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Grizz Goose's beer reviews

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Seems like Mr Goose is not dissembling - these are the words of a genuine beer lover. I salute you, sir, as one who also loves beer.

[OOC]Archon - sure, let's talk, any time, about PA brews - PM me [/OOC]

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The first 4 beers are my favorites and what I drink around the year. I stock up on Snow Cap during the winter so I can enjoy it though out the year. The first time I drank this beer was at a Rock Bottom where they had it on tap... I was surprised then how I gained a buzz from a beer so quickly. When I found it in the stores, I learned of its 7% ABV. This is my all time favorite beer. My number 2 beer which I have only recently discovered and can only find at one store so far, is Wheat Honey, I decided to give it a go because I have been drinking Summer Honey for the past 5 years or so. I polished off the last one I had last night and will have to make the journey to the only QFC I have found it at … which is not close to my home btw. When I first opened it I new I would like it, oh the sweet aroma that poured out … mmm reminded me of the feeling I got when I had my first Snow Cap. This has become my new summer beer to sit and sip while a BBQ up dinner for my Goslings. Ropewalk and Summer Honey both I had a the annual brew fest… Mis. Goose who is not a beer drinker loved Summer Honey. I liked the sweet malty flavor of Ropewalk and enjoyed drinking it as the air starts to cool, as you saw I mentioned it is not so good, imo, when the sweet nectar warms up so I don’t like to drink it during warm days. Summer Honey became my fall back beer when I ran out of my favs, I snag a bottle of the Mrs.’s, it soon grew on me …. Which lead me to get the Wheat Honey noted above. The Chili beer is the odd man out… The Goose loves hot… bring on the heat, the Goose loves beer so what better then a combo… I first heard about this maybe 8 yrs ago or so and thought I needed to try it. Problem was I could not find it anywhere. With the terms as they were I thought this was a good opportunity to continue on my quest for the illusive Chili Beer (now I wish I had not) luck was on my side, I had to take a business trip to So Cal so got a hold of Haralambdos Beverage Company (562-347-4300) and found a retail outlet in the area that sold Chili Beer. The flavor was not what I was expecting, Yeah it had heat but it lacked, maybe a habanero beer would be better they have a better flavor.

Now to address to usage of borrowed material I will not lie to you at all, of course I borrowed some material from what I consider expert writers on the subject, I believe that my effort to find the best wording rather than writing things like “the beer tastes good and has a thick texture to it”, added more benefit and produced a better product. I looked for reviews that described what I was experiencing.. was it all in my own words no not all of it, but I spirit was still there… I wrote my thoughts as I drank my beer then searched for better wording as I drank more of my beer… I can give you a count of each beer I drank to find the right words… In fact I will..

Snow Cap – 7

Wheat Honey – 8

Ropewalk – 5

Sumer Honey – 6 (I had to go to the store the next day so Mrs Goose would not be mad)

Chili Beer – 1 (I dared others in the Hotel to drink it :D )

Oh I must comment on this ... Oh yeah This is the Goose's Fav :wub:

You sir, restore my faith in humanity. I have brewed my own Apfelwein (a mead and hard apple cider blend) that, while stronger than a true beer (at 12% ASP), was effervescent with distinct apple and clover honey notes, and quite refreshing. I lament that I made only five gallons last Fall, a deficiency I plan to correct in the coming harvest season.

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You sir, restore my faith in humanity. I have brewed my own Apfelwein (a mead and hard apple cider blend) that, while stronger than a true beer (at 12% ASP), was effervescent with distinct apple and clover honey notes, and quite refreshing. I lament that I made only five gallons last Fall, a deficiency I plan to correct in the coming harvest season.

I would give that a try, it sounds like a beer I could drink for sure.

Having glanced at this a few times over the past few days, I haven't seen mention of Southern Tier, Ommegang, or Unibroue, which is a crying shame. All three are quite good.

Those I have never heard of before; not sure they are sold on the West coast.

Damn it, why didn't they review any Aussie beers!


Nah, it's all cool.

I could have had a Fosters :o .... lol

That unfortunitally is one of the only Aussie beers (if you want to call it that) advertised in the US, shame I know but unless I fly to Aussie land, someone wants to pay the shipping, or can recommend a good aussie brew that is here in the US, I am stuck not drinking aussie beers :(

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I would give that a try, it sounds like a beer I could drink for sure.

Those I have never heard of before; not sure they are sold on the West coast.

I could have had a Fosters :o .... lol

That unfortunitally is one of the only Aussie beers (if you want to call it that) advertised in the US, shame I know but unless I fly to Aussie land, someone wants to pay the shipping, or can recommend a good aussie brew that is here in the US, I am stuck not drinking aussie beers :(

Apparently Seppoland gets some variants of Coopers Ale. That's not too bad; also try James Boag's Premium Lager if you can find it. I think there's some kind of heinous Australian themed (but not Australian themed) restaurant that sells them.


