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The New Xaristan

Michael McBride

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Louis Egon said as he strapped a bullet proof vest on over his midsection and chest and began pulling on his white dress shirt over it. "I don't want to take any chances."

"Trust me, Mr. Egon, the vest will work. Your private security forces will be providing close support and Mr. Wahler's tanks will be blocking off the streets for us."

"I don't want any mistakes. This must go exactly according to plan." Louis said, buttoning the top button and beginning to weave the tie through and around.

"Do not worry. There will be no mistakes. My men will make sure that you reach the podium safely."

"And what about air support? Do we have that ready to go?" Louis pulled down on his tie, tightening it as he pulled on his suit jacket. "I don't want anything to ruin my first day in joint government."

"Do not worry, Mr. Egon... everything, and I mean everything, will be taken care of." Louis looked at the man and nodded, walking out and smiling as he waved to the crowds outside of the hotel where he had been staying in Redemptio. The man watched him for a moment and then pulled out a cell phone. "Operation Phoenix is a go. Repeat, Operation Phoenix is a go."


"Good morning ladies and gentlemen around the world. This is Ron Reddy with the first joint appearance of the new joint government in Xaristan, Mr. Louis Egon and Mr. Simon Wahler. We're coming to you live from our makeshift studios in the newly renamed capital of Redemptio. The capitol district has been basically shut down today. Crowds twelve deep are lining the parade route in spots. Tanks from Mr. Wahler's force are leading the parade and blocking off side streets for security today. And... wait a moment... yes, I hear the band now. We'll take you down to street level live as the car carrying Mr. Egon and Mr. Wahler approaches us."

The camera view shifts down to street level, and slowly zooms in on the car with Mr. Egon and Mr. Wahler. It is a convertible. It moves with the rest of the parade as both men wave to supporters on the side of the street. Confetti trickles through the air as the crowd roars, people straining against the barriers that had been hastily set up. Egon's men kept the crowd at bay on the car's side of the barriers.

Suddenly, two shots ring out in quick succession. A pause, and then a third rings out. The camera on the street level jerks around, but it is seen that the third shot catches one of Egon's men who had been walking next to the car on his side. Neither Louis Egon or Simon Wahler can be seen. The crowd starts screaming and then a man in military fatigues from Egon's troops places a hand over the camera and pushes the cameraman away as the viewers hear the engine of the convertible rev and speed away. The screen goes black with the words:


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Hours after the "Experiencing technical difficulties" message went up on screen, a brief message was delivered saying that there would an address from the leader of Xaristan in fifteen minutes. The message was replayed a few times to make sure people saw it, and then a scrolling bar was placed at the bottom of the screen up until the address. When the message was finally taken down, a singular podium stood, draped in a plain black cloth, a navy blue curtain set up behind it. Murmurs were heard in the room from the gathered press. Up until this point, there had been no announcement whether anyone had survived the assassination attempt. It was now known one had, but not who. A door off screen opened, and a hush fell over the room.

Louis Egon walked out.

He strode to the podium, a folder in his hand, his face looking significantly aged from just earlier that day. The left side of his suit and dress shirt still had blood spatter on it, almost the same color as the burgundy tie that he wore. Standing behind the podium, he let out a heavy sigh and stepped forward, opening the folder and clearing his throat.

"Good evening. By now I'm sure that you all watching have seen the events that occurred earlier today, as I have been informed that they have been replayed ad nausium across news networks around the world. For that, I apologize. This was not how I wanted to first address you, the people of Xaristan, and the rest of the world. Indeed, I had hoped to have Simon Wahler next to me as I spoke. Unfortunately, Simon was killed by an assassin's bullet this afternoon. Also killed this afternoon was a longtime friend of mine, Devon Watkins. Devon and I grew up together, and he was at my side during the bloody civil war that has recently ended in our country. My thoughts and condolences go out to Devon's family, and I will personally do everything I can to help them through this difficult time."

"Simon was a hero of this country. He saw injustice and corruption and tyranny, and rose against it. Facing insurmountable odds, he and his troops survived the war, bringing freedom from an oppressive and totalitarian regime. Let everyone remember that he was the first to stand up against the Generals, and we should never forget his sacrifice. As my first act as the new leader of this nation, I have proclaimed that Imaim shall be renamed to Wahler in his honor, where he and his troops stood for many months against forces much stronger that were arrayed against them in a fight for freedom. A statue of Simon shall be erected there as well."

"Moving now more to the matters that bring me here alone. A suspect in the shootings from this afternoon is now in custody. He is a supporter of the former government, and was also a close adviser to Kenneth Persons. He will stand trial for the crimes which he is accused of, and I promise that his trial will be a fair one. There is no indication thus far that the Green Flag had anything to do with this assassination attempt, nor any indication that the Green Flag is poised for a resurgence in this nation."

"During this time of hardship, I call upon all citizens of Xaristan to work together to rebuild our country. In the coming days, I will put together a working and functioning government and judicial system, along with rewriting Xaristan's constitution. We will also work to organize an army, national guard, air force, and local police forces. The government authorizes civilian militias to be formed on a temporary basis until a nationalized police force is up and running."

"To those unemployed in the country, I will be unveiling new economic plans to stimulate growth and create jobs. We will be creating government funded public works projects to employ citizens while rebuilding our nation. By the end of the week, the Xaristani Stock Exchange shall reopen once again, allowing our economy the chance to get back on its feet."

"Finally, to the rest of the world, I ask for your assistance, and your patience. Xaristan shall not return to the grandeur that it once was overnight. We will have to work hard to return, and we will need help. First I ask our neighbors to the north, the United States of America, to lift the aerial embargo they have placed on our nation to allow critical aid to reach our people. I would also like to announce that, should the embargo be lifted, any airlines wishing to begin flights to Xaristan again for tourism should contact my office. Oil sales will begin at the end of the week, with whatever we have left to sell after using what we need here at home. And our gold mines will open again at the end of the week as well."

