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Biggest alliance mess up of all time?


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Judging by some responses I'd say GOONS did some swarming of topics they considered "bad" and "unworthy" and went so far as cleaning up nations.

It was probably hilarious. I wish I was around longer than I have been :(

There is a big difference between humor and laughing at a dead bird squished by a basketball.

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Thanks SJ :wub:

While I am not sure it was the best political move for GOONS, nor all that funny, there had to at least been some chuckles surrounding it. As for contributing, posters before me have listed already the ones I have seen

Edit: I'm sorry, but number 5 on that list is priceless

Edited by Wentworth the Brave
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The event of a bully beating up another kid because that kid voiced his opinion on some matter is only funny (if funny at all, to anyone) to the bully.

The way ex-GOONS and some of the others describe it, it kept out some of the worst posters. I wouldn't mind that, but no, targeting their nation isn't as good.

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The way ex-GOONS and some of the others describe it, it kept out some of the worst posters. I wouldn't mind that, but no, targeting their nation isn't as good.

Well, I got 'shark bit'. I was in GPA at the time. I was chatting in the GPA IRC channel. I forget about what. The GOONS member who was there decided that what I posted that he could categorize it (put the right spin on his accusation) so that he could attack me 'because of shark week'.

No, it wasn't what they make it out to be..... it wasn't forums cleansing..... it was being bullies (more like ethnic cleansing if you ask me).

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The way ex-GOONS and some of the others describe it, it kept out some of the worst posters. I wouldn't mind that, but no, targeting their nation isn't as good.

The ex-GOONS are ex-GOONS for a reason.

Nations were rolled ( 3 on 1 ) for disagreeing with them about anything; if a victim defended him or herself, he or she was often sent to zero-infrastructure, those who survived had to go a week suffering attacks (if they were lucky) or go to their forum and literally beg for mercy while they all laughed at you.

Proponents of Shark Week claim that the purpose of it was to curb trolling, however, GOONS were renowned for being the biggest trolls Planet Bob has ever seen; look up threads on the old CN forum to see the truth.

The result was that people effectively stopped disagreeing with the powers that be and many left the community since the political climate became stale and few participated.

It is no accident that many of their leaders were jettisoned off of this rock, keep that in mind.

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The ex-GOONS are ex-GOONS for a reason.

Nations were rolled ( 3 on 1 ) for disagreeing with them about anything; if a victim defended him or herself, he or she was often sent to zero-infrastructure, those who survived had to go a week suffering attacks (if they were lucky) or go to their forum and literally beg for mercy while they all laughed at you.

Proponents of Shark Week claim that the purpose of it was to curb trolling, however, GOONS were renowned for being the biggest trolls Planet Bob has ever seen; look up threads on the old CN forum to see the truth.

The result was that people effectively stopped disagreeing with the powers that be and many left the community since the political climate became stale and few participated.

It is no accident that many of their leaders were jettisoned off of this rock, keep that in mind.

Yes, GOONS were big trolls. That was why quite a few GOONS got attacked during Shark Week. Yeah, GOONS attacked members of their own alliance for trolling.

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hmmm, i've been here for all of them, but my memory is not that good.

ODN/Legion not joining GW2

Legion joining GW3 (see what i did there)


the "War on None"

the existance of /b/

the creation of the Obsidian Entente

Athens pre-emptively disbanding

that alliance of multis that tried to merge into Gre (not really anyones blunder, but still something to laugh at)

the war on GPA (yes, i fought them too)

probably some others i'm forgetting. some aren't really blunders of any specific party, but just things that make me wonder in general.

your mileage may vary.

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NPO attacking OV.

I mean, did they really not see this outcome coming? It was painfully obvious and they walked into it. It's almost like leaving a trail of candy to a box and then having Karma standing there and pull a string and collapsing the box on NPO.

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I'm gonna have to go with one in which I was personally involved:

The so-called Dilber Clique, which was the means in which the NPO leadership inserted a wedge in-between its members and NpO. The Ivan coup was a precursor, and the OoO cancellation wouldn't have happened without this. Ultimately, the Dilber Clique managed to trash NpO so thoroughly among the NPO's middle class that NPO leadership was able to forsake NpO without its most vocal members arguing - the most vocally pro-Polar elements left as a result of the Dilber Clique, and left the NPO with an even more drone-like membership and really allowed all of the later acts in which NPO hung NpO out to dry. Without the Dilber Clique, NPO wouldn't have been able to cancel OoO, trash Sponge publically, or let its allies kill Polar. Extra bonus points for the Dilber Clique being the beginning of the Vox Populi movement, something which contributed to the anti-NPO sentiment which lead to this current war. It was truly the beginning of the end, as people realized that NPO's leadership wasn't going to stand for other alliances challenging it. Even Polar, their best friend and ally for most of CN.

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Yes, GOONS were big trolls. That was why quite a few GOONS got attacked during Shark Week. Yeah, GOONS attacked members of their own alliance for trolling.

All you have to is read the thread announcing Shark Week to know it was just an excuse for GOONS to attack anyone who disagreed with them.

Example A

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I'm gonna have to go with one in which I was personally involved:

The so-called Dilber Clique, which was the means in which the NPO leadership inserted a wedge in-between its members and NpO. The Ivan coup was a precursor, and the OoO cancellation wouldn't have happened without this. Ultimately, the Dilber Clique managed to trash NpO so thoroughly among the NPO's middle class that NPO leadership was able to forsake NpO without its most vocal members arguing - the most vocally pro-Polar elements left as a result of the Dilber Clique, and left the NPO with an even more drone-like membership and really allowed all of the later acts in which NPO hung NpO out to dry. Without the Dilber Clique, NPO wouldn't have been able to cancel OoO, trash Sponge publically, or let its allies kill Polar. Extra bonus points for the Dilber Clique being the beginning of the Vox Populi movement, something which contributed to the anti-NPO sentiment which lead to this current war. It was truly the beginning of the end, as people realized that NPO's leadership wasn't going to stand for other alliances challenging it. Even Polar, their best friend and ally for most of CN.

Presumably you saw what I posted a few pages back?

Just my way of saying ^this without incurring anyone's wrath.

It was an ugly time, and what's worse is that the individual after whom said clique was named is still in denial about it.

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Judging by some responses I'd say GOONS did some swarming of topics they considered "bad" and "unworthy" and went so far as cleaning up nations.

It was probably hilarious. I wish I was around longer than I have been :(

I thought it was humorous.

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It was not about having opinions contradictory to GOONS policies, hell we even attacked some of our own nations, and a couple of our allies. It was just about being a bad poster.

And as we all know, GOONS were a reasonable and considerate alliance who were able to make a valid judgement about what is considered trolling and what is not.

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UME going rouge on IRON, thinking they are the god of Planet Bob.

Jarheads not being able to control their members from going rogue on other alliances and non-allied nations while fighting NPO, and ended up dragging more alliances into the war.

Since I am new, and have direct experience with these two absolutely idiotic acts, I will have to concur. Nobody of any note, to be sure, but it did say biggest Alliance screw ups... UME is toasted oats and jarheads has only three members I recognize in what remains of their tiny Alliance.

Edited by PrideAssassin
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To answer the question, I would have to say the decision to coup Ivan and reinstate Moo as Emperor of the NPO. The Unjust War, the canceling of the OoO, Second Patriotic War against Polar, and now the NPO's current state all track back to that decision. One based in selfishness and fear. had Moo's IOs been able to make the personal sacrifice and allow Ivan to fix the NPO, things would be far different for them.

This. The game would be very different if Ivan was Emperor of the NPO.

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