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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Much more as in what exactly?

Indefinite tribute, forced government expulsions and resignations, viceroys, wonder decoms, they fact they are getting terms at all which is more than can be said for some of their victims.

Be glad I have no say in what the terms are, after reading all the stupidity in this thread I'd add in wonder decoms just to offset having to see all this crap.

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Indefinite tribute, forced government expulsions and resignations, viceroys, wonder decoms, they fact they are getting terms at all which is more than can be said for some of their victims.

Be glad I have no say in what the terms are, after reading all the stupidity in this thread I'd add in wonder decoms just to offset having to see all this crap.

And that's assuming we would ever accept any such "draconian" terms.

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You couldn't show an ounce of respect to save your life.

Unlike the general membership of the NPO, I believe that respect is earned not given.

Why should I be respectful of something that has proven itself time and time again to not be worthy of it?

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Well there you go Polaris. People in the NPO were thinking about helping out. They never did. But hey you can't fault them for tryin.. I mean thinking about it.

Well I think helping out during that war would have involved me not attacking MK, I could not find it within myself to do such a thing :P.

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And that's assuming we would ever accept any such "draconian" terms.

NPO started this war stating their intent to hold out for white peace, now they've downgraded that to quibbling over logistics. Something tells me you won't suddenly find another font of faux moral certitude.

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I just finished reading all 128 pages for some reason. To be honest, I was tempted to compare what I just read to a black hole of ignorance and foolishness pulling in any semblance of intelligence and mercilessly crushing it into oblivion, but that would imply that intelligence had somehow been incorporated into the thread.

Edited by Delta1212
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To see the NPO railing about their sovereignty makes my blood boil, see them unleash the party drones on me is just too much fun. The bridge is burned, the rocks are strewn over several square miles and now they are working on grinding the stones to dust as well... good job.

Maybe you need to take a break.

We want to defend our sovereignty. It is our legitimate right to do us, despite any grievances you may have with us. It is also a reasonable and expected course of action from our leadership to take, again, despite any grievances you may have.

Nobody is unleashing any party drones on you and you could stop making blanket insults like that. You came into this thread on your own, we didn't even mentioned Polaris in this thread.

I don't know what you want here. What are you doing?

You attacked a reasonable stand from our goverment (from our point of view), like it was this incredible insult to Polaris, saying how you do not care anymore for us and then proceed in trolling one of our members.

Sad this all is.

Edited by Branimir
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I just finished reading all 128 pages for some reason. To be honest, I was tempted to compare what I just read to a black hole of ignorance and foolishness pulling in any semblance of intelligence and mercilessly crushing it into oblivion, but that would imply that intelligence had somehow been incorporated into the thread.

You are obviously referring to both sides of this useless argument.

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Maybe you need to take a break.

We want to defend our sovereignty. It is our legitimate right to do us, despite any grievances you may have with us. It is also a reasonable and expected course of action from our leadership to take, again, despite any grievances you may have.

I think maybe he's having a hard time taking in your audacity in using that defence after what you subjected Polar to.

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You are obviously referring to both sides of this useless argument.

I'm fairly certain I just said that.

Edit: Though I will say the level of ignorance of essentially anything related to CN displayed by NPO's general membership in this thread is apalling above and beyond expectation. Don't think I'm letting you off just because everyone else is acting moronic.

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I like how everyone complains when NPO has radio silence, then you complain when some of their members come here to post what they have been thinking. I was in the NPO when you guys got rolled and IIRC we(as in most of the general membership) were very upset at what was happening to you guys. Some people actually left NPO during this time(presumably to fight for Polaris), while many of us contemplated doing this. Honestly Grub, some of this hate coming from you seems a little rediculous(Yes, now you are going to blame me for rolling Polaris I know it, but I never did :) ).

Hate? You have to be kidding me. Seriously, I didn't burn the bridge, but now it is I will ensure it never gets rebuilt. I learned much about the NPO in the last few weeks, you are singly the most reactive and defensive group I have ever come across. Anyone who doesn't fall into goose step with you is immediately trashed regardless of the circumstances.

Moo called me naive once, he was right. I have been naive, I believed in trying to work with the NPO for such a long time when every other person in the world told me I was mental. I guess they were right and I was was wrong, all the efforts were in vain because we didn't want to fight for you to the death like you did for us in the SPW. Your BR might have been all butt hurt about what was happening, but your BR didn't exactly march to our defense either.

Polaris made some mistakes during this war, I know things didn't go the way we would have liked, but your constant need to pump yourselves up at our expense is a fair indication that you don't actually like us. We have accepted it and moved on. There is no brotherhood, no ''Orders'' and the concept is deader than dead.

It would have been easier to enter the war on the other side than support you, but we have made it clear we do not support Karma and their blatant agenda either. Our allies, ones that actually lifted a finger to fight in our defense, were all lined up against you and we resisted considerable pressures to roll tanks against you. But you are free to overlook that, free to spin it however you like but do not start spreading the !@#$%^&* lines that you wont do what you expected everyone else to do when commanded.

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So you're saying the vaunted NPO bank can't get their people to log on every 10 days to keep up efficiency? Also, assuming a 70% efficiency? That is crazy low. That's saying that on average every one of your nations will be sending 3 days late. I know NPO activity levels are sub-par, but 3 days late -on average-?

When I was running the MK Treasury I'd find 95% on average a fairly bad month. Either you know nothing about how to keep something organized properly, or NPO is way worse off in activity than I had ever dreamed. In which case really you guys need to shed some of the dead weight and get some actual activity going.

