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Karma War Ended?


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It is like Iraq: "Mission Accomplished"... but not really...

AFAIK there is no such nation or alliance as Iraq. Which is somewhat surprising, actually.

OOC: not really, NPO isn't tearing itself up and forcing Karma to polce them

Edited by Teriethien
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It's been said numerous times by numerous people in numerous places. And numerous other views of what Karma are have also been voiced. Karma can't even agree on what Karma is. *facepalm* But the general voice I seem to get out of all the Karma stuff is that all Karma is is a way to give to NPO what NPO has given to others, and anyone who supports that is an agent of Karma. Again, there hasn't been a true consensus, this is just what seemed to be the prevalent voice when Karma was still steaming along the PR machine; it seemed like a lot of people were quite eager not to be considered a military coalition, but rather a movement.

Karma has always been a military alliance... just one that isn't necessarily on paper with official treaties. To be apart of Karma one has to actually be in an alliance who is at war with one or more members of the Hegemony. Hatred for the NPO doesn't necessarily include you in this movement. And, it is called a "movement" but not one of ideals alone but one of action. Having an opinion doesn't include you into the karma camp; you are simply a sympathizer.

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Who leads Karma any way? Do they have one leader or are they just a bunch of alliance leaders that think CN would be a better place without NPO?

No, and no... It's been stated repeatedly that no one leads Karma, it's a wartime coalition of alliances who went to war against the NPO each for their own reasons.

Edited by Teriethien
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I beg to differ my good man:


Second FAN War: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/InFANtile_War

As you can see both were caused by a breach of surrender terms and I don't think anyone can argue that Ragnorok is on the side of Karma.

Admittedly I forgot that. However, Ragnarok's second war on Illuminati was not in breach of the surrender terms, whereas NPO's war on FAN was.

III. Retribution

Any individual Illuminati nation found breaking this treaty will be subject to ZI. If the alliance in general defaults on this agreement, the state of War between Illuminati and CDT/SF will resume immediately.


Any member of FAN who violates these terms will be ZId as long as the NPO deems appropriate.
Are you saying none of the present member alliances of Karma participated in attacks on that "surrendered" alliance?

Assuming we're talking about FAN, then yes. MHA is no longer involved in the conflict.

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looks to me like the war is pretty much over: NPO and her allies number five, and the Karma bloc numbers 97. we can see from these numbers who will win: i mean, even if all the nations who originally made up NPO allies returned to the war, they are hopelessly outnumbered. i can't say NPO wasn't asking for this: they have been acting like tyrants since they came to CN. they should have expected someday someone was going to rebel--and take the upper hand.

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looks to me like the war is pretty much over: NPO and her allies number five, and the Karma bloc numbers 97. we can see from these numbers who will win: i mean, even if all the nations who originally made up NPO allies returned to the war, they are hopelessly outnumbered. i can't say NPO wasn't asking for this: they have been acting like tyrants since they came to CN. they should have expected someday someone was going to rebel--and take the upper hand.

May I ask where this number comes from?

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Between NPO and Karma, only one has ever attacked a surrendered alliance.


Ragnarok attacked Illuminati while they were under surrender terms.

(Now they were right to do so: Illuminati were breaching those terms.)

But this is more mythology that just needs to go.

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Fair enough. Illuminati was attacked after gross violations of their surrender terms, and the Rok re-DoW followed terms clearly outlined in the ToS. So long as people understand that, then I can agree with your statement in a broad sense.

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Yes. A more accurate statement would be 'only one alliance has attacked an alliance that it was protecting in breach of the peace agreement'. NADC was also attacked for violations of surrender, I believe, but in accordance with the surrender document. FAN is the only instance I am aware of where the alliance was re-attacked in direct contravention of the peace terms.

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For all intents and purposes it is over. The last few Hegemony alliances are drawing it out, but have no hope for victory (or at least any victory worth having, they can claim lighter peace terms when Karma gets bored and call it a "victory" until they look at their NS numbers).

As far as people in "active engagements" really it's whoever wants to at this point, the coordination has dropped to a minimum as people are just getting picked off as they exit peace mode by any number of potential alliances.

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It's fair to mention that most of the fighting seems to be occuring with NPO launching against RoK, with Sparta, FOK and VE doing most of the attacking on NPO. For the last 2 weeks, it's clear that the NPO is winning against RoK, at least in terms of NS. Doing much more damage, that is.

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It's fair to mention that most of the fighting seems to be occuring with NPO launching against RoK, with Sparta, FOK and VE doing most of the attacking on NPO. For the last 2 weeks, it's clear that the NPO is winning against RoK, at least in terms of NS. Doing much more damage, that is.

Actually RoK has lost a significant number of members (notably some large ones) to newly forming or just other alliances from what I know. Their NS loss now has little to do with NPO military actions.

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