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The Khmer Ultimatum.

Maelstrom Vortex

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ooc: You didn't, good work.


A radio broadcast on all FM/AM bands used for commercial or residential listening in the state of Khmer and directed into the Khmer State was issued. Rockets burst over their cities as leaflets of paper rained down from above with the information.

Khmer Citizens,

This is a Public Service Announcement and official warning from the Dragon Empire.

Your government refused to seek a resolution at the peace table and your country will be attacked with a full military incursion. You are all urged to immediately store up a week's worth of food and water.

Stay off your bridges, they will soon be destroyed.

Stay off your roads, they will soon be bombed.

Stay away from your airports, they will soon be destroyed.

Stay away from your factories, they will soon be destroyed.

Evacuate all of your government buildings as they may soon be destroyed.

Stay away from all major telecommunications centers as they will soon be destroyed.

Stay away from powerplants they will be destroyed.

Avoid military installations as they will be destroyed.

Military men and women of the Khmer people can surrender to advancing forces by holding their hands well away from your weapons. A simple white piece of cloth held in both hands over your head is also suggested. You will be treated humanely and cared for by law enforcement offficers of the Republic of Free Somal who have agreed to see to your safety. You will be returned to your homes as soon as it is possible for you to do so.

Anyone actively attempting to do harm to a member of the DE or Dragon Bloc militaries will be shot. Do not point a weapon at any of them, do not attempt to stab any of them, and take great care when approaching a DE/DB check point in your vehicles.

Again, stay in your homes, stay off the streets, and stock up on food and water.

We have nothing against your people and your soldiers need not die in vain. Pave the way for us to those who killed our diplomats and we will extract them and leave. If the government does not surrender, we will be forced to occupy your state temporarily to hold new elections for your people.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: You didn't, good work.


A radio broadcast on all FM/AM bands used for commercial or residential listening in the state of Khmer and directed into the Khmer State was issued. Rockets burst over their cities as leaflets of paper rained down from above with the information.

The messages were heard through much of the empire. Some headed the warning taking food and going into shelter, others ignoring it completely, some even took to the streets predicting the downfall of the government. The ones who did were either imprisoned or killed by passing members of the community. In response the government, (OOC: The High command) has started hitting back with its own propaganda.



ooc: Updated it just as you were asking. Forgot to use the method of delivery. Right now it's AM/FM, but a leaflet bombing campaign by air burst rockets will be used also over population centers.

OOC:Thanks :)

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Wave 1: Omnipresent thunder.

The first wave of the attacks was the "softening up" phase. Using satellites, very high altitude reconnaissance planes outfitted for stealth and speed, reports and photographs from peacetime intelligence ops done by people claiming to be "tourists" targets had been evaluated, cataloged, and maintained for several weeks now.

Stay off your bridges, they will soon be destroyed.

Stay off your roads, they will soon be bombed.

Stay away from your airports, they will soon be destroyed.

Stay away from your factories, they will soon be destroyed.

Evacuate all of your government buildings as they may soon be destroyed.

Stay away from all major telecommunications centers as they will soon be destroyed.

Stay away from powerplants they will be destroyed.

Avoid military installations as they will be destroyed.

All of the items above, save for some select bridges and roads into the nation.. were targeted. Twenty Four hours were allowed for citizens of Khmer to heed the warning. Then, in synchronization to help overwhelm any missile defense or artillery interception laser systems... 150 MM artillery, MRLS batteries, Tiamat Intermediate Range SSMs, and stand-off range bomber launched munition poured in from the northern border and some.. from the oceans as the Kingdom of Cochin navy would almost certainly be participating in this attack. Dragon Empire Milnet had calculated the precise time to target of each projectile and co-ordinated a launch time for each individual munition that would correspond to the exact same time of impact.. within a variation of at most 1 minute.

