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I Spy with my little eye..

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Well, there comes a time when a man and a woman fall into deep affectionate love.. Then there are times when one mini alliance falls in love with the alpha, AKA STUD.

Well, this time a Xenophon was wandering along a path..Not just any path, but one with a yellow-ish shade of color to it! Might I add that it was composed of bricks, lots of them. Xenophon comes to the break in the road, and follows it the wrong way. He takes a few steps, then is confronted by one sexy beast. Xenophon suddenly becomes enlightened and quickly turned on by this fellow by the name of R&R. They head off into the woods, and the EPIC legend begins.

Introducing to you, the R&R/Xeno treaty of love:


Article 1, R&R will provide advice and help to Xenophon when necessary and possible

Article 2, R&R will protect Xenophon in all defensive matters

Article 3, This will last for 2 weeks, at that time R&R and Xenophon will get together and discuss extending this treaty

Signed on behalf of Xenophon:

Flying Squirrel- The Rector

Signed on behalf of R&R:

GoFastLeft, Triumvirate

Danielg42, Triumvirate

Quagsville, Triumvirate

Bilzey, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Hawk, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Thank you for your time!

P.P.S. Everyone is welcome to tag along on our forums at www.Xenophon.smfforfree.com Free <3 provided!

Edited by Flying Squirrel
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