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Biggest alliance mess up of all time?


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Just how many wars are you the architect or co-architect of?

I realize you're trying to use such a loaded question to lead the regular forum reader into the conclusion that Sponge is a hypocrite.

The problem with this tactic however, is that you are assuming that Sponge wouldn't gladly list off alliances who he had a hand in stomping.

After all this time, I'm still amazed that some people still haven't figured out how ES operates; he may be a jerk, and he may be painfully blunt... but you ALWAYS know exactly where he stands, and he is no hypocrite. And he doesn't care if someone else is a jerk and acts like him; just don't try to pretend you're not.

edit: incidentally, he beat me to it.

)): Sponge )):

Edited by hizzy
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Theif thinks every man steal.
I'm sure that was another comment meant to show me in a bad light, but it of course failed as I radiate my own light.

I'm not wrong by any stretch of the imagination. Go back and look at all the wars that have been fought for reasons having to do with 'power politics'. It's not just NPO, it's not just Polaris. There are tons of alliances who have done it. It's not like you can't just open up a new browser tab and go look at the CN wiki to verify it for yourself. How about the noCB war? It's been pretty much blatantly admitted by the instigators of that war that they didn't really have much of a cause for war and attacked anyway just to knock their rivals in Polaris down. Who was it that put that war together, again?

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Im not sure i remember that war gonna have to look it up

Theres too many wars in CN with meaningless names.

Edited by Buller
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You don't remember the noCB war?

Meaningless name?

You crack me up.

With the GWx system you could at least chronically count your way up to which war it was.

And at that point TOP was quite frankly fed up with the trolling and planning to destroy us from NpO. And then there was the obligatory treaty factor.

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With the GWx system you could at least chronically count your way up to which war it was.

And at that point TOP was quite frankly fed up with the trolling and planning to destroy us from NpO. And then there was the obligatory treaty factor.

His point though is that wars based on these reasons 'power politics' is a pretty broad and commonly occuring thing, and that the majority of alliances have partaken in it. And your reply feeds into that theory.

Nothing wrong with this, just stating that it's inevitably true.

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His point though is that wars based on these reasons 'power politics' is a pretty broad and commonly occuring thing, and that the majority of alliances have partaken in it. And your reply feeds into that theory.

Nothing wrong with this, just stating that it's inevitably true.

My point was that NpO provoked the war and was planning our demise.

It would be nice if you could define power politics because i'm sure someone could spin every CN war into a power politics war.

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Quite a few. Notice I didn't start out that post by claiming sainthood. I was one of the architects of GW3 along with leaders from the rest of the Initiative alliances, TOP included.

The point of my post was that nearly no one's hands are clean.

Owning up to what you've done is a big step towards cleaning ones hands though. I see you doing that, I don't see many others though.

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Owning up to what you've done is a big step towards cleaning ones hands though. I see you doing that, I don't see many others though.

I can almost hear violins in the background

EDIT: nah but definately a piano.

Edited by Buller
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My point was that NpO provoked the war and was planning our demise.

It would be nice if you could define power politics because i'm sure someone could spin every CN war into a power politics war.

All wars occur mainly because power politics, CBs are just excuses(good or bad ones) to start the war, that's why Sponge said:

That's a lot of alliances, Bob. Yours included.
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He's owning what he did. Can you and yours do or even say the same? Or are we to believe that you've always been without fault?

I just said that yes, we attacked NpO because they provoked us and we saw them as a threat.

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and that's the only bad thing you've ever done? you've been nothing but perfect before then, and since then?

Whatever you say, mr. TOP man.

Thats not the only bad thing no, but its hardly relevant to the current discussion.

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And at that point TOP was quite frankly fed up with the trolling
If an alliance tactically posting against another alliance was a valid CB, the Gremlins would have been dead 9 times over already. :P
and planning to destroy us from NpO.
I still have yet to see valid "proof" that Polar was ever planning to kill TOP after Sponge was removed.

Hell, I barely have seen convincing evidence that Polar put a lot of effort into trying to kill TOP before Sponge was removed from power <_<

And then there was the obligatory treaty factor.
TOP was one of the aggressors in the Second Patriotic War. There was no treaty factor.
Every topic with a TOP member + Sponge seems to turn into a fight about the War of the Coalition. :( Oh well, drama is nice I guess.
I certainly enjoy it.
My point was that NpO provoked the war and was planning our demise.
Covered this above.
It would be nice if you could define power politics because i'm sure someone could spin every CN war into a power politics war.
Let me put it this way.

Generally to survive and thrive in the modern Cyberverse you need power, and to have power you need to engage in power politics. As such, every war is an example of power politics.

Edited by Fallen_Fool
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I wouldn't say that the reason for the Polar war was simply power politics, though that did play some role, and the timing was largely down to when it wouldn't be suicidal. Of course, all wars have an element of power politics about them, but few are as clearly lacking in any other reason as this one (and GW3). Only a very biased person would claim that Grämlins or TOP would be as dangerous to another alliance as the Red Order a month or two ago.

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Cool you just spun every war into a power politics war.

The objective of every war ever fought is to gain the power to see events take place in the manner of your choosing.

This is true both OOC and in this game.

People who already have the power to get what they want aren't fighting wars.

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Cool you just spun every war into a power politics war.
War is a reciprocated, armed conflict, between two or more non-congruous entities, aimed at achieving a subjectively designed, geo-politically desired result.
War is the continuation of political intercourse, carried on with other means.

But it seems that you think that war can happen for reasons other than those mentioned above, what would they? Fun? For the lulz?

Edited by D34th
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