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Apparently Seppoland gets some variants of Coopers Ale. That's not too bad; also try James Boag's Premium Lager if you can find it. I think there's some kind of heinous Australian themed (but not Australian themed) restaurant that sells them.


[OOC]Outback does, It was quite tasty IIRC.[OOC]

This thread is making me thirsty.

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Apparently Seppoland gets some variants of Coopers Ale. That's not too bad; also try James Boag's Premium Lager if you can find it. I think there's some kind of heinous Australian themed (but not Australian themed) restaurant that sells them.


The Goose will have to take flight to see what Aussie brews can be drunken down....

[OOC]I had to put in the Fosters Jab In know how Aussies hate it, I went to school with an Aussie Sheila, who went on about how Americans think they are drinking Aussie beer but they are really drinking the stuff that Aussies wont drink[OOC]

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This seems like as good a place to post this..

My beer presentation in compliance with Article 10 should be submitted by the end of the weekend.

And I assure you that it will be on the up and up, and be entertaining to say the least.

Stay tuned.. :awesome:

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This seems like as good a place to post this..

My beer presentation in compliance with Article 10 should be submitted by the end of the weekend.

And I assure you that it will be on the up and up, and be entertaining to say the least.

Stay tuned.. :awesome:

Ohhh..cryptic :ph34r:

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The Goose will have to take flight to see what Aussie brews can be drunken down....

[OOC]I had to put in the Fosters Jab In know how Aussies hate it, I went to school with an Aussie Sheila, who went on about how Americans think they are drinking Aussie beer but they are really drinking the stuff that Aussies wont drink[OOC]

There is a way you can get Cooper's here outside of Outback Steakhouse. Some assembly required...


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Now there you go thanks...

Always happy to help a fellow beerhound :) from what I hear homebrew is really the way to go if you have the time and space for it.

meeh... europeans say american brew is a foul substance that tastes like some bodily fluid that is expelled a few times a day. even though i haven't tried it yet, i'm going to stick to the idea that most my european bros say and assume they are right. have a good day :P

As someone who drinks beer from both sides of the Atlantic, I can wholeheartedly say it is you that is missing out with your beer xenophobia. I admit our macro brews are utter crap, but we have some damned good brews here now, good enough to win the hearts of Germans.

Edited by Neo Anglia
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As someone who drinks beer from both sides of the Atlantic, I can wholeheartedly say it is you that is missing out with your beer xenophobia. I admit our macro brews are utter crap, but we have some damned good brews here now, good enough to win the hearts of Germans.

While I will agree that the better beer seems to come from the European side of the pond, there are some very good American brews to be had.

If you're judging American beer based on Budweiser and/or Coors, then you're truly missing out.

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meeh... europeans say american brew is a foul substance that tastes like some bodily fluid that is expelled a few times a day. even though i haven't tried it yet, i'm going to stick to the idea that most my european bros say and assume they are right. have a good day :P

Fin got this... What was or is close to the mass advertised and heard about beers like Bud or Coors alike, are utter crap beer.. they are not for enjoying they are for cheep drinking to get a buzz, for the under aged delinquents who cant afford a good quality beer.

There is the old saying "dont knock it 'till you try it", But caution what you get if its one like the above mentioned your will have a very poor opinion of American beers.

Do not Judge my beer unless you have wrapped your lips around its cold embrace and suckled on its nectar, then and only then, as you fall within its intoxicating embrace, will you see the truth behind my Beer.

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Always happy to help a fellow beerhound :) from what I hear homebrew is really the way to go if you have the time and space for it.

As someone who drinks beer from both sides of the Atlantic, I can wholeheartedly say it is you that is missing out with your beer xenophobia. I admit our macro brews are utter crap, but we have some damned good brews here now, good enough to win the hearts of Germans.

home brew is in fact the way to go! I can make anything sold on the market for cheeeeeap! I have a 5 gallon keg of blue moon and the total bill for materials was 27$ :)

its also nice to try to make your own stuff! Ideal old guy hobby. you can spend as much or as little time on it as you want, and unless you reeeeeealy mess up, you get beer :)

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meeh... europeans say american brew is a foul substance that tastes like some bodily fluid that is expelled a few times a day. even though i haven't tried it yet, i'm going to stick to the idea that most my european bros say and assume they are right. have a good day :P

Drinking only Budweisercoorsmiller and deciding that Americans are bad at beer is like watching only Benny Hill and deciding that Brits are bad at comedy.

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