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Joint Announcememnt from DAAN, DOA, GDI, IOTA, and NRM

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The alliances DAAN, DOA, GDI, IOTA, and NRM have come together in harmony and made a bloc named The Ultima Accords.

Ultima Accords


The Democratic Order of Anarchy (hereby referred as DOA), Democratic Armed Alliance of Nations (hereby referred as DAAN), Global Defense Initiative (hereby referred as GDI), and Imperium of the Arctic (hereby referred as IOTA) establish this bloc to promote peace amongst the smaller alliances.

Article I: Sovereignty

With the signing of this agreement, we, the undersigned, and any future members of this pact, agree that each shall remain sovereign entities, separate from each other in state Government and Affiliation.

Article II: Non-Aggression

The represented alliances agree not to have any hostilities with each other.

If a member of an alliance belonging to these Accords attacks a member nation of another alliance belonging to these Accords, and does not cease and make appropriate reparations within 48 hours, said nation shall be removed from the alliance it belonged to. If the attacks are not condemned by the alliance within 48 hours, it will be taken as the alliance's withdrawal from these Accords.

Article III: Membership

Any alliance not represented below, who wants to be in this pact, may do so by a unanimous vote from all the alliances within this bloc.

Article IV: Tech Deals

The alliances represented in this bloc are encouraged, but not required, to do inter alliance tech deals.

These tech deals shall be at the rates of $3 mill/100 tech and $1.5 mill/50 tech.

Any member failing to do his/her part of the tech deal, shall be punished accordingly.

Article V: Defense

This Pact is a combination of an Optional Defense and Mutual Defense, it is up to each represented alliance on which one they want. They can change to the other type, given they give a forty eight (48) hour notice to all alliances about the change.

Any and all alliances who choose to do the Optional Defense option, must change over to Mutual Defense once their alliance reaches 300,000 Nation Strength.

Any and all alliances who have protectorates are required to go to them to request help before coming to alliances within this bloc.

All alliances within this bloc who sign the MDP are required to defend any alliance within this bloc who requests help whether it be in the form of military defense (attacking the aggressor), or monetary.

If alliance who is asking for help is the aggressor, no alliance within this bloc is required to help them.

Article VI: Intelligence

If any alliance within this bloc comes across any information that concerns another within this bloc, they shall send the information to the alliance without delay, tamper, and completely.

If any alliance is caught withholding, tampering, or delaying in delivering the information, said alliance shall be punished according to the unanimous vote of all other alliances within this bloc.

Article VII: Withdrawal

If any signatory wishes to withdrawal from this agreement, they are required to tell all the signed alliances and remain neutral by means of aggression against the other signatories for no less than forty-eight hours. During this period of time, this treaty is still in effect.

Signed for Mutual Defense Claus:

Signed for DOA:

AsianLeader- Council Member

Arkzist- Council Member

Spark8989- Council Member

Signed for IOTA:

Lavatron- Imperator

Gwonam- Triumvirate

Moto71- Triumvirate

Panopatican- Triumvirate

El Cid- Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed for Optional Defense Clause:

Signed for DAAN

Kelvin- Vice Chancellor

The Larch- Minsiter of Foreign Affairs

KING CROWE- Chancellor

LEPPY- Minsiter of Internal Affairs

Signed for NRM

Krishna- Emperor

BrandenB- Praetor

Signed for GDI:

RyanGDI - Supreme Commander

McSlaveson- Trade Director and Head of Immigrations

70srock - Minister of Foreign Affairs

Edited by AsianLeader
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also... Mutual Defense Claus ftw!

just in case this person doesn't want the attention for their quote I will leave it nameless until the claim it in here...

"I wonder if Mutual Defense Claus is like Santa's more security minded brother"

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Signed for Optional Defense Clause:

Signed for DAAN

Kelvin- Vice Chancellor

The Larch- Minsiter of Foreign Affairs

KING CROWE- Chancellor

LEPPY- Minsiter of Internal Affairs

Signed for NRM

Krishna- Emperor

BrandenB- Praetor

Signed for GDI:

RyanGDI - Supreme Commander

McSlaveson- Trade Director and Head of Immigrations

70srock - Minister of Foreign Affairs

Why? an optional defense pact is the most annoying, pointless treaty in Cybernations. Especially in a bloc. :huh: If you're going to be devoted to them and defend them sign a MDP, if you're not... then don't sign anything! <_<

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One of the alliances in the preamble (which i assume makes it a founding alliance, more or less) didn't even sign the actual treaty. What the hell? And what does "remain neutral by means of aggression" mean? Are you aggressively neutral? Or moderately aggressive? WHAT IS GOING ON

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Why? an optional defense pact is the most annoying, pointless treaty in Cybernations. Especially in a bloc. :huh: If you're going to be devoted to them and defend them sign a MDP, if you're not... then don't sign anything! <_<

Shhhh... Its with RyanGDI they need to protect themselves somehow if they are going to be allied to them.

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One of the alliances in the preamble (which i assume makes it a founding alliance, more or less) didn't even sign the actual treaty. What the hell? And what does "remain neutral by means of aggression" mean? Are you aggressively neutral? Or moderately aggressive? WHAT IS GOING ON

Beats me, i guess we have to wait for a Stumpy tl;dr;

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"This Pact is a combination of an Optional Defense and Mutual Defense, it is up to each represented alliance on which one they want. They can change to the other type, given they give a forty eight (48) hour notice to all alliances about the change."

Stating it is an optional defense clause is good enough, no need for the mutual defense, that is implied in itself with an optional clause.

So this is an ODP bloc?

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When you sign a Bloc-type treaty, you have to give it some purpose. Either it is an Economic Bloc, or an MDAP Bloc where economics is part. This, my friends, make ZERO sense. You even included a non-signatory in the preamble! That alone should tell people how serious you guys really are. Not very is the answer.

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