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The Republic of Free Somal requests


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Bids on the following:

A- 1 team of experts to provide training in the following areas:

1) Special Operations

2) Sniper/Scout

3) Intelligence gathering

4) Dive Training

5) Parachuting

6) Unarmed Combat

Please provide an estimate for the services.

B- Industrial Equipment for the fabrication of various light infantry weapons.

C- 16 MD-500 Helicopters militarized and equipped with side mounted 2.75 rockets and 7.62 miniguns. These aircraft should be properly prepared for operating in a maritime environment as well and should be properly configured to deal with salt water.

D- Industrial Equipment for the fabrication of Armored Cars.

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The Kingdom of Cochin quotes for all four orders

A - The Training Command detachment and Infantry Regiment currently stationed in Bosaso are well suited to provide this training. Cochin shall also bring in a team from Royal Cochin Special Forces to impart advanced training.

B - Cochin State Armory which already has an office in Bosaso is willing to share the technology and to set up the necessary industries for fabrication of light infantry weapons

C - Though Cochin does not manufacture MD500, GAL Light Aircrafts Division being set up in Bosaso is about to manufacture Bell 212 Light helicopters. They are already being used for maritime applications in our Marine Divisions.

D - Mahindra is the principal contractor for providing light armored vehicles for Cochin's defense forces. They already have an assembly plant in Bosaso and are willing to set up the necessary equipments for the Republic of Free Somal.

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Canada can easily provide all services mentioned in A, our infantry and officers being among the best in the world.

Regarding the price, it will be no more expensive than what it costs your country to train a soldier (per person, obviously). Especially our SpecOps are the creme de la creme (OOC: Forgive the silly french) and capable of doing much more than those of other nations.

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Canada can easily provide all services mentioned in A, our infantry and officers being among the best in the world.

Regarding the price, it will be no more expensive than what it costs your country to train a soldier (per person, obviously). Especially our SpecOps are the creme de la creme (OOC: Forgive the silly french) and capable of doing much more than those of other nations.

Just beacause we aren't as technologically advanced as you does not mean we have no tricks you've not seen.

Our nation has stability precisely because of our effective intelligence-gathering systems. We can enter a bid on that part of A, as well as the unarmed combat. Our personel would be willing to train you to use small, melee weapons as well, as they can come in quite handy at times.

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The contracts will be distributed as follows:

1) Kingdom of Cochin will receive the contract to provide training. With this we are also requesting additional training services in heavy weapons and fire support tactics.

Additional requests for the following:

Heavy Mortars

Heavy Machine Guns


Along with this we'll be needing the industrial technology to produce the ammuntion and replacements for this equipment. We will be willing to produce them under license.

2) Tenmu Industries will receive the contract for B/D industrial equipment.

3) AAW will receive the contract for the 16 requested MD-500 Defender aircraft plus weapons. Pilots an copilots will be transported to the location of your choice for a familiarization session with these aircraft.

- Likewise we'd also like to purchase 24 Gunship packs (2.75 inch rocket pods and 7.62 minigun pods for our UH-1 helicopter fleet)

Funds are being transmitted.

To Subtle:

While this is not part of the original proposal we'd like to hire your trainers for our Directorate of Intelligence Operatives.

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The contracts will be distributed as follows:

1) Kingdom of Cochin will receive the contract to provide training. With this we are also requesting additional training services in heavy weapons and fire support tactics.

Additional requests for the following:

Heavy Mortars

Heavy Machine Guns


Along with this we'll be needing the industrial technology to produce the ammuntion and replacements for this equipment. We will be willing to produce them under license.

We thank the Republic of Free Somal for this order. The 120 MM heavy mortars , 50 mm HMGs and 155MM towed artillery are part of TOE for our Infantry Regiment. If satisfied necessary machinery for manufacturing these weapons shall be shipped to Somal.

A Platoon from 23 Special Forces Regiment has been tasked to provide on job commando training for your troops.

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The Dranaggan BZ-RK could be persuaded to supply Somal with their (A) 1,2,& 6 Needs.

Depending on the number of personnel to be trained the colosseum might even be allowed for their training use should Somal approve.

They are not technologically advanced, but they are highly skilled in the numerous ways to end lives.

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To Subtle:

While this is not part of the original proposal we'd like to hire your trainers for our Directorate of Intelligence Operatives.

***Private response***

Of course. Twenty individuals, men and women both, will be there as soon as payment of the equivalent of 500,000 pounds sterling is confirmed. In addition, each operative will be given room and board, and payed ten pounds per hour, plus five more pounds per hour for each person under their direct training.

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Private to Subtle:

Confirmed and payment has been sent.


About five hours after confirmation of the receipt of payment, Mad Dog would find 20 assorted individuals outside the building housing his office. The leader, a suprisingly small and almost unnoticeable man, would come in to present the credentials and proof of identity.

OOC: If you would like to continue that, where would you like to do it?

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To Temnu Industries:

Our thanks for your weapons. We will examine them with great care. At first glace they seem sturdy and well made.

To Subtle(private):

The men are quickly shown to the offices of the Directorate of Intelligence and rapidly put to work.

OOC: err.. not sure to be honest. If you want you can post training updates on my nation announcement thread.

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