The goal was simple, the total elimination of the state's capability to wage a war or to target their enemy. The missiles darkened the skies like Persian arrows in a film about Greek warriors. Every single known power plant, radar, and military installation had a target on it.. and if the first missile failed to reach target.. a secondary was fired. After that.. there would once again be a deafening.. and in the midst of the night.. very dark silence likely across the state of Khmer.

Bunker buster munitions were used where known hardened installations might be present. The Dragonisian and Imperial Air forces hadn't even crossed the borders yet, they were standing way back.. letting the missiles do their job and bringing down the air defense networks. This phased style of warfare had been perfected by Anthony Davis in his many campaigns as a leader of Dragonisian forces.. and the extreme use of missiles had his signature written all over it.

It is notable that in this phase of the campaign, infantry divisions and soft formations had not yet been targeted. Perhaps there was a second message to be delivered.

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Mad Dog Bob Denard's Headquarters

Only two things give Bob a hard on anymore. The first is a hot looking woman and the second is the idea that he's about to unleash a massive tidal wave of machines, men, and munitions on an enemy force. With a smile on his face he review his orders one more time before saying, "We are go."

Public Release to Republic of Free Somal Forces

Men most of you know me as Mad Dog Bob Denard the savior of Chingali. Today we get to be the saviors of another Chingali in this far away land. We aren't fighting for Africans, but it really doesn't matter. Just across that border is a nation full of people governed by a lunatic. What else can you say about a world leader who orders the killing of ten unarmed diplomats?

Nothing comes to my mind at the moment.

We are not going south to destroy them. We aren't going down south to murder, $%&@, or torture. Those are things for others and we will be above that. We go south to force a government out of power and to allow the Khmer the privilege and right to form their own government. We might not like the end results, but in the end the choice will be theirs and we will respect it. All the rules of the Republic of Free Somal Code of Military Justice are in effect. War crimes against us and perpetuated by us will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of our military justice system.

Phrase books consisting of key phrase of Khmer have been distributed for use. Look at them, study them, and use them to prevent needless civilian deaths. Civilians will not be molested and will be afforded the highest levels of respect. Consult the anthropological data sheets we have distributed.

You'll note that in many ways the Khmer reverence for their elders is very similar to our own. Treat the elder and women of the Khmer with extreme deference. Remove your hats and sun glasses when speaking to them and be patient. We have translators on the way to assist us so use them. Their was a French colonial presence in the area so it is possible that our knowledge of spoken French might well be of use.

Gentlemen we are here to remember those lost at Chingali. Our brothers who died fighting against a revolutionary front bent on murder and destruction. Live up to that memory and instill that same passion into the Khmer by showing them that they are respected.

God Speed and Good Hunting.

201st Rocket Brigade

Thirty Land Based Mobile Cruise Missiles erupt from their cradles as they send their deadly thousand pound explosive charges forward. These devices are deliberately aimed at several key bridges in Northern Khmer with the intention at disrupting military traffic.

30,000 Feet North of the border

Using satellite footage, Special Forces intelligence, and UAV footage the Bombers of the Republic of Free Somal Airforce unleash the first blow against the Khmer Military in Northern Khmer. Sixty HALOB bombers fire three salvos of Pheonix air deployed cruise missiles. These missiles are smaller than their land based counterparts and pack less of a punch. However, they are fast and highly sophisticated. Their targeting packages have been programmed to strike the major airfields around Hanoi and the harbor and airfield at Haiphong. The bombers having fired their missiles turn back to base well away from the border.

The Wing of F-117 Stealth Fighters doesn't turn back as they continue on. They are loaded with a selection of precision guided munitions destined for the factories and power plants outside Hanoi and Haiphong.

At the border 1000 feet

The same can not be said for the 90 MIG 35 fighters who howl their way towards Northern Khmer. They unload a blistering barrage of HARM missiles intent on destroying any active Khmer radar facilities as they jink and juke their way forward hoping to avoid any anti-aircraft fire as they cross their border. After firing their HARM missiles they continue on to unleash a barrage of cluster bombs and 500 pound bombs on Khmer forces located south of the border. Target selections have been made to avoid civilians losses when possible. Closer to the earth another threat of a different stripe attacks.

