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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Good God....do you want the evidence, too?

Just PM me fer chrissakes. I don't have the 21-volume set, but I have a very nice precis.

(Quite. It has been too long my old friend. It gives me great joy to see an alliance I was once very close with alive and well.)

I believe there is a lot of evidence lying around disproving the statement about NPO being Polaris's only protective barrier.

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Oh please, you can't believe anything coming out of Doitzel's mouth.

I guess you can't believe Dilber when he confirmed everything I said as true and my logs genuine, then, either? Or the others in that little clique who confessed that it was genuine? Or anyone who contradicts the garbage they spoon-feed you over there in lieu of the truth?

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And how exactly is that pretty mild compared to what most people want to do to us? What more can you do to us than destroy our alliance and make us no longer exist?

Trust me. The NPO going around and torching, crushing, and stomping everyone in it's path hasn't made it a lot of friends. If people fighting you were really like you, there is much more that would be done to you.

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I'm so glad the NPO's much-vaunted "Retard Shield"* has decided to show up again to defend their alliance's honor. (I haven't seen that sig graphic in a long time. Wonder why?)

Let the laughs re-commence.

* Warning: Shield is made out of real retards.

Edited by kingzog
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I'm pretty sure NPO was one of the few things protecting NpO right before they got stomped. ES pissed a lot of people off over the years and NpO got the punishment because ES set the precedent that the alliance can be punished for the actions of their leader(s). Stop blaming Pacifica. They weren't the one railing for war.

You know we accepted our responsibility for what we actually did a long time ago? I live under no illusions that we created a great deal of animosity between us and others. We accepted our beating, we paid the terms INCLUDING expelling a number of people and removing others from government. The only term we did not accept was the placement of a confirmed and admitted NPO spy on the throne of Polaris. I would be fairly naive if I believed that those particular terms were not formulated by the Coalition.

To see the NPO railing about their sovereignty makes my blood boil, see them unleash the party drones on me is just too much fun. The bridge is burned, the rocks are strewn over several square miles and now they are working on grinding the stones to dust as well... good job.

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Trust me. The NPO going around and torching, crushing, and stomping everyone in it's path hasn't made it a lot of friends. If people fighting you were really like you, there is much more that would be done to you.

Much more as in what exactly?

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Noone said anything about inconvenient truths. All I stated was that you can't believe anything coming out of his mouth. You can simply disagree.

I don't know about you but looks to me like as untrsutworthy as Doitzel obviously it, he still has more credibility than, say, the NPO.

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Your math is meaningless, see the bolded sections.

The bolded sections do not make the math meaningless because the bolded section does not say anything specific. If they were to put something down on paper as to how they would determine NPOs ability to pay, then math could apply to that statement. As it sits though, it's undefined.

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I beg to differ.

EDIT: ugh, I just can not get rid of that space.

You are assuming a 100% efficiency. Nobody, ever, manages that. A nation being 1 day late on their aiding cuts down their efficiency by 10%.

Look at my post again. Use a 70% efficiency ratio. That is a good historical average of what people can get.


Nations above 1k tech 181.00

Actual Paying Nations50.00


Total Tech Reps300,000.00

Total Cash Reps7,000,000,000.00

Tech per Slot50.00

Cash per Slot3,000,000.00

Slots Utilized per Nation5.00

10 day Cycles in a month3.00

Efficiency of aiding70%

Each nation tech per month525.00

Each nation cash per month31,500,000.00

Total tech per month, using exact average26,250.00 (Minimum Payment is 25,000.00, It is very likely we might fall below)

Total tech per month, using exactly 50 per slot25,000.00

Total cash per month1,575,000,000.00

Percent Tech of Total Reps8.75

Percent Cash of Total Cash22.5

Months to Pay Tech11.42

Months to Pay Cash4.44

And that is the Ideal scenario. As I've already shown you, the ideal can be quite unlikely.

