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The Scourge of Gods


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As the last of the five hospital ships were completed, a small boat sailed into Kolhar harbour. Instead of slowing down as it neared the docks, it began picking up speed. Alarmed bysanders beagn running, but it was too late. The ship plowed into the docks causing severe damage. But the real danger was not yet seen. A series of canisters opened on the impact and released a strange gas. A red light in the shape of a wolf head with crossed icicles began blinking, then, ten seconds later, the ship exploded, causing further damage.

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Three Days Later

Norma Cenva was watching the news in her modest apartment that she shared with Dr. Mohandas Suk. The rate of violent grime had gone up significantly in the last couple of days, and Mohandas had been forced to work late, patching up stab victims and shooting victims. The police were baffled by the sudden increase. The majority of the people committng these crimes were formerly ordinary, law-abiding citizens. Norma turned the TV off and decided to go to bed. "Its all bad news anyway" she muttered to herself

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Two days later

The News

The violent crime rate had risen to the point where it was no longer safe to go outside. Gun sales had soared. The government had moved in two companies of soldiers and half the Skywolf Brigade in an attempt to stem the violence,but it was like to trying to fix a dam with a roll of Duct Tape. The panicking governmnet of Andonain Burma finally declared martial law.

At the hospital

Dr.Mohandas Suk was examining the blood of one of the cases of inexplicable violent behavior. This sample came from a lawyer who had charged a platoon of soldiers enforcing a roadblock.There was a strage chemical in the blood, a massive molecule that defied all his attempts to break down. Then he noticed a small thing moving the blood. He recognised it as a retrovirus. However, it was not one he was familiar with. He sent the sample to a researcher he knew who specialised in retroviruses.

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At the hospital

Mohandas's phone rang. He picked it up, recognising the number as that of the specialist he had called. The man was speaking so fast that Mohandas could not tell what he was saying.

" Slow down"

" The virus is new, like nothing I have ever seen before."

" What do you mean?"

"It goes into the liver and produces a massive molecule that has severe effects on the body. My best guess is that it would initially present with only irrationality and severe violent behavior"

" Oh My Gods"

" Does this have to do with the chaos in AB?"

" If you are right, this could be the cause of the whole thing."

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The Veteran Adeptus Custodes soldiers of the Imperium have extensive experience in dealing with virus-caused infections stemming from the Zombie Warfare in Destroyed Diberia. We would like to offer a team of them to help your Skywolf Brigade in dealing with this Biohazard.

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The Veteran Adeptus Custodes soldiers of the Imperium have extensive experience in dealing with virus-caused infections stemming from the Zombie Warfare in Destroyed Diberia. We would like to offer a team of them to help your Skywolf Brigade in dealing with this Biohazard.

OOC: This hasn't been announced yet, right now it is just Mohandas and his friend the virus specialist.

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The News

The Interim Dictator of Andonian Burma, Grim Einarsson, has announced that Dr. Mohandas Suk has discovered that the recent chaos in the territory was caused by the early stages of a highly infectious disease. Because many citizens fled to the Home Island, The entire state is to be quarantined.

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Six Days Later

At the Hospital

Mohandas was examining a patient he believed had moved on to the next stage of the disease. Compound X had bonded somehow with a chemical in the man's eyes, turning all but the iris itself blue. Painful sores had formed all over the patient's body. Suddenly the man screamed in pain, and his back arched to the point that Mohandas feared his spine might snap. A burst of blood squirted out from the man's legs, as the tendons began to rupture and the bones snapped. " !@#$, get him to the ER, now!"

Edited by freakwars
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Dr. Suk was in his lab, sustained by the small mound of energy drinks spilling out of the wastebasket. He was examining the readings they had gotten from the machines that had been monitoring the sick man. The news blared in the backround.


More Chaos, more death. It gets worse every day., thought Mohandas.

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The News.

All communications, except for the Skywolf military radios and the KNN news station have been brought down by the chaos. The government is gone. The quarantine of Burma was broken when the soldiers enforcing it were infected. The Skywolf soldiers have barricaded themselves in their headquarters. There is sporadic bursts of gunfire coming from the inside, so we can assume that at least some of them are infected.

In the Hospital

A soldier walked into Mohandas's lab. "Can I help you?" asked Mohandas without turning around. He felt the barrel of gun press to the back of his head. " Where do you keep your meds?" the soldier asked. " In the cabinet over there." Mohandas pointed. As the soldier walked over to the cabinet, Mohandas recognised the blue eyes of a stage two infectee. Suddenly the man began cnvulsing, and fell to the floor. A pool of blood began to form under him as the bones cracked and the tendons burst.

Edited by freakwars
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In light of the current... disaster in Burma, the NPR will be forced to intervene to protect our... security.

HAZ-MAT personnel, armed with automatic turrets and basic mechanical weaponry, have been deployed to the border between Burma and the rest of the Dragon Empire. Meanwhile, the returning team of unprotected aid workers... has crashed into the desert.

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OOC: This would not be common knowled


A voice boomed out of the Public Announcement System that still permeated the dying city.

" The time has come for Icewolf to rise again. All who wish to join us will live, and be vaccinated. Those who do not, will die. That is all"

One Month Later

Mohandas was up to his elbows in the guts of a former Skywolf. The man had taken a fletchette round to the stomach during a skirmish with Icewolf forces. The Icewolves forcves were comprised mostly of men from the two companies that were sent in earlier. Only one Platoon of Skywolves had deserted, led by Tercero Halor. Norma Cenva stood outside, keeping watch in case the Icewolves decided to sweep their region of the city.

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Vaer Rannar

Ragnar Ruriksson stood at the docks of the military base at Colombo, Xavier Harkonnen and Vorian Atreides flanking him.

" I have decided to travel to Burma, with a company of soldiers in Hazmat armour to assist the loyal soldiers trapped in Burma in their struggle. "

Xavier Harkonnen walked up to the podium next.

" I am a man of few words, so I'll keep this short. I am going to accompany Elder Statesman Ruriksson as the skipper of his ship. We will set sail on the morrow."

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