The five wings of Pirahna attack Helicopters cross the border as they ripple fire their missiles and cannons at preselected targets. Of course these targets have been carefully chosen to avoid civilian deaths when possible.

Death's Ground 1st through 4th Armored Division -10 Miles from the Border

Ninety six 155 mm Self Propelled Howitzers erupt as nearly one, and they keep hammering away as they shift from target to target. They've known their targets for some time and they have been eager to make good on their assignments. They unload a violent torrent of 155mm rounds directed at Khmer military vehicles and identified Khmer Military installations. Great care was taken during the selection of targets to deliberately avoid installations that are in civilian population centers that appear inhabited. The warning that was sent over the wire was to short of notice for much in the way of evacuation, but it is hoped that the sounds of war will drive civilians away from those targets shortly.

Not far away another wave of missiles erupts in the wake of the cruise missiles that hurl their way across the border. Ninety six MLRS vehicles unload their ordnance packages on concentrations of Khmer forces that have been spotted from orbit and by UAV. Their mission is to stop these forces from reaching the front. Their steel rain of anti-personnel bomblets will work well for this mission. Again special care is taken to avoid civilian losses by holding fire when Khmer forces are in or near civilian areas.

Certainly, perfection isn't expected in this operation. Civilians will die, but it is hoped that the bloodshed will be kept to a minimum.

Ripper's Playground 1st and 2nd Light Infantry Brigades- 2 miles from the Border

General Mike "No Last Name" the Ripper smiles as he gives the order to advance. The mechanized infantrymen of his two light infantry brigades will serve as the spearhead of the advance to test the strength of the Khmer forces. A period of forty five minutes is given to allow artillery and tactical air support in the form of helicopters to soften up the Khmer front line units. The Ripper waits patiently and finally when the time come he says to a fellow officer, "There is no turning back now," as he mounts his vehicle and signals for the attack to begin.

10,000 mounted infantrymen move forward along a narrow sector that runs near the coast. They move quickly, carefully, and are ready for resistance as they approach the border, but suddenly come to a stop as they await final confirmation to cross over.

Rear Areas

Logistical considerations are carefully being weighed as trucks are loaded and unloaded. The airfields being used are a maze of activity as supplies are being thrown on board. Keeping the Somal military machine fighting is going to be a difficult operations, but not impossible given the aircraft and trucks availiable.

The Republic of Free Somal Constabulary Force named Able goes on high alert as they redouble their patrols and keep their eyes peeled against commandos or other sorts of threats.


The projected direction of Somal's advance.

**Private to Allied Naval Forces**

Given our coastal advancd we'd appreciate naval gunfire support when we call for it. We will be deploying our own navy shortly, but time is needed for them to arrive.

**Classified Somal**

The entire Somal Navy of 12 ships of various classes disembarks and heads for North Khmer.

OOC Note: I'm not advancing into Khmer just yet.

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Royal Cochin Defense Forces is constituting I Corps

The following formations, III ACR, IV ACR, V ACR, VII MD and VIII MD have now formed into the I Corps commanded by Lt. Gen. Surjith Singh. Apart from the 7 regiments of fighters and one regiment of stealth bombers already deployed, 10 additional UCAV-F regiments and 5 additional UCAV-B regiments have been deployed.

Gulf of Tonkin

The 1 Battle Fleet had now positioned itself to launch its attacks against the Khmer Empire. Various target locations were studied and munitions required for specific targets calculated. For area targets the GOABs and for point targets regular HE warheads. Cluster munitions, NNEMP and bunker buster war heads were also readied for arming.

The missile boats and frigates were stationed closer to the shore to provide fire support to the land battles.


The UCAV-F Hornets were now maintaining the BARCAP. The unmanned fighters will be the first in line of duty. Seated tensely in their control modules the operators were readying themselves for the battle ahead. Though ridiculed by the scarf and goggles gang as desk jockeys these youngsters had a $@iness of their own which they earned through equaling the larger aircrafts in its agility and combat performance. Many of these aviators were now waiting for the war to begin as they too wanted to be aces just as much as the other guy.