95% on a bad month? Azaghul was just in this thread saying how MK was averaging 80% when sending reps. Either you have some supernatural organizational skills that reach into [ooc] RL[/ooc] or your math is off.

And an average of 3 days late can come from many places; 1 slot not being used (or able to be used), a nation going inactive (sorry to bust your bubble, but a lot of these nations will [ooc]be going away for a week or so over the summer. Don't expect vacation plans to be cancelled because someone on an online game is being silly[/ooc] or people just missing an update. Sure, we can manage one specific aid cycle at a high efficiency, but take about thirty-five aid cycles, and things will drop off somewhat at points.

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I got tired of looking like a fool a few weeks ago. Just accept that we are no longer related and are according to Moo unlikely to ever be so again and we can all move on.

And yes by all means keep pushing us further away so you can justify attacking us as soon as you are capable, I expect nothing less from you.

We have no plans to attack you, Emperor Grub. As far as I know we never had and never will.

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The NPO declined to pay attention and act on the ground swell of opposition on these boards.It started small but evolved into the opposition it now faces.The war was won here before the first declaration.Will NPO's opposition ignore it also?

Edited by Yggdrazil
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I think maybe he's having a hard time taking in your audacity in using that defence after what you subjected Polar to.

And what do you expect, that we accept this rubbish of terms? That we let every single Order nation to get hit hard in this war and then pay gazillions of dollars.

Well, sorry we don't play ball like that. Our stance is natural to take for anybody in our position. Sorry to anybody for feeling greatly insulted by the fact we dont want to get utterly annihilated. Actually no, not sorry.

We are evil for trying to avoid that. Ah that ebil NPO, is to blame for everything.

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I just finished reading all 128 pages for some reason. To be honest, I was tempted to compare what I just read to a black hole of ignorance and foolishness pulling in any semblance of intelligence and mercilessly crushing it into oblivion, but that would imply that intelligence had somehow been incorporated into the thread.

There is some intelligence to be gathered. Bits and pieces of common sense.

But to be honest I question the wisdom of anyone reading all 128 pages of this. What were you thinking? <_<

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The terms are harsh, but they are nothing more than I would expect, as I don't believe Karma wants peace yet. I'm guessing that if these terms were the monetary reps without the 14 day bank bashing, we would take them.

Have we issued harsh reps in the past? Probably. Have we oppressed alliances in the past? Maybe. The thing that gets me is, we weren't EVER doing it alone. We've always had allies helping us, and some of them happen to be in Karma now. How do you explain the fact that while we may have done some oppressive or harsh things in the past, that the people condemning us for these crimes were people helping us execute them? Stop acting so high and mighty, very few of you (or your alliances) have clean pasts.

In reference to the bolded section: Uhhhhh, what?

Who else has installed as many viceroys indefinitely? Who else has removed the government of their "blood brothers?" Who else has taken over a team and attacked any alliances who wished to fly that color in the name of some bogus "peace and stability?" Who else has (ironically) threatened to ZI members of an allied alliance in peace mode, derisively calling it "the brown colony?" Who else has declared war during negotiations held by allies? I'm sure I could find more examples.

Granted, there are some alliances now fighting on the Karma side that have committed their fair share of crimes. Many are repentant about it. Some have suffered for it and some haven't. The thing is, none have committed as many atrocities on the same scale as you. You're really one in a million in that regard. So don't act as if everyone is as bad as you. No one is.

According to your recruitment video, the NPO is the only place in the Cyberverse where "a man can be a man." Stop making excuses, stop trying to soil others' names when they're not nearly as bad as you, own up, and dammit, resolve this like the supposed men you are.

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every just stop and take a breather please. I think this thread is getting way off topic and nothing is getting resolved.

So everyone please just step back take a breather in a room full of angry people posting he said , they said, they did this that or the other thing isnt getting anything resolved.

so just stop.. Please ( no offense too anyone )

1) NPO has done bad things in its past.

2) Allot of other players and nations have done things bad in the past too

3) NPO started this war

4) KARMA stepped up and beat NPO and allies down

5) NPO Admited defeat

6) MOO Declared that any alliance is free too make red sphere their home.

7) MOO publicly Applogised to GATO, and some KARMA feel its a false appology

8) Negotiations took place too end this war

9) KARMA made their Offer , Which was rejected by NPO due too the 90% /14 mandatory war

10) NPO/ MOO made counter offer of MORE money for reps in exchange for dropping the 90% mandatory war, KARMA rejected

11) Negotiations ended and multiple posts in this thread state KARMA will not alter the terms.

12) KARMA members claim that we have 181 banks sitting in PM, As a NPO who is in PM, I can honestly say we DONT have 181 banks

And yes i havent forgetten that KARMA is using this war too Punish NPO for every bad thing that has happened in the game. Contrary too popular belief, yes we have done alot too get people mad. but there are some posts laying blame on NPO for things we didnt do. and im not goin back thru 2500 posts too find all the quotes that would just drive me insane.

Id like too eventually have some kind of decent or reasonable peace.. the only way this can happen is too try and work it out instead of the back and forth slam posts. I dont care about all the back and forth blah blah blah. that stuff gave me 4 headaches just trying too read over 2500 posts, Sorry

soo Please everyone just STOP posting for a bit, calm down and then come back and discuss it like Adults and not like a bunch elementary kids arguing on the playground..


Thank you

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