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Aqua Trade Circle (Yes Another)


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On second thought I think vagabon has everyone's trades he just doesn't have one of the pre-requs for construction. (Technology greater than 5)

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  • 3 months later...
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So its day 25 for our sugar and water person and it appears that he will be deleted within the day.

Anyone on aqua with both sugar and water is welcome to join the circle.

Edited by iamthey
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  • 11 months later...

Unless our trade partner Knight checks in tomorrow on his 25th day, this trade circle will be needing Lumber and Spices. We have been exceptionally stable, the longest trades going on well over a year, so anyone who joins has that advantage. The bonus resources are 3BR, with a uranium and fish filler.

If you are interested post below or PM me.

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  • 1 month later...

This trade circle is now over 500 days. We have had a great run. Right now our lumber and spice partner is at 25 days and attempts to reach him havent been successful.

If you have [u][b]lumber and spices [/b][/u]and are willing to change to the aqua team reply here or send an ingame PM. We dont care about ideology, your alliance or who your treaty partners are. All we want is a long term trading partner, you will rarely be bothered by us and you will have a stable committed trade circle that will allow you to manage your collections and grow your nation, your way.


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Still open, not only do you get great bonus's from this circle and stable trading partners, you get to be directly connected to Iamthey via trade. That is a bonus that I can personally attest is beyond any happiness bonus your nation could ever attain.

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[quote name='Tsayka' timestamp='1290445713' post='2520352']
there is a nation that was created today with spices, lumber, and is on aqua. I first sent them a trade request, but need someone good with words to help convince them to become a part of our trade circle.

I'm not great with words to be honest, but if he accepts the deal with you then I will contact him and talk to him about trade circles.

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[quote name='Static' timestamp='1291442589' post='2529805']
Did someone say spices lumber? Well I'm your guy.

Great :), just send a trade request to everyone.

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