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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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How very clever of you... seal your own fate you pathetic drone. Your arrogance becomes you

Aww, below the belt, masks falling everywhere. People showing the hater in them.

Good thing I cant sleep lol.

Epic thread is epic.

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I rarely see the Legion's 'terms' mentioned. Perhaps it was said in the past 124 pages (OOC: before or after the randomly produced collected works of William Shakespeare, that's the question), but since we are on the topic of excessive terms (that's still the topic right?) let's not forget that indefinite tribute.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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Jeeze this is still going on?

Okay, well since it is I have a question to the NPO:

The main qualm with the 2 weeks at 90% in war mode seems to be the fear of indefinite war. I want to know, if Karma offered the following right now would it be taken, or would you find another excuse?

-Peace is declared effective immediately. All nations in peace mode at the time of this posting (a list will be made by Karma to be shared with NPO for future reference) are marked. Upon leaving peace mode, any nation on this list will be subject to 2 cycles of war, at which point they will be peaced. During this time the attacked member is to be treated as a rogue, no outside aid may be given, or any wars declared in defense of the nation. Any nation remaining in peace mode for a duration of 30 days beyond the expiration of all other terms will be absolved of this war requirement.

This very clearly brings about an end to the war, solves the activity problem, and leaves no loopholes for an indefinite war. It should fix all of the issues NPO has brought up, except for their inability to pay after war. Karma has stated they are willing to renegotiate the reparations should it be deemed impossible for them to be met with the state of the alliance after the wars. Really it shouldn't be too hard to coordinate gather intel operations on the NPO given how many alliances are involved to get an accurate assessment of all warchests to see what is and is not possible.

124 pages of BAWWWing by the NPO, and we finally get a logical post. Can both sides stop repeating the exact same thing now? People are just bickering for the sake of bickering.

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Like Moo said in the OP, it was considered. However, he (and the rest of the Imperial Leadership) knows that it would be wrong to do so. Expelling people because of foreign pressure is not only a breach of your sovereignty, but also betraying those you expel, especially when those expelled would be people who have been loyal and dedicated to Pacifica for a very long time.

But not so loyal as to obey an order to come out of peace mode, as has been noted previously.

Anyway, as amusing as this thread has been (for me, at least) the point is that Karma's offer will not be changing. (I do not lead a Karma alliance or claim to speak for them, but I do know how to read and my comprehension is pretty good.)

This leaves the New Pacific Order with two choices:

1. Agree to the terms and trust that after two weeks the Karma alliances will be generous with regard to nations still in peace mode. The fact is that they have an awful lot more to lose than you do, PR-wise.

And really....

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> the other nations in peace must feel the pain the rest of the alliance suffered

[12:13] <Moo-Cows> I did not shape these terms but I believe in that strongly

That quote doesn't leave you with a hoof to stand on.


2. Keep bleeding.

I mean it sincerely when I say I hope you will take Option 1. I meant it a couple of weeks ago when I suggested it to Vladimir and he scoffed at me.

Perhaps the New Pacific Order will be able to endure a year or more of protracted warfare without losing eighty or ninety percent of its members. Perhaps. But is that really in the best long-term interests of your alliance?

You have been offered a far more concrete way out of this war than what you offered to FAN.

Take the damn deal.

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Aww, below the belt, masks falling everywhere. People showing the hater in them.

Good thing I cant sleep lol.

Epic thread is epic.

Epic spin is not necessarily epic. The Party line is broken, fix it and stop pretending you are still in control. And for what it is worth, I don't wear a mask, but your drones keep spewing the crap until even I have to believe you are morally bankrupt. Keep pushing and you might get what you really want sooner rather than later, we are expecting it and are happy to wait.

Provocation much? The experts in provocation got out played, maybe you should learn something from it.

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Like Moo said in the OP, it was considered. However, he (and the rest of the Imperial Leadership) knows that it would be wrong to do so. Expelling people because of foreign pressure is not only a breach of your sovereignty, but also betraying those you expel, especially when those expelled would be people who have been loyal and dedicated to Pacifica for a very long time.

