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I am bored with the game and need focus my mental energies elsewhere in RL so i am quitting after 3 years of CN.

its been real everyone.

i don't want to do shoutouts but if i know you and you want one, you can just query me or w/e.

That's a shame, we never agreed on much anything but you were a dynamic character that made things fun.

i've got 1,050 tech and 90 million in cash that needs to be distributed, Polaris gets first dibs, but if you want some free !@#$, let me know i might give you some.

You definitely owe me for going rogue on me that one time.

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Good bye Elborrador, good luck in RL.

Haven't talked to you that much since TWD and Obsidian (I think that was the alliance's name) days, but you were always fun to interact with.

TWD was a fun time, all things considered lol

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Well good luck out there in RL :)

I did the quitting thing too, and I came back. Who knows, maybe you will to?

if not, best of luck in all that you do.

If you feel so obliged, I have 1 free aid slot if you wanted to send me cash or tech.

I'm a bit late but I figured its worth a shot :)

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I am bored with the game and need focus my mental energies elsewhere in RL so i am quitting after 3 years of CN.

its been real everyone.

i don't want to do shoutouts but if i know you and you want one, you can just query me or w/e.

i've got 1,050 tech and 90 million in cash that needs to be distributed, Polaris gets first dibs, but if you want some free !@#$, let me know i might give you some.

Elbo you will be back. You always come back. Also, I could use some free tech.

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We certainly had our arguments over the years, but in the end, everything worked out. You are one of the best players to ever grace CN with your presence, and I'm glad I can call you a friend after all we've been through. It saddens me to see you leave, and I wish you the best in RL.

Good luck Elb ;)

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Send me money and tech. I need to rebuild from this war. :P

Well, I never really knew you, but I remember the excitement when it was thought you might be coming to FIRE, and iirc you made IDIOT more interesting, way back when. Sorry to see you go.

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