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To all who were promissed financial aid.

Don Hefe

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MK gives a $500,000 joining bonus + $300,000 harbor aid if you have a small nation.

Just thought I'd toss that out there to contribute to the discussion, no ulterior motives or anything B)

If you accept this guy, I'm leaving. :P

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If you accept this guy, I'm leaving. :P

But when he leaves the alliance immediately after hitting his $800,000, and goes on to the next alliance, then we get to threaten that alliance for harboring someone in debt to us. Lack of immediate response gets us a completely legit CB and we get moar war!

Try to keep up with the whole evil overlord thing, you're falling behind.

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There's this wonderful little concept I'd like to talk to you about, it's called "patience." Also, "intelligence." Patience would dictate the understanding that you are there to serve your alliance, not the other way around, and that things in Planet Bob actually take time, and that people, believe it or not, have real lives too. Intelligence would dictate actually asking your alliance for the aid, instead of, well, everyone but your alliance more or less. If you can learn and master these two concepts, you will be well on your way to a long and happy life in Planet Bob.

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Joining aid usually takes about a week to process,

This is because of the 10 day cycle on the aid slots and it takes about a week for an aid slot to become available on average.

There may also be certain other requirements for start-up aid depending on the alliance.

There might be a written test you have to pass or a loyalty oath you have to take or just a certain minimum period as a member before you qualify.

But just sit back and wait, the one thing most people learn about this game is that it not what you would call fast paced.

Your aid will probably get to you eventually. In the meantime you might want to look into doing some tech deals if you are really desperate for starting cash.

Patience is a virtue in this game especially.

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Hello everyone, if you remember when you first joined you were prommised a cartain ammount of money. I myself never recieved that sum, so to anyone who can help or to anyone who has experianced the same can you help?

You might just be new and a bit confused so maybe some helpful direction is called for.

First, if you haven't already, visit your alliances home boards. If you don't know were they are, go into the game and message someone in the alliance

Second, fill out any forms or applications you need

and last,

Just be patient and give your alliance a chance to do it's thing.

I'd also suggest that while you're there you look for meaningful ways to contribute to your alliance and take advantage of any guides and/or resources your alliance provides to learn how to grow your nation.

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I received 7k (yes, 7,000) for a trade when I started up. This was more than any fledgling nation could ask for.

Then I later got 100K a month later and realized how lucky I truly was; the generosity was astounding!

Then 3 mil became nothing to fairly established nations and I was saddened, slightly dead on the inside.

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But when he leaves the alliance immediately after hitting his $800,000, and goes on to the next alliance, then we get to threaten that alliance for harboring someone in debt to us. Lack of immediate response gets us a completely legit CB and we get moar war!

Try to keep up with the whole evil overlord thing, you're falling behind.

Yeah I thought it was obvious, but I guess Lafayette's slow to catch onto my military command make-work program :v:

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Stop complaining. I received $50,000 when joining.

was that really all the incentive you needed?

I've sent out 3mil or more to all every one of my members, but I only have 8.

I guess no one gets what "communism" is.

50k for a sucky alliance. Why bother?

:P plug? nah. troll? maybe. Truth? YES.

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was that really all the incentive you needed?

I've sent out 3mil or more to all every one of my members, but I only have 8.

I guess no one gets what "communism" is.

50k for a sucky alliance. Why bother?

:P plug? nah. troll? maybe. Truth? YES.

Maybe because back in the day, sending an entire 3 mil to one person was infeasible and inefficient regarding an alliance's financial abilities. The 3 mil was broken down into chains normally, and in the end each person only got a fraction.

This was considered a hell of a lot though.

EDIT: Also, this was my 666th post. Nice.

Edited by Mixoux
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Maybe because back in the day, sending an entire 3 mil to one person was infeasible and inefficient regarding an alliance's financial abilities. The 3 mil was broken down into chains normally, and in the end each person only got a fraction.

This was considered a hell of a lot though.

EDIT: Also, this was my 666th post. Nice.

50k almost gets you enough tech to do a deal


so much....

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Maybe because back in the day, sending an entire 3 mil to one person was infeasible and inefficient regarding an alliance's financial abilities. The 3 mil was broken down into chains normally, and in the end each person only got a fraction.

This was considered a hell of a lot though.

EDIT: Also, this was my 666th post. Nice.

ah ya, i remember the good old days when an aid slot holding just 150K wasn't necessarily a waste.

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I got SO MUCH aid when I first joined... let's see, 130,000$ if I remember. Then... 3,000,000 two months later, and then 200,000 to buy a harbor from one of my members. SO MUCH.

</grumbles about spoiled newbs>

Man, you got buckets of cash. The first aid I ever got was in the aftermath of GW3.

EDIT: If I recall correctly, RIA's joining aid was originally $5,000, which was a damned fortune for our nations at the time.

EDIT2: Heh, scouring the old RIA forums, I discovered our first recruitment contest, in which the reward was a massive 15k for first, 10k for second, and 5k for third. Huge numbers.

Edited by enragedlobster
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