It is as I thought. You have not changed in the slightest. It sure would be crushing to be put into the position you reference, wouldn't it?

Let the wolves have at you and your sovereignty. There is nothing you don't deserve to lose.

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Number of people with a warchest left, and satisfying conditions to pay reps: about 50

50 people, using 5 slots a cyle, three cycles a month, with a 70% efficiency (face it, that is a logical rate) would be able to barely cover the minimum payment (they would pay out 26k from the minimum 25k).

(50x250x3x0.7 = 26,250)

Nations above 1k tech 181.00

Actual Paying Nations50.00


Total Tech Reps300,000.00

Total Cash Reps7,000,000,000.00

Tech per Slot50.00

Cash per Slot3,000,000.00

Slots Utilized per Nation5.00

10 day Cycles in a month3.00

Each nation tech per month750.00

Each nation cash per month45,000,000.00

Total tech per month37,500.00

Total cash per month2,250,000,000.00

Percent Tech of Total Reps12.50

Percent Tech of Total Cash32.14

Months to Pay Tech8.00

Months to Pay Cash3.11

I beg to differ.

EDIT: ugh, I just can not get rid of that space.

Edited by Smooth
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Keep pushing and you might get what you really want sooner rather than later, we are expecting it and are happy to wait.

Is that a threat?

You are waiting for us, so I guess this war will not be enough?

Epic thread being epic.

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Epic spin is not necessarily epic. The Party line is broken, fix it and stop pretending you are still in control. And for what it is worth, I don't wear a mask, but your drones keep spewing the crap until even I have to believe you are morally bankrupt. Keep pushing and you might get what you really want sooner rather than later, we are expecting it and are happy to wait.

Provocation much? The experts in provocation got out played, maybe you should learn something from it.

I just got tired of the doublespeak, Grub.

For the record, I speak as one who, until this war, hell until a few DAYS ago, argued tirelessly that we should reconnect with Polar, that you're our brothers.

Then you always make me look stupid for saying it. I'm tired of feeling like a fool.

Edited by James Dahl
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124 pages of BAWWWing by the NPO, and we finally get a logical post. Can both sides stop repeating the exact same thing now? People are just bickering for the sake of bickering.

But it's so much easier for both sides to ignore the easy solution. Karma can continue their war, NPO can continue bawwing that the terms are unfair and will cause a neverending war, and the mindset of both sides will cause that to be true.

You have to love self-fulfilling prophecies.

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I just got tired of the doublespeak, Grub.

For the record, I speak as one who, until this war, hell until a few DAYS ago, argued tirelessly that we should reconnect with Polar, that you're our brothers.

Then you always make me look stupid for saying it. I'm tired of feeling like a fool.

Then you should stop speaking at all, since the wound in Polaris' back hasn't quite healed yet and you're the folks who put it there.

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Is that a threat?

You are waiting for us, so I guess this war will not be enough?

Epic thread being epic.

Why are you openly provoking someone who promised to not let the Orders end up at war, and repeatedly refused to support Karma's agenda? You really want to lose any good will you could possibly have with the rest of the world?

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I just got tired of the doublespeak, Grub.

For the record, I speak as one who, until this war, hell until a few DAYS ago, argued tirelessly that we should reconnect with Polar, that you're our brothers.

Then you always make me look stupid for saying it. I'm tired of feeling like a fool.

Tired of feeling like a fool? Then stop saying foolish things?

You argued that you should reconnect with Polar? haha!! Seriously? You guys arrange a hit on them and try to reconnect? Opps. I'm sorry it was an accident. We were really arranging a hit on [insert random alliance name here] but pressed the wrong button. My bad

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I just got tired of the doublespeak, Grub.

For the record, I speak as one who, until this war, hell until a few DAYS ago, argued tirelessly that we should reconnect with Polar, that you're our brothers.

Then you always make me look stupid for saying it. I'm tired of feeling like a fool.

