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Warning Recruiters - Frankman1

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I wanted to hear from any other alliances here that have delt with the ruler Frankman1 before.

I know we are about his 6th or 7th alliance to date and we have had an unfortunate experiance with him.

While I don't want to go on a personal vendetta without first hearing his side of the story (he has seen my messages but is avioding all contact at present) it would apear he may be a character you should be wary of.

I will simply say do not send him any joining or growth aid until you are 100% sure he is commited to your organisation. As you will see going through publicly available records he joined our alliance about a week ago, accepted considerable cash aid and today without notice he seams to be making himself very comfortable at a new alliance.

Frankman1 if you are reading please reply... and to all others please use caution.

Thank You

King Wally

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In situations like this he should be punished with military action. It'll be better for him if you do: it's social adaption by negative reinforcement. Not only will you make him a better player, you'll be standing up for your alliance, and you'll make CN a better place to be.

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hmm players like this should be punished,

if GLOP does not wish to get its hands dirty The Russian Empire is more than happy to make Frankman1 a new testing ground for the new shipments of weapons that has arrived into the nation these pass 3 weeks, the newest Battalion of Cossack Soldiers is ready to test their skills and with the Empire in no current wars we could take that burden off your hands think, about it and PM maybe :war:

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In situations like this he should be punished with military action. It'll be better for him if you do: it's social adaption by negative reinforcement. Not only will you make him a better player, you'll be standing up for your alliance, and you'll make CN a better place to be.

i totaly agree

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Thank you all for your info and offers of assistance, we may yet require it.

We have actually been punished for our peacefull nature in this circumstance.

We wanted to give him a final warning... and he responded by running to peace mode.

I have had no luck trying to communicate with his alliance EOW, they just deleate my embassy posts on their forum and keep passing the buck.

After looking into them I must say the whole alliance looks shady. 9 members several multi's by the looks of the cancelled inter alliance trade offers, money going in... no tech going out?

I would like to put a formal warn notice out there.

If you deal with any nation in EOW be carefull with your cash.

By the way I also beleive we should start on these recruitment pages a permenant black list of rulers that have scammed alliances so other alliances can cross check their new recruits have a clean history. If we work together we should be able to stamp out this behaviour.

Edited by King Wally
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By the way I also beleive we should start on these recruitment pages a permenant black list of rulers that have scammed alliances so other alliances can cross check their new recruits have a clean history. If we work together we should be able to stamp out this behaviour.

Thanks for the heads up on this character and his alliance.

I agree that sounds like a usefull tool!

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Ok Im going to try and start the black list. It will need a sticky pin, and to be kept in alphabetical order of ruler name.

Also we all need to be carefull not to abuse the system. Just cause someone pisses us off or wasn't good for their alliance doesn't mean they get a black list.

The black list needs to be for real rogues. In this case he's a repeat offender, who in GLOP at least stole 6 million dollars from us and ran to peace mode back at EOW which is his "base alliance".

I'll get this started soon... or if a moderater wanted to it may be more official?

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