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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Your pandering to the crowd won't work this time, RandomInterrupt.

Your games are over, people have seen your true face.

Are you just trying to thing of short sentences so someone will quote you and inflate your image? Because its not working.

Your pathetic tries at distorting not only the image of Karma, but all alliances loosely associated, or in the end just all people against NPO in some way or fashion is a true sign that NPO is not ready for peace, and that the bit that Moo said about NPO being humbled is BS.

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Once again I don't believe you know what your talking about.

Karma is a coalition (not an alliance for those who thing we are tightly knit), a coalition which was created to not only defend Ordo Verde, but to once and for all decisively defeat the New Pacific Order, which has throughout its history, back stabbed close allies (GOONS, NpO for example), and demanded outrageous reps/terms (see the noCB war or the most recent NPO-GATO war). Karma is merely supplementing to NPO what they have served to others, "a taste of your own medicine". That is how I see it.

If you honestly believe what you are writing in response to me, you are just like every other NPO member who is virtually sheltered within the walls of the alliance, and the only outside contact you have is very tainted and bias towards your cynical regime to which you are commanded by.

That's laughable. Apparently the only thing you know less about than the NPO is what you know about me.

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And you are one to talk Schattenmann, you offer protection to red unaligned if they join your AA defeating to point wanting to be independent and unaligned.

I will say this once more, you can not kill an alliance. People on both sides have agreed to this sheer point. You want us dead, fine, you want our blood, great. Just you can't kill us, we can only end it ourselves and none of us want to leave or give up.

That's laughable. Apparently the only thing you know less about than the NPO is what you know about me.

are you saying the order has never backstabbed somone.

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I hate to waste my time like this, and I'm not trying to refute you in particular there Mogar, but-

We have the warchests of all their peace mode nations, pending a couple. We know how much they have, not counting collections of the future, and our economic estimators have put the time of repayment at 4-6 months with all conditions of the surrender met (including the 1:1 internal/external aid clause). All I've seen from NPO's reportedly excellent economic people is that it will take "1-2 years" or that they could not meet these terms, ever. Or some nonsense; no relevant numbers were ever provided in their arguments.

By my own quick calculations, $7,000,000,000/5 nations = $1,400,000,000/$18,000,000 = 78 cycles*10 days per cycle = 780 days. With that in mind 5 nations would take 2 years to pay the monetary reperations using all of their slots. 20 would take 1 year using half their slots (and using half for internal aid). 40 would take six months using half their slots. I have not done it recently, but I believe you can also send 50 tech per shipment of $3,000,000, so they would arguably have all 180 nations in peace mode now, that meet the requirements available to move 300,000 tech. 300,000 tech/lets say 150 nations since they claim people will desert/refuse to pay = 2000 tech per nation/150 per cycle (using a 1:1 ratio) = 14 cycles * 10 days per cycle = 140 days.

Since some nations don't have 2000 tech that meet these requirements, that load would be shouldered by the more technologically endowed nations, maybe needing the upper half to stay on for 7 more cycles. 210 days in total. Or about 7 months. In summary-

Money- 6 months (using 40 bank nations at half their aid slots)

Tech- 7 months (using 150 nations at half their aid slots)

Those numbers would be cut in half if they decided to pay the reps off before rebuilding. Those numbers also have pretty generous factors of safety.

They have the capacity to do this, and should do this for what they have done to this game. I see that most of the offended voices in this thread are coming from alliances that have largely profitted from partnering with the NPO. Opting for gathering sympathy from alliances that did actually send all their nations to fight for you as you rushed to peace mode is somehow working, but you are forgetting something here-

No one in Karma is listening, NPO. You asked for terms, we deliberated over them, and they have been delivered.

This is an automated response from Cortath, an Imperial Officer of the New Pacific Order.

You have generated this response for the following reasons: [bad economics].

Please read this post.

Thank you for your time.

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Alliance can only be defeated once and for all if disbandment is the end goal victors are trying to reach. NewsFlash for you, thats not the case at least thats what they preach publicly, but then again, many things were preached publicly.

Disbandment is not the case in which we want, at least not the want of me or almost all of the people I have spoken to on the matter. Why would we want to disband NPO? The idea is too far fetched, because NPO will not be disbanded until it is broken, and with the iron will of the NPO nations to continue fighting (whether its in CN or the CNF), is keeping them from getting peace. The biggest problem with taking down a giant is you have to break his will to continue fighting. NPO has broken alliances in half many times before, I highly doubt much of Karma or its loosely associated allies really care about the reps as much as they care about NPO really admitting defeat, not just a half-assed sentence posted on the OWF, but truly break the will.

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That's laughable. Apparently the only thing you know less about than the NPO is what you know about me.

I do know now that you avoid the problems presented to you, and sidestep them while turning it into attacks on the person saying them. You would make a great politician, but not a great leader.

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Having now read through the whole of the thread up to this point, I believe my feelings could be best summed up in picture form.


