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Rodentia Dominatus/FARK Declaration of War

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Not that I had respected Rodentia Dominatus, but I did think higher of FARK.

Ah well, not LE's fault either to be fair, although TPF does deserve some applause.

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I want to be real clear on this. The Rodents are our friends. Fark is like every other alliance in the game: We respect them but have no particular ties to them.

I initiated contact with the Rodents a couple of weeks ago, as well as a couple of other small alliances, to see if they wanted to play in the final war of the round. I did this as a chance to get them some serious war action, nothing else. No treaties, defense pacts, just an invitation to join us in an undefined future war.

When this war came, we were also attacked by Republic of White Nations, a very small alliance. I asked that RD be invited to hit them. Again, not in our defense, but to share in the fun. That is the extent of it. Fark I have had no contact with at all.

Sorry for any misunderstandings.

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I was LE's emissary to RD. I was asked to approach RD a week ago to see if they would be interested in helping us should we be attacked. Their leadership agreed to this request and honored it. RD gave their word and honored it. They have done nothing wrong.

Don't believe I or anyone else has done anything wrong either. But if you feel the need to start flinging blame, fling it at me.

FB, I think I'm gonna need those blue shaded sunglasses soon my man.

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I had to check back through our forums, but Ratnp is correct. This is what I asked him to do:

"See if they are willing to assist if we get hit by the whole world. They are good people, fight hard, and are able to maintain with a small alliance. We don't have anything to offer other than some fun and protection once the doo-doo hits the fan, but it would be nice to have them prepped to assist if we have 400 nations hitting us at once (like I hope we do)."

And that is what he did and the Rodents did. I will take full responsibility for the Rodents entering the war. They are our friends regardless.

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I had to check back through our forums, but Ratnp is correct. This is what I asked him to do:

"See if they are willing to assist if we get hit by the whole world. They are good people, fight hard, and are able to maintain with a small alliance. We don't have anything to offer other than some fun and protection once the doo-doo hits the fan, but it would be nice to have them prepped to assist if we have 400 nations hitting us at once (like I hope we do)."

And that is what he did and the Rodents did. I will take full responsibility for the Rodents entering the war. They are our friends regardless.

So TPF counts as the whole world now ??

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Well, that is a fine distinction that may have been lost in the back and forth among the diplos, but regardless, they were asked.

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ok, all of you (other than fark, le, rd, or tpf) need to get a life and stop trolling this topic.

Lol, or we could post support messages for our allies of TPF saying how utterly pathetic your actions are. All you are doing is trying to make people like you by attacking a large alliance/getting involved in a large war. Either that or you are sucking up to LE hoping that they will protect you in the future. Obviously, that has failed on both counts. You've lost tons of respect, and LE seems to think you are dirt.

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o/ RD

really now? this thread is bout yelling at RD and Fark, not hailing them. Also what, its been like 4 rounds now that TPF gets blitzed and curb stomped at the end of the round? lol bring it on

Edited by King Death II
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lol I just find it funny that RD is answering a treaty from a week ago (one that LE at first said didn't exist) that has an implication of 400 nations attacking LE or several AA's.

So they they take it upon them selves to hit (so said LE at first) but then was asked to hit, of course only a 5-7 member colony of TPF with a max of like 2000 ns on the highest nation,

but realizes that they might not be strong enough so they better bring in FARK for even more back up, also an AA that LE is saying they have no ties to in their no treaty organization :P

Really in all honesty, RD or FARK would not be any fight for TPF...the fact that LE asked RD to join and RD ran to FARK to help is really, and i do mean really, an honor for us WAR BIRDS

at TPF. Not that we think its fair, but that all of you felt so highly of our fighting skills enough to invite friends to help you out!

Even if it was against a a 5 -7 man AA who at best could only hit LE's last 10 nations.

OH, and one more thing...I don't see Le asking RD or FARK to stand down and you can surely bet your A$$ TPF would have!

Also while we had offer of nations going in to help hit LE, i turned them down as i wanted this fight to be fair and equal, win or lose ;)

LE has a bunch of great nation, and as i have stated friends of mine.....And i once thought of LE to be of the highest regards of honor...But i guess that depends on who leads.

O/ to all the former leaders of LE

O/ TPF you valor is second to none!

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If it makes you feel any better KD, at least this time we're only outnumbered 2:1. Normally it's in the region of 5:1.

LOL!! Actually its 2.5 to one :P


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Since you guys have MHA so out numbered, why not send some guys at RD, and Fark?

The more nations we have warring, the better. :)

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We didn't ask them (Fark) to stand up, so we can't really ask them to stand down. RD is friends and thought they were doing the right thing. I don't really have an answer other than everyone just peaces out and waits for the next war or 3 or 4 or 8 other alliances jump in on the side of TPF.

All Lafayette Escadrille has wanted this whole round was to be attacked, to the point of me declaring War on the entire planet and doing everything short of shagging your (Royal "your") Mom to make it happen.

I salute TPF for bringing it to us, and wish it would have worked out different. It didn't and I am open to any solution.

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I say lets all take the gloves off and just have a wing-ding heck of a good time. We pretty much are half way there anyway. Lets just have everyone jump in now and start swinging at whatever side they wanna swing at. That way, no one can gripe about who did what. Lets just call this the demolition derby of TE. Whoever is standing at the end can salute the valiant fallen! Everyone just pick a side now and push the little red button! Mushroom clouds for everyone!


"A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week"

-Gen. George S. Patton

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