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Mergerberger II

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Scientist Produces Virtual Reality

A team of scientists working in a laboratory near Prague have successfully created a state of virtual reality which, they say, is 94% similar to the real environment, a local newspaper reports.

The team has released a large report on their work, which can be read by anyone online by simply going to their site and downloading the file.

"We feel that this, in many ways, could be the future of many things. There are obvious benefits in the field of video games, which we plan to market to immediately, however there are other, more useful things this could be for, benefits in military technology, in medicine, there are so many possibilities with this technology," says lead scientist Tomáš Svoboda.

Tabloids and rumor mills report rumors of the scientists being commissioned already by the military to design virtual reality for fighter aircraft, however these reports are sourceless and unconfirmed.

Svoboda stated that they began the project 6 years previous after being commissioned by the Nordlandic military to design virtual reality programs for fighter aircraft, however the project was top secret up until the collapse of Nordland.

The team was given a grant of $50 million to work on this project by the government of Nordland. Svoboda has stated that they have $4 million remaining which they intend to use for marketing and further design purposes.

"We were not satisfied until we had successfully designed a world that looked and felt like the real world, while at the same time not actually being in it. The benefits of this are immense, and surely there are things we could use this technology for that have not been thought of yet, we simply have to see what happens. I, and my team, feel that this technology will greatly advance not only our nation, but nations everywhere and make our lives more enjoyable and safer," said Svoboda.


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"There is one concern we have with this new technology. it has been often proven that the power of suggestion, the power of perception...is indeed powerful. If a person feels like they are dying, despite any conscious knowledge they possess, their body will believe it. If they die in a simulation, their body may believe it is real and actually shut down. How is this danger overcome?"

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"There is one concern we have with this new technology. it has been often proven that the power of suggestion, the power of perception...is indeed powerful. If a person feels like they are dying, despite any conscious knowledge they possess, their body will believe it. If they die in a simulation, their body may believe it is real and actually shut down. How is this danger overcome?"

"In theory, while the correct military plans are, indeed, classified, I will share with you the plans that I had originally drawn up. The layout of the world in which the pilot sees himself in is not the same as the world which actually exists. That is, if we simulated the Sahara Desert, it would not look like the Sahara desert, it would look like a tactical layout of the Desert from a specific point of view, that of where the pilot's fighter actually is. It lays out a map with targets on it, and a recommended route of travel, however such a route is not necessary should other obstacles be in the way, which is the situation wherein the pilot comes into play and is necessary in things such as maneuvering, shooting, and destroying any enemies that meet him.

I am sorry I cannot reveal more, but the government has requested that I do not say anything else about the military technology. However, I will assure you that no such scenario will occur, and if it does, we will rectify it before these systems are put into practice."

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*Classified beyond levels of 'holy !@#$ this is secret'*

Creation of the Special Personnel Executive for Counter-intelligence, Tactical warfare, and Reticent Erudition


A special, secret act of the Ministry of Defence and the King does hereby create the SPECTRE army corps. It is a special, secret detachment of the army designed to perform secret, tactical operations under extreme conditions, and using tools such as stealth, foreknowledge, and beyond. The SPECTRE corps is the most advance corps in the Kingdom, and as such, is equipped with special armor and weaponry for their job.

SPECTRE soldiers are drafted specifically from the Royal Marine Corps, selecting the most intelligent, most athletic, most loyal, and most knowledgeable of the RMC to create a special corps of people whose job is to perform tasks for their nation under circumstances that are not the same as those seen in any other special ops force.

SPECTRE soldiers wear no national colors, and have no markings with which to tell what nation they are from. They speak multiple languages, and are told to, if caught in a nation whose language they do not speak, they are told to not speak at all, so that they do not give away their nationality.

SPECTRE forces are the best of the best, beyond the normal soldier, and more determined than the normal soldier to get whatever job it is, done for their country. They are the most loyal, the most committed, and the most brave of the military forces existent in the Kingdom. Truly, they are our pride and joy, though no one may know about them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Large-Scale Vandalism in Silesia

The Country of Silesia, the smallest of the three countries consistent of the Kingdom, experience large-scale vandalism last night, sources say.

The attacks, police say, are the acts of what is probably a highly organized anti-government and anti-union extremist group based in Silesia. Reports say that the text 'Kery Jeżeś We Nebje', which means 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' in Silesian.

This text is known to be the mark of the extremist Silesian nationalist group 'Nebje', meaning 'Heaven'. It was formerly believed that they mostly operated in the Polish claims on Lower Silesia, however these attacks mean that they have expanded to Upper Silesia.

In the attacks, several fires were started in major Silesian cities, seventeen were killed, thirty were injured, and many stores were broken into and robbed. One policeman remarked, "Ostrava is destroyed today. It is as if the city has been bombed."

Ostrava, the capital and largest city of Silesia, was the main focus of the attacks, three fires set in three different areas of the city burned down nearly half of the commercial center of the city, and firemen are struggling to put out the one remaining fire.

Currently, this fire is burning on a course to hit the GSO Oil Refinery in Silesia if it is not stopped in time. This Refinery is one of only seven refineries within the Kingdom, meaning that the Kingdom would lose a large portion of its oil production capacity should this fire reach the Refinery.

Ostravan authorities have called for an evacuation of the city within 2000 yards of the Refinery, and people outside of this range are strongly cautioned against what the resulting explosion in the Refinery may do.

There has been no response thusfar from Prague regarding what action the Kingdom will take in response to these attacks.


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