Meanwhile in the skies above, 2 huge HALOB AWACS were pumping out 9 MW of electromagnetic power into the Khmer skies to detect any missiles or aircrafts at long range. A squad of Hornets each were tasked for their protection.

The Air defense information from the AWACS were being fed to the mobile AAD units interspersed within the battle front. Armed with AIM-H ( Heat seeking, 40 kms), AIM-R ( Radar guided, 70 km), AIM-RL ( Radar Guided, 120 km) Surface to Air missiles they had their own search radars off and relying completely on feed from the AWACS. There were also batteries of Metalstorm AAA guns distributed across the front to interdict low flying aircrafts and cruise missiles.

Closer to the border the tankers and infantry men of the 1 Corps were readying themselves for the battle ahead. The soldiers were writing letters to their loved ones, the Postal Corps out in force amongst the soldiers to ease their connectivity. The vehicles were all being fine tuned for the battle, engines checked and rechecked, fresh tracks being loaded, fuel being tanked up and the racks depleted by live fire exercises of the past few days being restocked. No care was being taken to make the tanks sparkling clean though. Dirt is a sine qua non of battle and if the tank is the same color as the ground, that much better, so long as no dirt enters vital components.

The artillery men were also readying up regiments of 155MM field guns, howitzers and Self Propelled Guns.

Further north in another airfield a regiment of METAC Aerial Artillery Platforms were landing after their flight from Cochin. Armed with 105 mm field gun, 12.5 mm Gatling cannon and assorted weaponry they looked monstrous bristling with guns and tubes. While their crew went to get some rest and chow still north, another group were also readying for their mission. These men of Strategic Artillery Corps were not armed with nuclear weapons for this battle but were readying their Cruise Missles, SRBMs and IRBMs for launching NNEMPs at the enemy.

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Mekong River Delta

Missile Boats and Frigates from 1 Battle Fleet were arrayed around the Delta to provide fire support to the armored amphibious divisions of Dragonisia and the Marine Divisions of Cochin. The Frigates were holding station at the deep waters at the mouth of the river however the missile boats are able to venture deeper into the delta owing to their shallow draft.

Gulf of Tonkin

"Launch wave 1" was the ubiquitous message received by the various ship commanders of the 1 Battle Fleet. Each ship was assigned specific target coordinates, for their cruise missiles. A total of 300 KUB-1 cruise missiles were fired in the first salvo targeted various power plants, strategic bridges, communications centers and vital defense industries. The ships closer to shore also fired salvos of rounds and rockets at shore defense units of Khmer Empire."

"A second salvo launched 5 minutes later sent another 300 cruise missiles to their targets, vital industries and air defense installations."

Khmer Empire border

2 regiments of HALOBs approached to within 10 km of Khmer Empire borders escorted by one full regiment of Hornets. At the predesignated launch point the 100 HALOBs launched 400 cruise missiles at Khmer Empire. The missiles were all pre targeted and dove for deck after launch to follow their programmed flight paths at 100 Ft above ground.

OOC: This is not a unilateral Cochin action. This is a concerted Dragon Empire action.

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A somewhat bitter rebuke to the war propaganda circulating in Khmer is fired in the next set of leaflet rocket-drops.


These rockets came to the ground in one piece also.. and when they did, they began to play the following: War Theme. at 130 decibels

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Wave 2: Most of them were already in the air.. but some of them were still fueling and taking off, moving into formation. At the front of the group, a flight leader code named Talisman adjusted his digital displays. He had a few additional spare screens than the other aircraft.. as his aircraft served both conventional and unconventional roles. He also few a very unique aircraft, the CFA-44 Nosferatu Prototype A. Dragonisia had only 2 of these in service thus far.

"Tian Long Flight. Verify status." He called out over the coms.

"Ghost, checking in. Systems good." Came his wingman.

