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What was he thinking?

King Chill I

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And I think that the point that Steelrat was getting at is that what is "necessary" is in the eye of the beholder. Conflicting loyalties, by their very nature, tend to blur the applicability of that term.

Unless holding firm to an external source (and even then it can be widely debated), everything subjective is in the eye of the beholder.

Good thing too or this game would be pretty boring -_-

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Unless holding firm to an external source (and even then it can be widely debated), everything subjective is in the eye of the beholder.

Good thing too or this game would be pretty boring -_-

My dear Ender Land! I do believe that we have just found a point on which we agree!

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a.) You didn't say that.

You stated the crock above^

I think you are the only person who didnt understand he meant the alliances TOP was fighting.

What was your SAT reading comp?

Haven't we been through this before... why would GRE make a deal with IRON (TOP's ally) before war broke out? This one is a connect the dots, color within the lines question, I'll take 1st grade art for $200 Jeff.

Oh you silly silly boy. Thats the whole issue you still fail to understand innit.

Gre would make a deal with IRON for the following reasons in no particular order.

1 - Allow us to come in against IRON that we had a TOA with (remember kids, IRON agreed to waive the cancellation period to allow us to jump in immediately and take the brunt of their top tier which would have otherwise come down on Rok and Fark).

IRON agreed to focus their top tier damage on Gre and divert it from Rok.

2 - To take IRON out of the war as quickly as possible thus insuring Karma victory and also minimizing the amount of damage all of us took (including Rok which would have otherwise been sexually violated).

3 - Help safeguard the interests of our allies, that includes both TOP and the rest on the Karma side (FOK, MK, Fark, FCC, Umb). Winning the war was our interest and the interest of our closest allies.

So yea big bad Chill/Gre tried to make the war easier on Karma by volunteering to absorb the hit from IRON's massive top tier, strained the ties with TOP (and Lux Aeterna) by going against an ally's MDP partner, and saved Rok massive amounts of damage.

What a !@#$%^& I am right? Instead i should have just chosen to save a week of sleepless nights, picked a front where we wouldnt have to worry about OTPs (hmm...say Valhalla, Echelon or TPF) and not cared what happens to our allies and the overall war effort.

(In fact in retrospect that sounds just great).

Your main complaint was "bawww why wasnt i told about this bawww". You werent because the deal was made 20 min before the update when IRON attacked you.

Your pride was so butt hurt that you couldnt see that the deal actually saved Rok massive damage, volunteered Gre to take the burnt of the IRON hit and assured a Karma victory.

If all that makes me a big bad secret member of TOP, well im cool with that (sometimes i wish the logs from the TOP-Gre convos of those days could be released).

EDIT: Just to clarify a point. I am in no way belittling Rok's contribution on 3 fronts of the war. But you yourself complained that you would have been in bill lock by week 2 because you were so stretched.

Edited by King Chill I
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This post made me laugh more than anything I've read in a long time.

Cheers ;)

Well, he is somewhat correct. Think of it this way:

I tell you not to do drugs because they can ruin your health and get you arrested. Then I go and do drugs. I'm a hypocrite. However, I am not wrong. My hypocrisy does not change the fact that drugs can ruin your health and get you arrested. So, as trinte said, just because someone is a hypocrite does not mean he/she is wrong.

Sorry for going a bit off topic... carry on.

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