Carry on making insane assumptions though.

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Noone said anything about inconvenient truths. All I stated was that you can't believe anything coming out of his mouth. You can simply disagree.

So you claim the logs are not legit? You are claiming that those who confessed that they were genuine were in fact liars?

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Epic spin is not necessarily epic. The Party line is broken, fix it and stop pretending you are still in control. And for what it is worth, I don't wear a mask, but your drones keep spewing the crap until even I have to believe you are morally bankrupt. Keep pushing and you might get what you really want sooner rather than later, we are expecting it and are happy to wait.

Provocation much? The experts in provocation got out played, maybe you should learn something from it.

I like how everyone complains when NPO has radio silence, then you complain when some of their members come here to post what they have been thinking. I was in the NPO when you guys got rolled and IIRC we(as in most of the general membership) were very upset at what was happening to you guys. Some people actually left NPO during this time(presumably to fight for Polaris), while many of us contemplated doing this. Honestly Grub, some of this hate coming from you seems a little rediculous(Yes, now you are going to blame me for rolling Polaris I know it, but I never did :) ).

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The bolded sections do not make the math meaningless because the bolded section does not say anything specific. If they were to put something down on paper as to how they would determine NPOs ability to pay, then math could apply to that statement. As it sits though, it's undefined.

This is where the NPO should have sought clarification or gaurauntees from Karma rather than attempt this PR stunt. As it is it's jsut likely to stiffen Karma's resolve.

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Oh please, you can't believe anything coming out of Doitzel's mouth.

Yeah don't believe the:

Warchest Push

Prediction of the fall of Q

The fact they knew who would be fighting whom.

Yeah don't believe that.

No offense man..but I dont particularly "like" Doitzel...but I'd believe him if he told me something.

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I'm pretty sure NPO was one of the few things protecting NpO right before they got stomped. ES pissed a lot of people off over the years and NpO got the punishment because ES set the precedent that the alliance can be punished for the actions of their leader(s). Stop blaming Pacifica. They weren't the one railing for war.

I know Doitzel already replied to this post, but I'd like to bring up his first apply from around a year ago.


Edited by Nintenderek
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I like how everyone complains when NPO has radio silence, then you complain when some of their members come here to post what they have been thinking.

Actually I'm pretty sure people are not complaining about the second part...

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I like how everyone complains when NPO has radio silence, then you complain when some of their members come here to post what they have been thinking. I was in the NPO when you guys got rolled and IIRC we(as in most of the general membership) were very upset at what was happening to you guys. Some people actually left NPO during this time(presumably to fight for Polaris), while many of us contemplated doing this. Honestly Grub, some of this hate coming from you seems a little rediculous(Yes, now you are going to blame me for rolling Polaris I know it, but I never did :) ).

Well there you go Polaris. People in the NPO were thinking about helping out. They never did. But hey you can't fault them for tryin.. I mean thinking about it.

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Well there you go Polaris. People in the NPO were thinking about helping out. They never did. But hey you can't fault them for tryin.. I mean thinking about it.

You couldn't show an ounce of respect to save your life.

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Letum, NPO was at GATO for just a week or so under a year over a very questionable CB. Yet you are whining about 11.2 months for years of what Karma calls oppresion. I just find it personally funny.

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You are assuming a 100% efficiency. Nobody, ever, manages that. A nation being 1 day late on their aiding cuts down their efficiency by 10%.

So you're saying the vaunted NPO bank can't get their people to log on every 10 days to keep up efficiency? Also, assuming a 70% efficiency? That is crazy low. That's saying that on average every one of your nations will be sending 3 days late. I know NPO activity levels are sub-par, but 3 days late -on average-?

When I was running the MK Treasury I'd find 95% on average a fairly bad month. Either you know nothing about how to keep something organized properly, or NPO is way worse off in activity than I had ever dreamed. In which case really you guys need to shed some of the dead weight and get some actual activity going.

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