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Nemesis Q&A ...

Van Hoo III

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Personal question to Hoo: Do you feel your past and reputation within the game has ultimately helped or hindered Nemesis as an alliance?

While I understand that this was directed at me, I honestly feel it is best answered by our membership. To be candid though, if I (or Nemesis) felt that I hindered us as an alliance, I wouldn't be here.

Having said that, if any individual or alliance has a large enough issue that it stops them from even associating with us, our door is open if they care enough to move past it.

what are your opinions on Mogar?

Good guy, but not funny in the slightest. ;)

How do you feel the relations between LoSS and Nemesis are since the war?

Fighting together usually tends to bring allies even closer. I feel that with Nemesis and LoSS, this is especially true. :)

Whats Nemesis opinion of ODN?

MDP anytime soon?


I think ODN are one of the nicest groups of people in all of Bob. I do, however, feel that they still have a lot to prove.

How do you feel about being a whore, Hoo?

:(( Shamed :((

Are we similar?

I don't believe so, no. I do personally like the NSO though.

Why hasn't Hoo paid Jules the 50 tech he owes her?

I owe no such amount.

How does Hoo feel about the one they call Tyson Jackson?

You cut me Z ... you cut me deep.

Edited by Van Hoo III
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what are your opinions on Mogar?

Pretty damn annoying at a distance to be honest. The whole first spamming is/was pathetic. Spent a small amount of time in TPF during your time there and found you far more tolerable.

What do you want us to know about Nemesis that we may not already know?

Personally I can think of nothing specific. People that don't know us at all will find out what Nemesis is all about in this thread. Our core ideals of encouraging free speech, emphasising the quality of members over the quantity and being on a boat. Those that already know us may have specific queries that it's nigh on impossible to predict.

How do you feel the relations between LoSS and Nemesis are since the war?

It's cool B) I didn't really know LoSS on a personal level before the treaty was signed, but Krunk is a good diplomat and a fun spammer and I've chatted to a couple of you in our IRC channel too. I'm not in government so I can't comment on official relations between the alliances, but the unofficial ones are doing great.

Why is Nemesis so win?

At the risk of being booted, it's mostly Bob. Dude drags the average win per member up by 8.4 points at least.

I'm coming back for more :awesome:

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How annoyed is Nemesis that Tony Gonzales is not in KC?

I'm actually over it. :P

Why did you guys accept Blacky?

I openly admit that I had my reservations as well given his reputation. I have found that Blacky is actually a standup guy and an asset to any alliance. It's amazing what you learn when you give someone a chance and get to know them. :awesome:

With the three founders coming from orange, aqua, and blue, why did you chose black to call home?

There was a lot of discussion as to which color sphere we would eventually choose. The one thing we did know was that we wanted to try something new and didn't want to be on the same color sphere the three of us had spent so much time on previously. That eliminated orange, aqua, and blue.

We picked black after analyzing each remaining color sphere and seeing where we felt we'd fit best. Black seemed the most open to a new alliance and seemed to be heading in the right direction.

Who thought of the name? What were the other options?

I guess I should have asked these questions when I was a member. :P

I initially suggested it. I don't recall if we had any other names on the table though ...

When do you reveal your real identity, Voltron?


When will you admit that your alliance name, flag, and original triumvirate channel are in fact blatant references to Star Trek, particularly its tenth feature film?

You take that back.

What's Nemesis opinion about Frostbite and alliances who are part of it?

STA - I have not dealt with STA much in my history. Based on what I have seen, they strike me as a good and honorable group.

NSO - I haven't had the pleasure of speaking with NSO much either. I can say that I generally like them based on what I know though.

tLC - Too soon to tell, but seem to have a lot of potential.

Polar - To be honest, I used to despise Polar and there was no love for myself or RoK over there either. However, after sitting down and chatting several times after the NoCB War, we found that we really didn't have much reason to hate eachother anymore and the start of the Polar/RoK MDoAP was sparked during those conversations. I never thought I would say this a year ago, but I like Polar and it's membership a great deal.

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STA - I have not dealt with STA much in my history. Based on what I have seen, they strike me as a good and honorable group.

NSO - I haven't had the pleasure of speaking with NSO much either. I can say that I generally like them based on what I know though.

tLC - Too soon to tell, but seem to have a lot of potential.

Polar - To be honest, I used to despise Polar and there was no love for myself or RoK over there either. However, after sitting down and chatting several times after the NoCB War, we found that we really didn't have much reason to hate eachother anymore and the start of the Polar/RoK MDoAP was sparked during those conversations. I never thought I would say this a year ago, but I like Polar and it's membership a great deal.

Thanks, and we like you too Hoo ;)

Edited by D34th
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These questions are specifically for Hoo, simply because I like making him do work.

1) Why does the West Coast fail so hard?

2) Why is it that you changed the name of Nemesis from the original proposition of "Balder's Merry Fellows?"

3) Would you condone to being my slave? If so, why? If no, why not?

