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Native African Protection Organization


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The Native African Protection Organization Accords

Resolved The signers of this document express their intense desire for the native African inhabitants of the African continent to realize their rights to self-rule through free and open elections that are monitored by the international community.

(Native Africans are hereby designated anyone not of first or second generation European or non-African descent.)

(Transvaal is exempt from this classification as the majority of their population is well beyond the second generation of habitation of the African continent.)

Resolved The signers of this document will utilize peaceful means to realize the goal of self-rule for native Africans.

Resolved The signers of this document will encourage the protection of non-governed lands so that the inhabitants may develop to realize their own governments and futures free of outside interference.

Resolved The signers are permitted to send observers, military forces, and enact sanctions and embargoes if needed to eject non-African nationals who attempt to set up governments in these protected zones.

Resolved The signers will apply a certification process that allows new governments the right to petition NAPO for release from Protected Status providing they are a government of African origins and African cultural descent.

(OOC: To be certified the new/old rper needs to provide us with their SoE to ensure that they aren't trying to set up a colonial power and that the new government is of African cultural and ethnic descent.)

(A protected zone is hereby defined as any protectorate established and secured by NAPO signatories.)


The Free Republic of Somal

Mad Dog Bob Denard

Signed for The Republic,

Archon Mykep


Signed for Singapore,

Goh Chok Tong, President

Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister

Abdullah Tarmugi, Speaker of Parliament

Chan Sek Keong, Chief Judge

Signed for the Rebel Army,

Lavo Shalam, Prime Minister

Mohamed Hazzan, Minister of Foreign Affairs

For The Kingdom of Serca:

Sergio Tim Alos, Emperor

Kofi Wachanobi, Chief Minister of Foreign Affairs

Kingdom of Cochin


His Highness Rama Varma,

Signed for the Republic of Yawoo

Chancellor Acelin von Berg

Signed for the Republic of Mariehamm:

President Erwin von Uberstein

Prime Minister Anita Pesonen

Signed for the Republic of Drakoria,

Jason R. Drake, President

Henry J. Fredericks, Vice President

Second Senate of the Republic of Drakoria

Signed For the Hanseatic Commonwealth

Lady Protector Sarah Tintagyl

Edited by Firestorm
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Native Africans are hereby designated anyone not of first or second generation European or non-African descent. Transvaal is exempt from this classification as the majority of their population is well beyond the second generation of habitation of the African continent.

Whilst the Republic of Transvaal shall to the surprise of no one not sign such an agreement, we nevertheless do acknowledge the consideration given to our particular demographic situation. It is much appreciated that finally some nations are beginning to understand our complex social situation in Southern Africa. - Foreign Minister Hendrik Strijdom

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Whilst the Republic of Transvaal shall to the surprise of no one not sign such an agreement, we nevertheless do acknowledge the consideration given to our particular demographic situation. It is much appreciated that finally some nations are beginning to understand our complex social situation in Southern Africa. - Foreign Minister Hendrik Strijdom

OOC: consider this a bit of a foreshadowing of our summit. Understanding and all that.

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It seems pointless for most non-African nations to sign this, excepting nearby nations such as Rebel Army.

That is Transvaal's feeling as well. We find it rather ironic how Somal opposes what it deems "outsiders" (re: whites) in Africa yet then their government turn around and propose such an agreement and permit outsiders to have a say and sign it.

Perhaps our government should denounce this as a racist document against Afrikanerdom?

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