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Maelstrom Vortex

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And again.. the world turned another cycle.. an empire rises in Europe and the Pacific.. yet another in North America. The one lead by the Emperor and crew, while not quite an absolutist this time around.. survived again. The Chairman was quite pleased. He'd served his people well. While nukes and chemical weapons were thrown they were the target of none and the Empire flourishes under a spate of new projects designed to propel its strength and growth into the future.

He planned a tour.. a state by state visit to the capitols. He wanted to make sure each state was thriving and that its needs were met. As the Adviser, this information would be relayed tot he Triumvirate and confirmed with the Legislative council so improvements would be made. You can never sit idle when you rule, that would be abusing the trust your people have in you.. for they depend on you to give every momment.. every breath.. towards their well being or so that was what the Chairman believed. With his Wife gone.. he had wed himself to the state. It was his new bride. He had to care for her and keep her strong. She would be proud of him for this. He had to make their legacy.. hers more specifically stand the test of time.

He boarded a jet, his first stop would be in the capitol of the NPR.. which was close to many of the recent border disputes which had been resolved with their neighbors. His goals there were to check up on their security and to make sure that the rapidly growing population had the food, water, and shelter.. the basics.. that they needed. He would visit local administrators, ask their opinions on prosperity projects that would improve the lives of the citizens there for years to come. Assessing costs.. estimating profits. He'd grown so accustomed to the analysis that would be required.. he almost could do them in his head now without even having to hire a contractor. All he needed was a Dragon Capitol Exchange Journal to indicate commodities prices and he could extrapolate the rest.

With his absolute abhorrence of debt and deficit spending the Empire had a piled up a small cash reserve.. handed from the old to the new Empire.. to keep it strong and growing. They built it up in periods of prosperity.. spent it wisely during periods of economic relapse. The chairman's resolve was that if you had to spend anything, it should be saved excesses... not money you didn't have. He would not let his state stay slave to money lenders as so many before him.

He watched out the windows as the world sped by below him, occasionally he would chat with one of his assistants about various global news and reports or market trends.. but otherwise most of the time he spent in his own mind in flight.. off in his own little world imagining the love of his life that he so missed. He stared quietly out the window and put his hands on the glass. "I'd give it all for you love, but you'd not have it. But you would have me care for it all the same, so I do. This is how I remember you."

He sat there, watching Asia and the Himalayas fly by below him. A flight attendant tapped his shoulder, making sure he took his daily medications then gave him some a small plate of fish and potato wedges to eat along with a glass of Imperial Cola. He ate his meal and then discarded it when she came back by later. It was not long til the plane touched down through fog onto a bit of a rainy runway. He went to meet the Premiere before starting the tour.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The chairman waited in the foyer of the Capitol building. His assistants quietly checked their watches. It appeared the Premiere may be running slightly behind schedule. While he waited, the Chairman sipped his soda and admired the architecture and art which hung in the building's foyer. "It's not like him to be late. I hope nothing is wrong."

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Chairman Maelstrom will be welcomed in the edges of new Beijing. The city, nuked years ago and recently razed, was in the midst of hurried reconstruction. The NPR government, temporarily based in Shenyang (Mukden), had relocated to the reconstructed Zhongnanhai compound months before. The Premier, Wen Jiabao, will accompany the chairman. "Good day, Chairman. What can I do for you?"

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"Hrmm.. I thought it would be a bit more advanced than this. I will definitely see what I can do. This city needs restored. To much history to let go here." As they tour they city, he just down notes and just shakes his head at the mess. Mind you, it's nowhere near as bad as it was several years ago when the was little more than a charred husk. The streets were cleared of debris.. some lots had been cleared of rubble and building had begun to progress where nothing once stood.

"I assume most of the radiation has been cleaned up to the best that it can. We need to start getting water running and re-build the electric and communications grid." He begins to take a list of postal codes of the areas that are most in need like an emergency management employee.

"We'll arrange something... you'll need extra funding to absorb the medical care costs of the workers as I'm sure there's going to be some exposure to radiation and higher rates of cancer once it does get cleaned up. Is there anything else you wanted to show me besides Beijing?" He would tape his writing board softly with his pen.

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At the airport the Chairman exited the Limo wit his notepad. "Thanks for your time, Priemere Jiabao. I'll see you at the next legislative video conference." He boarded his plane and headed towards the Kingdom of Cochin. It would be a while before he landed. He decided to catch an in-flight movie. He felt like watching people getting blown up or torn up so he put on "Apocalypse Now", based on the great war against the UFE in the Vietnam sector of the Malay peninsula. It helped to pass the time as he flew across Asia. He snorted and chuckled in some scenes at the actor that was cast to play him in his head of state role.

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"Good day good King, how are you today? I'm here to tour development sites to get an idea of what we need to do on the Legislative Council. I am a bit frustrated. I just left NPR and touring their damaged areas in Beijing.. only to have them call a video conference to secede.. all that effort.. wasted. I hope I don't scare you away." He chuckles.

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"No not at all, Chairman. Currently I am glad to be part of Dragon Empire. A peaceful Asia is in our national interest."

"As far as the development aid is concerned Cochin at the moment is very strong economically. We have an immense war chest, our industries are flourishing with the number of foreign contracts we have secured. Strategically we could not be more secure. In the days to come, Cochin shall give evidence of how strong indeed we have become. "

"Our only sorrow is the lack of a geographic continuity with any oceanic shore. That limits our merchant marine industry from expanding. Other than that I do not see where Cochin needs further development investments."

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"Hrmm.. so you're okay then. No special projects you have in mind you'd like to fund? The access to Indian Sea Ports suits you well enough. Alright then. I guess my last stop is Melvin Republic." He looked around the tarmac. "Mind if I come in and have dinner before I leave? I'm kind of tired of being in the air."

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"Of course, Chairman, do you think I shall let you leave without enjoying Cochin hospitality? "

The King laughs and continues.

"We do have quite a number of special projects in the burner, but we are able to fund them with our budget as it is. Anyway best of luck with Andonia. I have been informed by the head of our medical mission there that Andonians have suffered quite much due to the outbreak. Chairman, if there is anyway Kingdom of Cochin can help more to alleviate their suffering please do tell us know. After all one cannot enjoy his luxuries when his neighbors' hunger pangs torment him."

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