4) In three hundred words or more, why am I cooler than you?

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What's Nemesis opinion about Frostbite and alliances who are part of it?

Polaris is another one of my favorite alliances. NSO is a mixed blessing, and STA is awesome. Sponge and Random are great guys, and in general tLC is amazing.

Personal question to Hoo: Do you feel your past and reputation within the game has ultimately helped or hindered Nemesis as an alliance?

Hoo asked others to answer, so I will. I feel that grudges still held need to be overcome and moved on from because they do nothing but hinder relations between alliances that should be friends.

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Why do you like The AUT and not quite like The AUT at the same time?

My guess would be because of Bob, you guys have an answer for this?

Some of us like you, some of us don't. You will continue to be my friend regardless of how confused you make me most of the time, and despite my members openly posting against you. They are free to say and think what they like with no limitations about anyone they want to (as long as its allowed on the forums lol)

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Why are so many of you in denial concerning how great Mogar is? You can admit that you are fans, I've got your back.

I like Mogar, I just don't think he is funny. :P

These questions are specifically for Hoo, simply because I like making him do work.

1) Why does the West Coast fail so hard?

2) Why is it that you changed the name of Nemesis from the original proposition of "Balder's Merry Fellows?"

3) Would you condone to being my slave? If so, why? If no, why not?

4) In three hundred words or more, why am I cooler than you?

1) lol East Coast

2) Because no one would take any alliance containing the words balder, Merry, and Fellows very seriously.

3) I would not recommend it, no. I have heard you are into ... odd things.

4) No, and you are most certainly not. :wub:

Why do you like The AUT and not quite like The AUT at the same time?

My guess would be because of Bob, you guys have an answer for this?

You know I like you, man. I think you are wrong 80% of the time, but I do like you. ;)

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Why is your IRC channel locked? (haven't tried it in weeks, but it was when I tried)

Umbrella are jerks. Our channel is #cn-nemesis, not #nemesis

When are you going to get rid of Bob? He is a blight upon your alliance.

so's your mom but we dont talk about her that way

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Are we similar?

Not really. I like NSO a lot though, the whole philosophy of the strongest surviving, the lack of fear when it comes to speaking out in the political arena and your unerring commitment to improving brown though as it's a sphere I've called home for 18 months of my 2 years in the Cyberverse. The most impressive thing that's come from NSO for my though is when Ivan was a big enough person to apologise for the public spat with Coloradia. Neither party was innocent and it's always refreshing to see someone own up to their faults.

Needs more coup announcements though. Nemesis is done warring and I'm thirsty for drama :awesome:

Personal question to Hoo: Do you feel your past and reputation within the game has ultimately helped or hindered Nemesis as an alliance?

Since Hoo suggested the membership answered this one, I'm going to go right ahead. Hoo is the main thing that intrigued me about Nemesis. I was seeking a change and a little birdy told me Hoo was creating a new alliance so I decided to find out more. 3 months later I'm still a member of Nemesis so without doubt a hinderance.

When do you reveal your real identity, Voltron?

Now? :ph34r:

- When are you letting SpiderJ live his own life?

He is, anything else he tells you is a lie. Right SpiderJ?

- What's your opinion on MK? TOP? Grämlins? TPF? Valhalla?

I love MK. I have no idea why because I barely know you guys, but everything about you rocks my world.

TOP has impressive stats, but meh. Did not like the Echelon peace thread at all, and I would have hated it still if it wasn't white peace. They seem to be happy with white peace all around now which indicates a change for the better, but as I've seen 1 or 2 Polar members say lately, they've shown no remorse for past actions so I just think it's mostly !@#$%^&*. Any TOP member should feel free to correct my if I'm wrong regarding TOP's opinion on their past actions though. Oh and TOP speed is a strange thing for me, but I completely understand the need for full debate and discourse on vital issues so if to be quicker was to compromise that then I wouldn't bother speeding up.

I considered applying for Grämlins a while back but decided to go back to OTF instead. I just get the feeling I've been playing the game for 2 years and I could double my knowledge in just 2 months there. The nations are just sickening and I have a friend or two there as well.

TPF I like. There are some truly great people there. I'm really interested in seeing how this war ends for them. If it ends for them as they seem absolutely determined to stay in until NPO get peace, which is admirable. I'm really hoping to see a new TPF afterwards.

Valhalla I do not really like. A couple of their members had a liking of telling me to 'do something about' my opinions when I was in an alliance smaller than theirs. Guess if Starfox can give them the 2nd chance most people should be able to.

- Should dead alliances stay dead?

Yeah. The ones that went out and are remembered fondly will only tar memories by reforming, the ones that aren't remembered fondly nobody really wants them back.

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so's your mom but we dont talk about her that way

oh ho ho

my feminine wiles

Confusing everyone by refusing to match your forum and IRC names does not count as wiles.

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oh ho ho

love you baby

Confusing everyone by refusing to match your forum and IRC names does not count as wiles.

Can't be three characters ingame.

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