"Thunder, Ready to plaster it all." Responded the somewhat arrogant secondary winglady.

"Raptor, jammed missile on rack 3, that's all." Noted a seemingly disappointed tertiary wingman.

"Decent enough. Begin terrain masking. Most of their defenses should be down or disoriented.. but no reason to be careless. Dropping to 300 feet. Keep at low military idle. Begin approach to enemy airspace on heading 180. Keep steady.. low profiles people. Maneuver by rudder only." Talisman noted. The other 3 craft were 2 F-22 raptors and a single B-2 carrying a full rack of Small Diameter Bombs. "Go to standby idle about 50 miles out and wait for the command to go."

He radioed back to the group, "Cylcops, you back there?" The AWACS communications director responded, "Yessir. Cyclops is on station.. we're ready to go.. we ready to rock?"

"Not quite yet.. but soon. Keep that eye of yours open. Tankers are on station in case this becomes a bit of a wait aye?" He inquired

"Yes, the tankers are standing by a few clicks behind us if anyone needs them." Cyclops noted.

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To those complaining about the actions of the Dragon Empire; complaints alone are empty, either do something about it or be content. The reason and justification and the integrity of their CB is absolutely irrelevant; the point is they invaded the Khmer Empire. Either take the fact that the Khmer empire accused the Dragon empire of randomly attacking a village on the word of a senile old man which resulted in acts of war upon the Dragon empire from nations around the world as reason enough for a reciprocation on the part of the Dragon empire, or put your own nation on the line in the defense of the Khemer Empire.

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To those complaining about the actions of the Dragon Empire; complaints alone are empty, either do something about it or be content. The reason and justification and the integrity of their CB is absolutely irrelevant; the point is they invaded the Khmer Empire. Either take the fact that the Khmer empire accused the Dragon empire of randomly attacking a village on the word of a senile old man which resulted in acts of war upon the Dragon empire from nations around the world as reason enough for a reciprocation on the part of the Dragon empire, or put your own nation on the line in the defense of the Khemer Empire.

"Once again, a voice of sanity from the world. We could use a lot more of these." came the voice of Talisman from his Nosferatu via the Imperial-World-Coms relay system. The sounds of the Blue Man Group could be heard playing in the background. The announcement was immediately issued as a press release from Chairman Maelstrom Vortex to the world.

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The following was given to all branches of the Hae Da Fung military prior to Emperer Wei drawing up invasion plans.

Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Hae Da Fung Invasion Force!

You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have

striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The

hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms, you will bring about the destruction of the

Khmer government and grant freedom and stability in Asia.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well

equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.

Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground.

Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions

of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men.

The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to


I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in

battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!

Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great

and noble undertaking.

SIGNED: Emperor Yuan Zhi Wei

OOC: I wanted to use this in ComIntern-Nordland, but that war never happened...

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Wave 2: RCAF Preparation

For the second wave of attack, ie, Air neutralization and Air superiority operations the 7 premier fighter regiments of Royal Cochin Air Force were ready. For the past couple of days the manned fighters had relinquished CAP duties to the UACV-Fs and were getting ready for their missions. First would be the attack against any Khmer aircraft engaging them. Concurrent to that the SHARM teams of Mig29s and Hornets shall strike against any remaining air defense radars who escaped the wrath of Wave 1 cruise missile bombings.

Dedicated teams of Air Base Neutralization fighters shall target the forward air bases where the fighters of Khmer Empire are based and eliminate their possible use for air support through cluster munitions.

Currently 2 Halob AWACSs and 2 Merat AWACS are in station patrolling the air frontier. They are rotated every 12 hours of duty. Also aloft are the ELINT Merats who are sniffing electronically for mobile AAD radars, artillery tracking radars and for any whiff of Khmer Military communications to their front line units.

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Five hundred Eagle UAV's have been dispatched to the border area where the Dragon Empire is launching their attacks from observing and recording their movements which are then broadcasted back to Pax Pacis command where they are stored for later use.

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