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Public Apology


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au contrare mi amigo

i simply asked her if her banning was because of a specific reason.

she came up with spontaneously with the rest, and we saw where and how that went.

i have apologized to the people from the channel i was banned from for the conduct i demonstrated there. In that dialect, I didn't make any reference to their races, there perceived mental or physical abilities, or any of that.

so i did apologize. i, however, didn't insult an entire race, or use venomous language. here's how easy it can be:

<p0rkSab3r> I'm sorry for spamming the channel. I told TeamContra that i promised not to do it ever again, and i wanted to tell you the same.

<Jenn{UINE|PM}> ok

<Jenn{UINE|PM}> Well Thanks then

<p0rkSab3r> sure. i hope you can accept my apology.

<Jenn{UINE|PM}> Well i had no idea what was going on...

<Jenn{UINE|PM}> so I dont know what you did

<p0rkSab3r> i spammed your channel about a month or so ago.

<Jenn{UINE|PM}> Honestly I dont really care :) I accept your apology

<p0rkSab3r> thanks :)

<Jenn{UINE|PM}> Friend :P

in closing, i acknowledged her apology, as did the people who banned me in the first place acknowledged mine.

[20:51] <p0rkSab3r> is this because i'm black?

01[20:51] <Uranium> don't give a !@#$

This is the very first hint at racism, done by you, spontaneously, over nothing. You kept insisting from here, despite her telling you repeatedly that it had nothing to do with it. (I hope I don't have to quote the whole logs). Just because you apologized for spamming doesn't mean anybody is obliged to unban you, it was YOU who made this about race, it was YOU who kept accusing her for nothing, and in effect it was you who caused her to say those mean things to you just to return the favor of annoyance. I am NOT saying what she did is justified, I'm saying, again and again, that you share half the blame.

You may have accepted her apology and that is fine, the problem is I don't see you apologizing to her anywhere. Either you do or not is quite frankly not my business, but I will not allow this issue to be portrayed in the way it originally was.

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[20:51] <p0rkSab3r> is this because i'm black?

01[20:51] <Uranium> don't give a !@#$

This is the very first hint at racism, done by you, spontaneously, over nothing. You kept insisting from here, despite her telling you repeatedly that it had nothing to do with it. (I hope I don't have to quote the whole logs). Just because you apologized for spamming doesn't mean anybody is obliged to unban you, it was YOU who made this about race, it was YOU who kept accusing her for nothing, and in effect it was you who caused her to say those mean things to you just to return the favor of annoyance. I am NOT saying what she did is justified, I'm saying, again and again, that you share half the blame.

You may have accepted her apology and that is fine, the problem is I don't see you apologizing to her anywhere. Either you do or not is quite frankly not my business, but I will not allow this issue to be portrayed in the way it originally was.

right, and that girl in the park who wears the short skirt... it's her fault for getting sexually assaulted right?

Edited by porksaber
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There's not really been anything presented that indicates that it was a joke. And saying that it has nothing to do with racism is just silly considering the comments were bigoted and hateful about the other person's assumed race.

The context indicates she was just saying those things to annoy him. By context, I mean the logs where he originally accused her of being a racist. Reading those will help shed light on this whole thing, you can find them on page 3 of this thread.

Again it does not justify her actions. My point is that racial slurs are never acceptable regardlss of the preceding circumstances. It is never acceptable to insult a race of people or claim that they should cease to exist. We can argue context all night and it will not change this.

It certainly casts her in the light as a racist especially when nowhere in her tirade was it apparent that she didn't mean what she said. I'm not calling her a racist, I am saying that it is easy to have that perception of her based upon than the way that she conducted herself. As far as "committing the act of racism perhaps my english is off or I am not communicating properly what I meant. I meant the act of using racial slurs and calling upon the cessation of his race from the world. As for her comments, not knowing her personally this is my first impression of her and it is not positive. Racist or not she should know better than to use that kind of dialect.

The context again clearly shows she was just saying those things. It's IRC, you can't judge if somebody really means what they say by the tone of their voice or the look on their face, all you can base your judgement is the context in which things are said. In this case, the context leaves no room for doubt.

It is never acceptable to call anyone a derogatory racial slur, I don't care if it is said in jest or not.

See above I was talking about her actions, not saying that she was committing the act of racism. And to say that repeated usage of a racial slur followed by a direct statement that your race should all die shows no disdain for said race is so ludicrous that it'd be laughable were it not such a serious subject.

Had it been a serious statement, then the outrage would have been justified. The fact that she just said those things to annoy him changes everything. The only serious statement was her being accused of racism over nothing - and by this thread, discriminated against over nothing.

It doesn't matter what her motivation was for uttering those offensive and derogatory slang terms, it's still wrong and it's still ujustifiable behaviour. She's being cast in a poor light specifically because of her own actions. That is not discrminatory at all.

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"It doesn't matter what her motivation was for uttering those offensive and derogatory slang terms, it's still wrong and it's still ujustifiable behaviour. She's being cast in a poor light specifically because of her own actions. That is not discrminatory at all."

