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A DoWS (Coalition of Blue States)

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Hello Planet Bob,

Look, im sorry if i offended anyone.

We had a situation and i just wasn't sure how to deal with it.

In the future, i will be more professional in my mannerisms and will definitely watch what i say... again im sorry for offending everyone, and if you still have any issues just let me know and we can work them out!

edit: Fixed ;)

Edited by KingemO93
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Sounds to me like a Secretary of Seduction should be trying to recruit from other alliances. He is just trying to be seductive. And PZI -_-

How did he get to be in the government anyway? I mean it seems to me that if you consider it unlucky for us to meet him, you shouldn't have picked him for the government.

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Is it necessary to EZI him? Poaching is wrong, but it isn't a coup or private channnel log dump or something. Even so, that doesn't justify EZI (since it is inherently wrong anyway).

I smell appeasement.

Edited by Isaac Wolfe
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Is it necessary to EZI him? Poaching is wrong, but it isn't a coup or private channnel log dump or something. Even so, that doesn't justify EZI (since it is inherently wrong anyway).

I smell appeasement.

When KingemO came to us (their protectors) and told us about the incident, he was very upset that his trust had been betrayed. There was no need for "appeasement", as Polaris is committed to sticking by our protectorates even when they make mistakes, provided they swiftly correct them (what are protectorates for but to learn, after all). However, I tend to agree that PZI is a bit extreme in this situation and I suspect KingemO will reconsider it for a milder punishment.

Thanks for dealing with the issue swiftly and to the satisfaction of all parties, KingemO.

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You don't have to be so harsh on him, maybe pay reps and get him to say sorry if he is all that bad just give him a 2 week hit or something instead of a ZI or EZI or w/e the hell you call it.

Following by example, the NSO only hit CDC for a week in a limited war, and that was for spying.

Poaching is a misdemeanor compared to state-sanctioned espionage. There is no reason for EZI.

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When KingemO came to us (their protectors) and told us about the incident, he was very upset that his trust had been betrayed. There was no need for "appeasement", as Polaris is committed to sticking by our protectorates even when they make mistakes, provided they swiftly correct them (what are protectorates for but to learn, after all). However, I tend to agree that PZI is a bit extreme in this situation and I suspect KingemO will reconsider it for a milder punishment.

Thanks for dealing with the issue swiftly and to the satisfaction of all parties, KingemO.

To clarify, I meant that they are appeasing the victims of the poaching.

I trust Polaris keeps it's protectorates under her glorious blue and white wing. I don't doubt that. It just looks like this BradenB fellow is being thrown to the "mob" as a "gesture of friendship".

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To clarify, I meant that they are appeasing the victims of the poaching.

I trust Polaris keeps it's protectorates under her glorious blue and white wing. I don't doubt that. It just looks like this BradenB fellow is being thrown to the "mob" as a "gesture of friendship".

What I meant to say was that I am vouching for CBS to assure the public that KingemO was very upset by the incident. From my perspective, he expelled the member out of a desire to clean up his alliance's own problems rather than in an effort to appease NRM. I suppose it doesn't matter to much, as long as the problem has been solved to the satisfaction of all parties.

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so $$15,000,000?

He's fairly low in infra as is. I would not anticipate a long period of attacks will be required. You're welcome to accept this fellow after the punishment ends. Monetary compensation is not necessary.

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He's fairly low in infra as is. I would not anticipate a long period of attacks will be required. You're welcome to accept this fellow after the punishment ends. Monetary bribes are not necessary.

They aren't bribes, look how young he is and he never got the chance to grow and learn. That is what happens to nation who join alliances with weaker nations who cant financially help. Then people say just do tech deals, tech deals are good but not everyone does them. Once he is done I will message him and of course offer him some aid if he still wishes to play, this is how you get nations to quit the game..

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KingemO93[CBS|President] "I'll be willing to pay 9,000,000 for his release, 3,000,000 for each allaince!"

KingemO93[CBS|President] WTF

KingemO93[CBS|President] is that about

KingemO93[CBS|President] r u serios

KingemO93[CBS|President] i wonder what Mogar what thing

Kobiashiy[iRAN] uhmm what do u mean

KingemO93[CBS|President] *think

Kobiashiy[iRAN] u guys are attacking a new player

Kobiashiy[iRAN] you shouldnt ZI him

Kobiashiy[iRAN] no matter what his infra is

KingemO93[CBS|President] Ur trying to by a paocher

Kobiashiy[iRAN] and Mogar got banned..

Kobiashiy[iRAN] uhmm no

KingemO93[CBS|President] he is 103 days old

Kobiashiy[iRAN] yeh

Kobiashiy[iRAN] how long has he been in ur allaince?

Kobiashiy[iRAN] how long as he been in gov?

KingemO93[CBS|President] Does it matter

KingemO93[CBS|President] he poached

Kobiashiy[iRAN] yes

Kobiashiy[iRAN] he doesnt know..

Kobiashiy[iRAN] 12 days into the allaince

KingemO93[CBS|President] he broke CN rules

KingemO93[CBS|President] he was in NRM before

KingemO93[CBS|President] u dumb $@! u should read up

Kobiashiy[iRAN] lol

Kobiashiy[iRAN] maybe you should watch ur mouth

Kobiashiy[iRAN] ill be showing NpO this..

Maybe teach him how to show some respect and watch his mouth?

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The glories of protectorate status, my good man.

No this guys gonna query me and tell me im a dum $@! that is kinda funny, but hes done it before and hes banned me in other peoples IRC Channels it gets annoying after a while...

EDIT: Spelling

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No this guys gonna query me and tell me im a dum $@! that is kinda funny, but hes done it before and hes banned me in other peoples IRC Channels it gets annoying after a while...

EDIT: Spelling

That is what I mean. He needs to learn how to respect the guests in his house. Thus, he is not fit to rule independantly and must have a protector.

Edited by Isaac Wolfe
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