Wow, this isb the best thing I have seen in some time

it pretty much sums up my own thoughts as of this point heh :blush:

but that said I really can't argue against the logic here

Edited by sircrimson
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I do know now that you avoid the problems presented to you, and sidestep them while turning it into attacks on the person saying them. You would make a great politician, but not a great leader.

Indeed, because it's I who have spent the last 4 posts in trying to slander me and discredit anything I have to say.

Now you call me disingenuous because you failed?

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No we haven't, despite what people may have told you, any more than Sparta, MHA or TOP "stabbed us in the back".

i dont need to be told, ive seen it, VE left WUT and got attacked.

Edited by legion-x
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If Karma was were scared it would come back to haunt us then the terms would be very light.


Disbandment is not the case in which we want, at least not the want of me or almost all of the people I have spoken to on the matter. Why would we want to disband NPO? The idea is too far fetched, because NPO will not be disbanded until it is broken, and with the iron will of the NPO nations to continue fighting (whether its in CN or the CNF), is keeping them from getting peace. The biggest problem with taking down a giant is you have to break his will to continue fighting.

"We don't want Pacifica destroyed... just her infra, tech, nukes, improvements, banks, and membership."

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Athens had what, 14k tech reps? like what 80-90% of their tech as a small alliance. The counter offer to these terms is equal to 244% of their current tech.

is it just me? or does comparing 1 alliance's previous reps to NPO with NPO's current reps request seem retarded uneducated silly?

you can't just look at one previous vile act of NPO...

If you compare a small apple to big apple, the big apple will always look bigger.

You need to look at the endless bushel of small apples, and discover that it far outweighs the big apple.

To break this down for the NPO trolls that have recently had their gags removed...

stop bawwing at the terms. in the amount to NPO currently, it is not nearly as destructive as what NPO has placed on so many alliances in the past. You were happy to see the Dongs ($$$) and tech roll in from your severely crippled opponents, looking at it as "sweet, we get 6-8 months of free monies and techs, aren't we teh awesome?" Consider it a loan, and now it's time to collect.

For all those spouting off "Karma now has become the very thing they are trying to destroy"

seriously? seriously?

your argument to this situation is that NPO is vile and monstrous and unconscionable... and you are upset at the amount of reps you are expected to pay... thus, you will try to counter this by pointing out the forces of Karma have become NPO?

Has anyone here seen "A Christmas Story?"

NPO is the bully with yellow eyes and green teeth. After years of beating on the little people, taking their lunch money, and causing several to move away to stop the torment, finally, FINALLY someone had the nerve to stand up to your tyranny, run down the alley, and beat you so hard that you start crying uncontrollably.

I think it is clear from the replies in this thread from NPO that you can not take what you can dish out, and the only defense you have is crying uncontrollably.

I hope this is sorted out soon, so that we can hopefully get back to a Planet Bob where NPO shuts up.

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"We don't want Pacifica destroyed... just her infra, tech, nukes, improvements, banks, and membership."

No, just the will power, NPO has never been psychologically defeated, however they have psychologically defeated other alliances.

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One can gauge the level of being 'frightened' with the conditions and reps being demanded here ;)


Were we actively afraid of some form of retaliation, we'd probably be softening them instead of making damn sure they know they've lost.


Having now read through the whole of the thread up to this point, I believe my feelings could be best summed up in picture form.


This is a rather accurate summation of my feelings about this, as well.

Though I'll admit to not having the fortitude necessary to wade through all 1,700+ replies of this slop.

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Disbandment is not the case in which we want, at least not the want of me or almost all of the people I have spoken to on the matter. Why would we want to disband NPO? The idea is too far fetched, because NPO will not be disbanded until it is broken, and with the iron will of the NPO nations to continue fighting (whether its in CN or the CNF), is keeping them from getting peace. The biggest problem with taking down a giant is you have to break his will to continue fighting. NPO has broken alliances in half many times before, I highly doubt much of Karma or its loosely associated allies really care about the reps as much as they care about NPO really admitting defeat, not just a half-assed sentence posted on the OWF, but truly break the will.

As you mention NPO wont be disbanded until its will is broken, and then you go on to say you need to break their will..which then leads back to disbantment? Fort, I may have misunderstood your post here.

Also, reps like these don't really break wills, they just make them stronger. Put yourself in the same situation, the anger will make your resolve stronger, it will make you focus! The force has always been strong with them.

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No, just the will power, NPO has never been psychologically defeated, however they have psychologically defeated other alliances.

That can be done without Reps, like the terms mentioned by SpiderJerusalem earlier in the thread.

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Were we actively afraid of some form of retaliation, we'd probably be softening them instead of making damn sure they know they've lost.

There is nothing wrong in being frightened, its an emotion common to us all and its one of the mechanism used for survival, so really, theres nothing wrong with it...I mean GW1 justification makes the point itself.

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