliance and its allies teaming up in private channels to threaten a smaller party into doing its bidding considered civilized? Or even conversation for that matter. Just thought I might ask.

It's not civilized for any alliance to do as you suggest, and it SHOULD be civilized here. One should be careful with their words both in how they take them, and in how they give them. These threads shouldn't have anything to do with drama or 'explosives'. Displaying that one is dissatisfied with a thread because it lacks "explosives" is simply uncalled for.

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I'm not going to say much other than it was a difficult situation and tough for all involved. I'm just glad a diplomatic resolution was resolved.

Edited by Salmia
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Yeah the guy had a rap sheet of past offenses a mile long, from what I heard. And that was a big part of why he was ZIed, it wasn't just the fact that he sent recruiting messages.

I know a lot of people are beating up Londo et al about this, but it really isn't fair to do so. He had the chance to turn the recruitment message incident into an opportunity to quash an enemy of Athens, and he took it. The details of the incident don't matter- all that does is that he proved that he can get the enemies of Athens bushwhacked, even if they're hiding under the protection of TOOL. That's what alliance leaders should do- it's power politics at its finest. End of story.

Edited by heggo
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During the DE-Athens merge talks, Athens gov't warned those who didn't want to join them that, under no circumstance, were they allowed to recruit and/or attempt to recruit anyone from that merge. Menotah did so knowingly.

When did this happen? I think its pretty obvious I was against the merger and I NEVER heard such a thing mentioned. Please don't lie unless you want to be caught. I am not saying I approve of recruitment but this simply never happened.

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It may have made sense but in your frail little world, you forgot a simple detail. During the DE-Athens merge talks, Athens gov't warned those who didn't want to join them that, under no circumstance, were they allowed to recruit and/or attempt to recruit anyone from that merge. Menotah did so knowingly.

So Athens told them the same thing that RoK told ASC when they merged? Interesting to say the least.

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Just time will tell if Athens did that because they are really different of the old Hegemony or if it was just an PR attempt after mhawk thread and people telling them that going to war against Menotah was a poorly CB.

It just remember Margaret Thatcher quote “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.” or in this case merciful.

I bet for a diplomatic resolution and won ^_^

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