Something about that time frame seems a wee bit strange. And, I never knew the term "brothers" was used to describe betrayal, but there's a first for everything!

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I just got tired of the doublespeak, Grub.

For the record, I speak as one who, until this war, hell until a few DAYS ago, argued tirelessly that we should reconnect with Polar, that you're our brothers.

Then you always make me look stupid for saying it. I'm tired of feeling like a fool.

Did you fight for Polaris? When NPO decided to stand down, did you take up arms to defend your brothers?

Or was it not convenient?

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I just got tired of the doublespeak, Grub.

For the record, I speak as one who, until this war, hell until a few DAYS ago, argued tirelessly that we should reconnect with Polar, that you're our brothers.

Then you always make me look stupid for saying it. I'm tired of feeling like a fool.

I'd love to your tireless arguments to 'reconnect' with Polar. Probably heavily saturated in platitudes and an ignorance of history.

I can see it now, "but they're our brothers! *hand flailing* BRUH-THURS! "

Edited by Sal Paradise
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You argued that you should reconnect with Polar? haha!! Seriously? You guys arrange a hit on them and try to reconnect? Opps. I'm sorry it was an accident. We were really arranging a hit on [insert random alliance name here] but pressed the wrong button. My bad

Pacifica did not "arrange a hit" on Polar. They may have acted stupidly, but they certainly did not lead the attempts to crush Polar.

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Then you should stop speaking at all, since the wound in Polaris' back hasn't quite healed yet and you're the folks who put it there.

Both our alliances share the blame of what has happened, both then and now.

Your use of the Polar issue for cheap PR points sickens me, and always has.

And for the record, mine is still bleeding, while Grub's seems to have scabbed over nicely.

Edited by James Dahl
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Why are you openly provoking someone who promised to not let the Orders end up at war, and repeatedly refused to support Karma's agenda? You really want to lose any good will you could possibly have with the rest of the world?

Who am I provoking?

Are you serious?

Am I trolling Polar members calling them drones, am I dispensing threats towards Polaris?

No, I don't think so.

Edited by Branimir
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Both our alliances share the blame of what has happened, both then and now.

Your use of the Polar issue for cheap PR points sickens me, and always has.

Yeah it's terrible to use you know "history" to back up things in the present. Everything that happened in the past is kinda you know inconvenient. So let's just pretend it didn't happen.

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I rarely see the Legion's 'terms' mentioned. Perhaps it was said in the past 124 pages (OOC: before or after the randomly produced collected works of William Shakespeare, that's the question), but since we are on the topic of excessive terms (that's still the topic right?) let's not forget that indefinite tribute.

they were about 1.5 Billion, but people need to learn to drop 3 year old grudges, and these terms are crazy let all NPO nations pay the reps you would get your reps much faster. and these terms are obviously a attempt to cripple the NPO but that will not happen, they have been playing this game very long and still have friends and this war is still hurting you guys also, and why fear them taking revenge on you guys you guys can make a coalition again if need be right?

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Did you fight for Polaris? When NPO decided to stand down, did you take up arms to defend your brothers?

Or was it not convenient?

I wasn't even AROUND when Polaris was being rolled, I can't speak of the past beyond what I personally was there for.

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Yeah it's terrible to use you know "history" to back up things in the present. Everything that happened in the past is kinda you know inconvenient. So let's just pretend it didn't happen.

You would do well to look into those inconvenient histories, you will find much that is equally inconvenient for your arguments.

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I just got tired of the doublespeak, Grub.

For the record, I speak as one who, until this war, hell until a few DAYS ago, argued tirelessly that we should reconnect with Polar, that you're our brothers.

Then you always make me look stupid for saying it. I'm tired of feeling like a fool.

I got tired of looking like a fool a few weeks ago. Just accept that we are no longer related and are according to Moo unlikely to ever be so again and we can all move on.

And yes by all means keep pushing us further away so you can justify attacking us as soon as you are capable, I expect nothing less from you.

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