"Make no mistake that this civil war has ravaged our great nation. But also make no mistake that we will make this country great once again. With everyone, Xaristanis and foreigners, working together, we will rebuild. We will thrive. And we will prosper."

"The floor is now open to questions from the domestic and foreign press."

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"Finally, to the rest of the world, I ask for your assistance, and your patience. Xaristan shall not return to the grandeur that it once was overnight. We will have to work hard to return, and we will need help. First I ask our neighbors to the north, the United States of America, to lift the aerial embargo they have placed on our nation to allow critical aid to reach our people. I would also like to announce that, should the embargo be lifted, any airlines wishing to begin flights to Xaristan again for tourism should contact my office. Oil sales will begin at the end of the week, with whatever we have left to sell after using what we need here at home. And our gold mines will open again at the end of the week as well."

"Make no mistake that this civil war has ravaged our great nation. But also make no mistake that we will make this country great once again. With everyone, Xaristanis and foreigners, working together, we will rebuild. We will thrive. And we will prosper."

"The floor is now open to questions from the domestic and foreign press."

OOC: You want assistance? Join the United States. :awesome::ph34r:

IC: President Kennedy has now initiated the process of lifting the embargo from Xaristan. However, this can only be done with the cooperation and support of the States and Kennedy has taken steps to urge them to do so.

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OOC: You want assistance? Join the United States. :awesome::ph34r:

IC: President Kennedy has now initiated the process of lifting the embargo from Xaristan. However, this can only be done with the cooperation and support of the States and Kennedy has taken steps to urge them to do so.

OOC: lol, I was talking about the other countries that have offered aid. And no, never. Sorry. :P

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*** Private Message to Xaristan ***

On the behalf of the Governments of Tahoe and Xaristan, the Cuban-Mariner Corporation has been contracted to provide general reconstruction aid throughout Xaristan. Eight cargo ships and 1,500 personnel have been dispatched with hundreds of tons of supplies, including concrete, oil/gas, pipelines, electrical equipment and other materials critical to help rebuild Xaristan.

In return for this aid, the Government of Tahoe has requested oil sales at lower than market rates.

Edited by Emperor Mudd
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*** Private Message to Xaristan ***

On the behalf of the Governments of Tahoe and Xaristan, the Cuban-Mariner Corporation has been contracted to provide general reconstruction aid throughout Xaristan. Eight cargo ships and 1,500 personnel have been dispatched with hundreds of tons of supplies, including concrete, oil/gas, pipelines, electrical equipment and other materials critical to help rebuild Xaristan.

In return for this aid, the Government of Tahoe has requested oil sales at lower than market rates.

**Private Message to Tahoe**

We thank you sincerely for these supplies and will call you first once we begin exporting oil again. We had planned on undercutting the current market to bring buyers back to begin with, and will give you a 20% discount off of that price in thanks. Is that reasonable for you?

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*** Private Message to Xaristan ***

It is more than reasonable. The Atlantic Oil Corporation will manage transactions on behalf of the Tahoan government. Any additional supplies needed may be directed at the Cuban-Mariner Corporation who will be more than happy to support you.

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*Private to Xaristan*

You have the 1 billion we offered to Kenneth Parsons in his fight, it was never transferred and this aid comes free to rebuild your nation.


Thank you for your generosity. If you wish, you may send observers to Persons' trial. It will be conducted as soon as our justice system is back up and running.

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MV Eagle CMC entering Miami harbor

Vessels belonging to Cuban-Mariner Corporation have docked across Xaristan. Nearly 1,500 personnel with CMC and its various subsidary companies have been deployed to assist Xaristan. Most personnel are in administrative roles, to allow Xaristani's to have the bulk of the jobs. Four hundred of the personnel are armed security services.

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*An Announcement From the Department of State of the United States of America*

As many of you know, we closed the airspace immediately around Xaristan during the Xaristani Civil War. Now that the war was ended and our analysts have determined the situation to be stable enough for air traffic to resume, the airspace has been reopened to private and commercial air traffic. In addition, the partial blockade of Xaristan has been lifted and all sea traffic will return to normal.

The land border will remain closed except in the following locations:

Kingsland Border Crossing (Interstate Highway 95)

Boulogne Border Crossing (United States Route 1)

Bellville Border Crossing (Interstate Highway 75)

Darsey Border Crossing (United States Highway 27)

Flomaton Border Crossing (United States Highway 29)

Moscugee Border Crossing (Interstate Highway 10)

Border Crossing Checkpoints have been set up and all traffic crossing the land border will be searched.

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*An Announcement From the Department of State of the United States of America*

As many of you know, we closed the airspace immediately around Xaristan during the Xaristani Civil War. Now that the war was ended and our analysts have determined the situation to be stable enough for air traffic to resume, the airspace has been reopened to private and commercial air traffic. In addition, the partial blockade of Xaristan has been lifted and all sea traffic will return to normal.

The land border will remain closed except in the following locations:

Kingsland Border Crossing (Interstate Highway 95)

Boulogne Border Crossing (United States Route 1)

Bellville Border Crossing (Interstate Highway 75)

Darsey Border Crossing (United States Highway 27)

Flomaton Border Crossing (United States Highway 29)

Moscugee Border Crossing (Interstate Highway 10)

Border Crossing Checkpoints have been set up and all traffic crossing the land border will be searched.

We thank the United States for lifting the air and sea embargoes and reopening the land border at the most traveled points.

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