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Athens rides to WAR

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Yes I did, so it follows that I would think sentencing someone to ZI for the simple act of sending a recruitment telegram is weak. Did you misunderstand me? I think so.

Ah..... I see.... so YOU are trying to cover your back? I'm sorry but way way way back then recruiting people from another AA was wrong, as you should NOW know also where did the word "Poaching" come from? In an act like this, what's going on here isn't poaching or what not.

But still.... it WAS only ONE recruitment message.... if it was only one and not more *Looks at corinan*, then i don't think that that little alliance should be/have been ZIed or whatever you guys did.

On another note, I do not think that there could have been a war here, if so then it would have been larger by now.

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It is about as weak of a CB as one can come up with, yes. ZI for sending recruitment telegrams?? Ridiculous.

Don't worry, I got ya, not all of CN are as bright as one might hope, and need explanations, otherwise their little minds are like to wander =P

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Ah..... I see.... so YOU are trying to cover your back? I'm sorry but way way way back then recruiting people from another AA was wrong, as you should NOW know also where did the word "Poaching" come from? In an act like this, what's going on here isn't poaching or what not.

But still.... it WAS only ONE recruitment message.... if it was only one and not more *Looks at corinan*, then i don't think that that little alliance should be/have been ZIed or whatever you guys did.

On another note, I do not think that there could have been a war here, if so then it would have been larger by now.

I honestly can't even read this.

Please stop talking. I like ACF, and you're not doing anything to help that view.

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I honestly can't even read this.

Please stop talking. I like ACF, and you're not doing anything to help that view.

hm... must have worded it wrong... let me look it over again....

HOLY! I said that? wow, that came out way way way wrong my bad.

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I'm skipping the last 8 pages because I doubt anything new was there, but currently, there is ONE tech raider, Sileath. Are you saying that being attacked by Sileath is worse than being attacked by the forces of Athens? I'd say that's a hell of a job protecting them. If TOOL went to war over this protection, Menotah would have had to pay many hundreds of times worse.

Well, I guess you're right but the situation shouldn't have to require a war in the first place. A possibly misinformed member sends recruitment messages. An apology should have been enough. But no, Athens ZIed the nation, convinced tool suspend the protectorate, and almost declared war. Should this have been necessary in the first place?

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Well, I guess you're right but the situation shouldn't have to require a war in the first place. A possibly misinformed member sends recruitment messages. An apology should have been enough. But no, Athens ZIed the nation, convinced tool suspend the protectorate, and almost declared war. Should this have been necessary in the first place?

Short answer?


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Well, I guess you're right but the situation shouldn't have to require a war in the first place. A possibly misinformed member sends recruitment messages. An apology should have been enough. But no, Athens ZIed the nation, convinced tool suspend the protectorate, and almost declared war. Should this have been necessary in the first place?

The war? no.

the ZI (was it nessesary) mmm.... possibly... it depends on the situation that we are not seeing.

Too many "way way way's"

You talk one way I talk another way.

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Well, I guess you're right but the situation shouldn't have to require a war in the first place. A possibly misinformed member sends recruitment messages. An apology should have been enough. But no, Athens ZIed the nation, convinced tool suspend the protectorate, and almost declared war. Should this have been necessary in the first place?

Yes, in our minds. :awesome: We are not here to please anyone, and if you don't like the way we do things, Do something about it. ;)


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Ah..... I see.... so YOU are trying to cover your back? I'm sorry but way way way back then recruiting people from another AA was wrong, as you should NOW know also where did the word "Poaching" come from? In an act like this, what's going on here isn't poaching or what not.

But still.... it WAS only ONE recruitment message.... if it was only one and not more *Looks at corinan*, then i don't think that that little alliance should be/have been ZIed or whatever you guys did.

On another note, I do not think that there could have been a war here, if so then it would have been larger by now.

Reading this make me chuckle. Thank you, Ivan III.

No I'm not trying to "cover my back." The fact is that recruiting from other alliances has never truly been wrong. It was only decided somewhere along the line that it was "bad" so one alliance would have a valid reason to destroy another. "Poaching" is the term that the aggressor will use in order to paint the alliance that they want to destroy in a negative light. It makes a harmless act sound much more menacing. It's a very weak CB, in my opinion.

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Reading this make me chuckle. Thank you, Ivan III.

No I'm not trying to "cover my back." The fact is that recruiting from other alliances has never truly been wrong. It was only decided somewhere along the line that it was "bad" so one alliance would have a valid reason to destroy another. "Poaching" is the term that the aggressor will use in order to paint the alliance that they want to destroy in a negative light. It makes a harmless act sound much more menacing. It's a very weak CB, in my opinion.

<_< yes I know, plus this came out wrong... read the later posts.

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Thread does not deliver.

I was expecting explosives, and instead get lame "I'm so disappointed" messages. Well I'm taking the stance of being so disappointed because you're disappointed about being disappointed over certain disappointing actions.

huh? if you where dissapointed then why post? :v:

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Yes, in our minds. :awesome: We are not here to please anyone, and if you don't like the way we do things, Do something about it. ;)


Heh, I used to say things like this while I was in NPO all the time. Sure takes me back......

We all get it Corinan. You don't like Athens, brah, but you are just going to have to get right on over it. :)

If I truly disliked Athens they would damn well know it. What I'm not a fan of is ZIing a nation for something as harmless as sending out recruitment telegrams.

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If I truly disliked Athens they would damn well know it. What I'm not a fan of is ZIing a nation for something as harmless as sending out recruitment telegrams.

While i agree with you in some areas and some in not I must say i agree with you. ZIing a (Wasn't it a SMALL nation?) nation who sent out one instead of hundreds of messages was a bad idea on Athens part.

I was going to say something else but I forgot hahaha :lol1:

Edit: forgot a few words

Edited by Ivan III
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It seems that the primary people complaining are those not in Menotah.

We have accepted this, as I made in a post on the last page, there is no need to defend us further. Although we may have differing viewpoints, based on lack of facts, attitude, etc. Arguing and raging will not be fruitful or prosperous for us two alliances in the future, it will merely bitter an already damaged relationship.

Anyway, thank you to all those here, and have a lovely evening

o/ Menotah

o/ Athens

Der Kaiser, Menotah Triumvir

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