^ this is my point exactly ^

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"It doesn't matter what her motivation was for uttering those offensive and derogatory slang terms, it's still wrong and it's still ujustifiable behaviour. She's being cast in a poor light specifically because of her own actions. That is not discrminatory at all."

^ this is my point exactly ^

I never said what she did was justified. If you will read my replies, I have stated countless times that what he did was equally offensive, and it was a cause and effect scenario. The only reason I'm debating what caused her to say that is because it makes all the difference between her being a racist and her being a person reacting out of anger. The fact that we're even debating this has to do with the serious nature of the accusation itself.

I FULLY agree her words were offensive, however I would have been equally offended of being accused of something like that over nothing. They both offended each other, if an apology is needed, then it needs to go both ways.

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Both parties are at fault here. I am glad pork accepted the apology but it makes me laugh at the hypocrisy of the fact she had to apologize when I see random racism brought up by pork.

There is no way Uranium knew that he was African American. You can't discriminate based on race unless A) he mentioned it sometime before or B) she had seen a picture of him. Both of which I highly doubt is the case. It is personality and actions that are judged on the Internet. We're actually judged by our personality/intelligence on here because you can't see someone's race.

So the fact that it is random made me go "what"? Unless there are logs of him mentioning it before this and Uranium knowing about it previously, then pork randomly brought it up. You can't accuse someone of being racist if they don't even know your race before you mentioned it.

Both parties are at fault here but while I don't agree with Uranium's response, I've known Uranium for a time before. He backed into her defensive position and she took the offensive. It wasn't the best way for her to respond but he did attack first and she gets defensive easily. She has a rougher side to her but she isn't racist. She'll push people's buttons on purpose if you try and push hers and I see that by saying she was being called racist without any rhyme or reason. That puts a person on the defensive, while most people would ignore it or leave it alone, that is not her personality. Some people go snarky, some people go too far.

Her response wasn't right but at the same time, she was backed into a corner by a random attack and affronted by it.

Both parties are guilty of doing wrong and to hang one and make a "victim" of another isn't reasonable when both have made a mistake in reacting wrong.

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Look, I'm sorry i baited her. For this I apologize.

In this game, we argue over all kinds of things. That was wrong of me and I readily admit it.

My point is:

No matter how far up a tree you are, how backed up against a wall you get, there is a time where you need to either go on ignore, just shut up, or do something else.

Her reaction demonstrates that when you react out of anger, you lose 50 IQ points (momentarily of course).

When i accused her of being a racist, it was between her and myself. When she directed her anger at an entire race, millions more people became involved.

There is NEVER an acceptable time to use such language as she did. But, since she already apologized for it, why am I gravedigging right?

Edited by porksaber
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its funny (not haha) how much pork is apologizing after being told "n-worddeath n-worddeath n-worddeath" or "also all n-words should die"

even if he did bait that should perdy much make the rest of u STFU about it being "just a word" or how wrong pork was to bait her like that.

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But, since she already apologized for it, why am I gravedigging right?

Because you're attention whoring and trying to make this into a bigger deal than it ever should have been. Same reason you demanded a public apology for a private matter.

I'm glad to see that most people around here are smart enough to see through your antics and attempts at starting something where nothing remotely related to planet bob ever existed.

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Because you're attention whoring and trying to make this into a bigger deal than it ever should have been. Same reason you demanded a public apology for a private matter.

As an aside, I could have wanted an apology justifiably as well, as I was witness to racism by Uranium.

If you want proof, pm me.

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Because you're attention whoring and trying to make this into a bigger deal than it ever should have been. Same reason you demanded a public apology for a private matter.

You alliance refuses to do anything on the matter. Kevlar's solution was to let the two people settle it themselves. This thread was agreed to settle things between them and yet again you appear here to look down on the product of your own decisions. GATO seems like a mightily organized place.

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As an aside, I could have wanted an apology justifiably as well, as I was witness to racism by Uranium.

If you want proof, pm me.

I sent a letter to Richard Pryor demanding he apologize to me for calling Chevy Chase a honky. Never heard a thing from him.

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You alliance refuses to do anything on the matter. Kevlar's solution was to let the two people settle it themselves. This thread was agreed to settle things between them and yet again you appear here to look down on the product of your own decisions. GATO seems like a mightily organized place.

This entire situation has nothing to do with GATO. You seem hell bent on making it have something to do with GATO though.

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I'm just noting the startling difference in opinion you seem to have with your own government on how to handle the situation.

One of the benefits of being in GATO is you can do things like criticize the government and get away with it.

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Oh cool, so the government allows you to approve racial discrimination.

Your government told you to leave the issue alone several pages ago. Clearly, members sometimes don't act with the position of the government.

Note that our government's stance was, in my interpretation, that this was an OOC issue, and that GATO, as an IC organization, should not be involved. A radical stance, I know, but these things happen.

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